This is why Republicans will always lose

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    “A recently elected GOP District Chair in Georgia, would like to know why Big Globe won’t stop shoving round-Earth propaganda down our throats.

    In an interview with David Weiss (AKA “Flat Earth Dave”) and Matt Long on her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” podcast, Taylor and her guests discussed biblical “evidence” that the Earth is actually flat as a pancake. “The people that defend the globe don’t know anything about the globe,” said Weiss. “If they knew a tenth of what Matt and I know about the globe they would be Flat Earthers.”

    Sometimes I wonder if these people are plants / saboteurs by the left. But then I realize they actually win primaries and even elections. The Dems may be the party of crazy and evil, but the GOP is without a doubt the party of stupid.

    Yay America and the 2 party system.

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