8 March Principles

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    For what it’s worth, I’m not sure where the name for this pamphlet came from, since it has many more than just 8 principles. I’d assume it has something to do with the date, March 8th.

    Another thread is about one aspect of these principles, but maybe a broader look at them would be good, too.

    A copy of the pamphlet can be found here.

    Here are a few excerpts about certain principles.


    No one may be held criminally liable on the basis that their conduct is alleged to be
    harmful to their own pregnancy, such as alcohol or drug consumption or contracting
    HIV or transmitting it to the foetus while pregnant, or for their own pregnancy loss.
    Where the person’s conduct might also constitute an independent criminal offence,
    unrelated to their pregnancy, there must be no additional criminal consequences
    arising from any alleged harm to their pregnancy

    This is simply the logical outcome of the pro-abortion arguments–if the not-yet-born child is something non-human, then doing anything to harm it cannot be wrong. To show a contrast, take a look at this, about sea turtle eggs and hatchlings. Emphasis mine.

    Sea turtles are given legal protection in the United States and its waters under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which lists the hawksbill, leatherback, Kemp’s ridley and green turtle as endangered; the loggerhead is listed as threatened. This designation makes it illegal to harm, harass or kill any sea turtles, hatchlings or their eggs. It is also illegal to import, sell, or transport turtles or their products. In the United States, the National Marine Fisheries Service has jurisdiction over sea turtles in the water, while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for them on land. Other countries have their own conservation laws and regulations that apply to sea turtles.

    Very twisted priorities.


    Criminal law may not proscribe abortion. Abortion must be taken entirely out of the
    purview of the criminal law, including for having, aiding, assisting with, or providing
    an abortion, or abortion-related medication or services, or providing evidencebased abortion-related information.

    No other criminal offence, such as murder, manslaughter or any other form of
    unlawful homicide, may proscribe or be applied to having, aiding, assisting with, or
    providing an abortion, or abortion-related medication or services, or providing
    evidence-based abortion-related information.

    So, abortion is to have a free rein, or reign, through all cultures. No laws of any kind against it. Nothing about it can be considered criminal. Am I overstating the case?


    Criminal law may not proscribe:
    a) drug use or the possession, purchase or cultivation of drugs for personal use,
    including by anyone under the age of 18 or while pregnant;
    b) possession or distribution of equipment, goods and information relating to
    personal drug use or regarding health services for people who use drugs;
    c) activities or services carried out as part of quality-assured, scientifically-sound and
    medically appropriate efforts to prevent or reduce the harms associated with drug
    use, including the distribution of safer drug use kits, sterile needles and
    syringes, naloxone, and the provision and supervision of safe consumption sites; or
    d) seeking, receiving or imparting information about health services for people
    who use drugs, including about equipment, goods, facilities or information
    intended to prevent or reduce the harms associated with drug use.

    The thing to note is the all-encompassing language. Drug use is not to be outlawed, not even for minors, and it repeats the statement that even taking drugs while pregnant is not to be seen as criminal. Without any qualifying language, the impression is that all drugs are to be considered legal, that people may use any drugs they wish, and none of them are to be considered illegal to have or use or grow or produce.

    I think it was Huxley’s “Brave New World” that told of a futuristic dystopia where people were kept content through the universal use of a drug.

    The impression I get is that these people want to do little more than remove all restraints, including moral restraints, and make the world in a free-for-all of sex and drugs, and to remove anything they might consider to be bad consequences.

    So, that’s a look at three principles. There’s a lot more in this pamphlet.


      The very first sentence tells you EVERYTHING you need to know where this is going.  This very sentence establishes that this mans principles are based on identity and that he wants to use the law to “protect” certain groups.

      “From long years in the law, and as a proudly gay man, I know profoundly how
      criminal law signals which groups are deemed worthy of protection”


      It must be understood at this point that while many of these movements started out looking for equality, they were successful enough in that goal to attract people willing to hijack them for power.  So in the name of equality they are seeking preferred treatment.  And why would they not?  It’s working pretty damn well.  When people can gather power, influence and money because they “find” racism, sexism, etc, then they will find it everywhere because it behooves them to so.


      I scanned through the principles and I find them to be very reminiscent of the 45 goals for communism from 1963.




      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.
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