Depopulation is the goal

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      Every woke or radical left wing tenant leads to 1 thing.  Less people on the planet.

      This is not just because the elite believe more people is not sustainable, they hate you.

      I have seen many an article referencing this and this has followed the usual radical left news cycle.

      – no that’s crazy that will never happen

      – no we are not doing that that right now

      – well I mean if it happened would it be so bad?

      – yes we are doing that and it’s good for you!


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.

      Notice they only like it in white countries. It’s not about depopulation, it’s about replacing people they don’t like.

      Less people would be a good thing, because there would be more resources per person. Housing, food, space, etc. If there was only 1/4 the population, no one would have trouble having a roof over their head, right? With our existant infrastructure, there would be more than enough for everyone.

      However, happy men can’t be ruled. People can only be ruled, if they live in fear or need.

      The surest way to keep people living in fear is to have them love too close to other humans. The surest way to keep people living in need is to have more people.

      Recently some UN nutcase said the planet can sustain 20 billion people or more. Trust me, they don’t want to depopulate. Why reduce their supply of slave labor? On the contrary, they are going to fill every square foot they can with people. But not whites (and when they run out of those they’ll go after Indians, Asians and whoever else is competent).

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

        “Notice they only like it in white countries”

        It’s not just in white countries at all.  That’s where it started yes but all the tools they use for this are being exported to many other places.  For example, look at the hard push for gay/trans via the USA in the middle-east and Africa.

        “Less people would be a good thing, because there would be more resources per person. Housing, food, space, etc. If there was only 1/4 the population, no one would have trouble having a roof over their head, right? ”

        I am not sure if that is sarcasm or not and I do not mean that negatively.  If it is sarcasm I get it for sure.  If you really meant that I totally disagree.  Less people by no means (nor has it ever in all of history) meant more for all.  While there are negatives to a burgeoning population there are also many advantages namely specialization which leads to scientific evolution.  We can look at where we are now and say well if we grow by x% certain resources or systems will fail or be insufficient but that makes the assumption that technical evolution stops and never advances.    We have had many jumps in invention/technology where if we had not had them we would not be able to sustain what we have now.

        “However, happy men can’t be ruled. People can only be ruled, if they live in fear or need.”

        Agree 100%

        “The surest way to keep people living in need is to have more people.”


        “Recently some UN nutcase said the planet can sustain 20 billion people or more. Trust me, they don’t want to depopulate. Why reduce their supply of slave labor?”

        Well I have no idea if that number is correct or not I think it could be possible but only with much technical innovation.   But I disagree with your assertion they want an increase and not a decrease.   Why do I say that?  Because there is not a move the radical left or the WEF types have made that do not lead to depopulation.  NONE of it leads to more people, EVERYTHING that rolls out of their faces leads to less people.

        You seem to be coming to that conclusion because you are trying to make some logical sense of their motivation.  Why would you assume their motivation is based on logic or that they are being sincere or genuine in anyway?  They are anything but.  These are evil self serving people whom will do what they please with humans en masse because they think they are superior and that they deserve all the power, control and resources.



        I heard Elon Musk state that not enough people is the problem.  I don’t remember if there was a specific context.  From my point of view I think not enough people is the problem in that we are not innovating fast enough or growing scientifically(not necessarily technologically).  I also think it’s the cause of our economic issues.  We’ve simply run out of “market space” to grow.  This is a huge problem.  Unfortunately too many think that we’re parasites here on earth, I do not believe that we are.  I believe we were meant to not only conquer earth but the surrounding solar system and beyond as well.  That’s ultimately how we save ourselves from ourselves and from outside threats such as extinction level events.


          “I heard Elon Musk state that not enough people is the problem.”

          Elon did indeed say that and did specifically reference high population with increased discovery and innovation. Personally I agree with that and it makes sense to me.

          “I also think it’s the cause of our economic issues”

          Our economic issues are almost entirely the fault of the political class.  One must understand that we are not failing economically due to their missteps but their success as this is what they want so they can subjugate almost everyone over time.

          “We’ve simply run out of “market space” to grow”

          I disagree with this.  Sure, some markets get saturated over time but new ones are built and rebuilt all the time.

          “Unfortunately too many think that we’re parasites here on earth, I do not believe that we are. ”

          I agree 1000% percent. That entire idea that humans are a parasite on the planet is one of the reasons I made this thread.  This is a WEF idea used to help depopulate the world.  And it has gotten so engrained and so biased that many would consider killing people to help the planet as acceptable but would breakdown if you kill an animal to eat it.

          God granted people dominion over the Earth and all the plants and animals.  We are supposed to be here, each and every one of us. This does not give us license to mistreat the gifts of the Earth and planets and animals, we are to use them but do so wisely and appropriately.



          “I disagree with this.  Sure, some markets get saturated over time but new ones are built and rebuilt all the time.”

          I think some markets are built and or rebuilt, but I think according to the visage of people who are bent on controlling it which makes it much less profitable.  On the other hand for all of us to be successful (the whole earth).  Other countries need to be allowed to succeed in their own growth economically and that is being disallowed by banks and ESG regulation.

          “Our economic issues are almost entirely the fault of the political class.  One must understand that we are not failing economically due to their missteps but their success as this is what they want so they can subjugate almost everyone over time.”

          Yeah agree here… too much regulation by idiots without a clue.


          What is one method to depopulate a nation/culture?

          Let’s cut-off/mutilate the sexual/reproductive organs of individuals (aka the trans…)

          I also heard the “point” that with less people, there would be less famine.

          But I also heard that (at least ten years ago), that there was enough food being produced to easily feed everyone in the world using the renovations/technology they had.  The problem was that with logistics/cost of moving the food from where it can easily be made to were the people are that need it the most.

          We see stores and videos of places where they are throwing out good food (fruits and vegetables) because of slight imperfections.

          That could easily be sent to food banks to help the needy/hungry.

          How many grocery stores have policies where they have to throw near expired/expired foods instead of doing the same (donating to the needy)?

          How many restaurants also does the same with unused food?

          How much food is wasted/thrown out at home from meals you and your family have eaten/prepared?

          … and it’s just a matter of allocating resources properly. Overpopulation is a myth because the world is not overpopulated, cities are overpopulated, and advanced societies are not well-balanced for long-term growth.

          Correct.  Resource management.

          From raw materials, to energy, to people, to food.

          So to say the “solution” is less people is NOT looking at all the issues.  That is the easy way.  Kill more people (wars, homicides, abortions) while making BILLIONS for just a few is NOT looking to the future – a peace future, for our world, for all its citizens.



          That is one question i’m trying to figure out myself. Are the ruling class rational in the pursuit of their goals. I think yes. I think they are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and their ultimate goal is the enslavement of all humanity. To that end, population reduction is useless.

          Personally, I find the idea of a planet with 20 billion humans to be a nightmare scenario. While I wouldn’t call humans parasites, I don’t think we’ve evolved to the point where we can handle stewartship of the planet. We’re a bunch of dumb, violent monkeys with nukes. The less, the better.


          The people who claim that we’re destroying the planet are the same people who are flying around in private jets and have a higher carbon footprint than everyone in this thread combined.



            “That is one question i’m trying to figure out myself. Are the ruling class rational in the pursuit of their goals. I think yes. I think they are a lot smarter than we give them credit for,”

            No one is accusing them of being irrational or unintelligent.  The assertion is that they are evil.  Obviously to this point they have done a great job at enforcing their will and social engineering much of the west for decades.  With that said, how is that working out?  Are people better off now or is the world in near chaos as we sit near the brink of nuclear war?

            “Personally, I find the idea of a planet with 20 billion humans to be a nightmare scenario.”

            I am sure 100 years ago people then would have said the same about our current population levels.

            “To that end, population reduction is useless.”

            They plan on enslaving the world and governing from 1 large international governmental body.  But they want less people not more.  I assume it is because they think they can have more and live better/longer in that case because that is their only motivation. There is no evidence they are pushing for more population but there are decades of evidence pointing to depopulation.


            That’s because they are only using that entire thought process as a vehicle for control.  They don’t really believe it.  The entire carbon thing is a scam to make money and tax/control the population.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.

            Iv’e already stated on here before that I am all for less population/less people. I think if the population were cut in half (yes, I know the Thanos reference that brings) then that is better for humanity and the earth as a whole. I think there IS overpopulation. The earth was not meant to maintain this kind of resource hog. I think there is far too many people, and imo that is just more problems.

            But, I am not for it with Leftist Woke agenda’s. Because that is just about control. Not the betterment of mankind.



              If I recall correctly you and I are similar ages.  I am just shooting from the hip here and I fully understand I could be wrong but I tend to think you believe that because of the leftist propaganda that started way back in the 80’s on that topic.  While today the left/WEF (same thing) are very open and in your face about their goals, decades ago they still had the same goals but were less open about it and such ideas seeped into the mainstream slowly like a poison from media and fringe politicians.  In fact many of the ideas people hold today (in my opinion) are due to that very seepage of agenda.

              Now that aside I will say this.  Am I for less people?  No.  Am I for more people?  No.  I am for whatever it is folks want to do because it is their freedom to do so.  To introduce the idea of reducing population is to introduce tyranny and social engineering.  The population of the west is already falling drastically due to social engineering by the WEF types that started decades ago.

              I hear smart people like yourself claim we have too many people and we cannot sustain it and more people is worse.  What’s the evidence of that?  The problems you see in today’s world that I am aware of are not directly due to too many people.  They tend to be directly due to too many corrupt politicians either intentionally or unintentionally mismanaging resources, programs and systems.  This can also be said of some of the large corporations as well.  Now if you are saying we should have less people because we can not possibly manage our resources any better, well that might be worth some discussion.

              Let’s take plastic pollution for example.  The thing I believe IS a real environmental emergency. Would less people solve that problem?  Surely, it would help as it would reduce that waste however it does not at all solve the problem.  The problem is not from overpopulation directly it is from mismanagement on a number of levels.

              I find it interesting that you clearly make your dislike of the left/WEF known.  But at the end of the day you support what I consider their highest priority goal.  In essence while you might disagree with their methods you agree with the end result.

              But here is the thing.  The way modern society works and functions now is not at all the way it would function with half the numbers of people. There would not be half the people and our same level of modern comfort and technology advancement.  That would radically be different and would drastically slow down.  I am actually not saying that those are inherently bad things just pointing out that half the people does not look like today with just less people.


              “What is history but the story of how politicians squandered the blood and treasure of the human race” — Thomas Sowell

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.

              @ Viknid “I hear smart people like yourself claim we have too many people and we cannot sustain it and more people is worse. What’s the evidence of that?”

              Well let’s have a look at how many plant and animal species were eradicated in the last 5 decades. Look at the endless pollution in our oceans. Giant landfills the size of a city in India or Africa. 80% loss of insect biomass in western Europe in the past 30 years alone due to pesticide useage. I know the US still has some untouched nature, but go to countries like the UK, Germany, Belgium, NL, and in some of them there’s not one pristine forest left. NL and Belgium don’t have one natural forest left. Germany dried out 99% of its natural moors / wetlands with the exception of those on their military training areals. The UK as well.

              Look at the destruction of the rainforest to build more and more plantations. Then you’ve got China and other countries generating electricity with Oil power plants. We don’t have the space or the technology to feed this many people without destroying the ecosystems of our planet.

              And for what? What benefit is there to having 8 billion or 20 billion people as opposed to maybe 3 or 4? We would all have enough. Enough land, enough resources, and most importantly, we would have a healthy planet to leave for future generations. We don’t need to turn the Earth into a Borg cube, but that’s what they’re doing.


                “Well let’s have a look at how many plant and animal species were eradicated in the last 5 decades. Look at the endless pollution in our oceans. Giant landfills the size of a city in India or Africa. 80% loss of insect biomass in western Europe in the past 30 years alone due to pesticide useage”

                First off there have been a countless number of extinction events.  So claiming extinction itself as an issue is pointless.  Can we attribute some of that to humans?  I am sure.  We are part of the system therefore we affect the system however we do not steer the system.

                The rest of it is not due directly to the number of people.  There might be less of it if there were less people but you would be left with those issues regardless.  Those issues are due to poor decisions, lack of understanding or sheer indifference.  Those problems would exist so long as there were humans regardless of the number of them.

                A good portion of Archeology is digging through the rubbish of people whom were here thousands of years ago.  Modern man did not invent the landfill we just started to add to it things we developed that did not play nice with the environment.    This is not due to the fact there are too many people but there are people at all.  We just need to do better, care more and further technology.

                Everyone peers into the future based on what we know now.  The reason that does not work well is because we do know now what we will know then.


                Archeology doesn’t dig through landfills, but the remains of cities. They find remnants of pottery or stone walls. Not endless mountains of chemicals. It’s not the same thing.

                ” We just need to do better, care more and further technology.”

                And until then, we need to stop breeding like rats. First step should be: No more welfare queens. If you have have kids while on welfare or go on welfare when you already have kids, you don’t get paid until you’re sterilized. No more parasites living and breeding off the backs of others.
                You want kids? You gotta be able to feed em yourself.

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