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I was thinking about this today in a macro way. Clearly many things have gone wrong or had negative unintended consequences through the decades post WW2. But I think there are a few watershed moments that stand out fairly dramatically.
Now overall I think tearing away the tethers from our society to God is what lead to everything I am about to list. This is not to infer that for our society to function everyone must believe and worship God or even the same God. What I am saying is, collectively in order to properly function we have to have common values and morals and goals. Since God was and is being removed from every nook and cranny of our society we are no longer bound by a common set of values since functionally morality has become collectively completely subjective.
Here is the list, I am certain other things could be added but I think these are the most impactful as far as how society was affected downstream of these decisions/policies. In fact many other policies and movements were launched due to the existence of these things.
– contraception
(sexual activity and reproduction were uncoupled from one another)
– abortion
(again, sexual activity and giving birth are further separated and there are no longer those consequences for sexual activity and life is devalued completely)
– no fault divorce
(marriage, it’s lifelong condition and intended long term goals are wiped away entirely)
– welfare
(while a safety net is great, this has evolved to the point of essentially financing single motherhood and allowing the state to take the role of the provider)
Now if you look at that list and ponder on it a bit there are few items these things have in common:
– these are all leftist ideals that they will fight to the death for at this time
– these all attack the nuclear family directly
– these detach the binds of need between men and women and nullify the required reciprocity in a marriage
– all of these are considered things that “empower” women
In summary , I am not asserting these things were originally intended to wreck society but the end result is that they indeed have. As one thing lead to another we fell further and further down the “slippery slope”. Another interesting fact is that most, if not all of these things, are contrary to Biblical teachings. My point being, each of these things are considered wrong in the Bible. And I do believe there was good logical reasoning for them to be wrong in the first place. Many people consider writings 2,000 years old to be outdated, useless and often stupid. Whether you believe the Bible was truly inspired by God or just written by some very wise people, it clearly understood things about society that today we seem to no longer have a grasp of.
– contraception
(sexual activity and reproduction were uncoupled from one another)
– abortion
(again, sexual activity and giving birth are further separated and there are no longer those consequences for sexual activity and life is devalued completely)
– no fault divorce
(marriage, it’s lifelong condition and intended long term goals are wiped away entirely)
– welfare
(while a safety net is great, this has evolved to the point of essentially financing single motherhood and allowing the state to take the role of the provider)
Agree or disagree with sex before marriege, contraception has nothing to do with destroying the nuclear family, yes it allows people to fool around without concequence, but it’s just as useful to married couples, because yes married couples also want to enjoy sex without making a baby every single time, this doesn’t mean their family is destroyed, it can infact help their family, because before contraceptives, my great-grandma had 16 kids, had barely any time to mother them cuz she always had a baby who needed all the attention, add to that this was during and post WW2 so there was also the problem of having to feed them all, obviously the full story is a little more complicated than this, but the point is, sometimes having baby after baby isn’t the best way to creat a well functioning nuclear family, look i love all my grand-aunties and grand-uncles and my sweet great-grandma, but i know the family was far from well functioning, still is in current day to be honest
This… my personal opinion, it should only be used if there is danger to the mother or child
Marriege is for ever, a lifelong commitment… so if someone marries an abusive asshole they have to stay by their partners side forever… yeah no, this is insane
Yeah the system sucks
– Contraception plays a part in the destruction of the nuclear family directly and indirectly. This one change took away the common consequences of sexual intercourse therefore allowing people to engage in said behavior at will. The downstream effects like the “the sexual revolution” harmed society and the family unit as it essentially took away one of the benefits of marriage thereby devaluing it.
– Divorce, I did not list “Divorce”, I listed “no fault divorce”. 2 different things
– Welfare, yes I agree. I think the initial ideas behind it had good intentions but it was used to essentially enslave. destroy and control people
I wanted to add I could have added feminism to this list. But I do not think feminism was inherently bad as it was initiated. I think , like other things on the list, it started with good intentions and operated that way for some time. But ultimately if it were not for these other things it would not have turned into what it now is. Although, I guess one could also make an argument that those other things would not be possible without feminism.
But I want to make it clear this list is not about things done with ill intent. It’s simply that the consequences ended up being very negative. So I am not judging these policies or changes based on if I agree with them. I am judging them but their outcomes decades later.
– Divorce, I did not list “Divorce”, I listed “no fault divorce”. 2 different things
And what would no fault divorce be?
And what would no fault divorce be?
Divorcing with no cause needed. It’s like “I’m bored in the bedroom, let’s end our marriage. The kids will understand.” That kind of divorce. It’s pretty much the end of marriage as an institution. If you honestly think it through, the destruction of the family is the only possible final outcome of it. We’re at the point where we can’t pretend it won’t happen. The promises were on the other end. We’re at results now.
The most useful theory for understanding society is the theory “The Purpose of a System is What It Does.” Look at the results of any system, and you know what it does and thus what its purpose is. A system does not care about intentions, or pie-in-the-sky ideals, or what people pretend the purpose was. The purpose of a woodchipper cannot be to build a TV. It creates chips of whatever you put in. That is its purpose, even if you intend for it to turn the trees into electronic goods. Stuff goes in. Chips of stuff comes out. That’s the purpose of it.
The purpose of the current system of marriage law is to make childhood unstable, families small, divorce common, and people atomized in the extreme. It doesn’t matter what people intend for it to do, or what they want it to do. The Purpose is whatever it does.
The whole “no fault divorce” thing I believe is a description of how the legal system treats and processes divorce. If I understand it correctly it used to be that a couple would have to essentially petition the local legal system and explain and prove to some degree that there were reasons a marriage failed and could not be continued. This was done I think to protect the institution of marriage and the children involved. But when no fault divorce came in you still petition the court but they just sign off on it no matter what more or less and the court’s only function at that point is to work to legally dissolve the marriage financially and split up custody.
Good post. I agree with almost all of that 1000%. However I disagree with the “purpose of a system” definition. It’s not at all the purpose or even the intent that matters (something you elude to) but the outcome (again something you mentioned). In other words people can design a woodchipper to chip wood. And that is it’s sole purpose. But I can drop blocks of ice in it and it functions as a pseudo ice chipper. Now that was not at all it’s intent or purpose but that is just what happens when you apply it in that situation. The same is with divorce obviously. The system we have was created for whatever reason but the outcome is what we see today where essentially marriage no longer exists outside of the Church. There is zero point in arguing over it’s intent or purpose or whom it favors or what’s supposed to happen. The outcome is the outcome.
We can expand that thought process to most of the current issues of society obviously. For me that leads me to root of the problem. God and his morality was removed from a country that was founded upon it. Again, this is not to say everyone has to be a Christian. This is to say that enough people have to believe in that value system so that there is a moral cohesion in society. But “the system” has ripped God out of everything to the point of now attacking Christianity openly. This has been a decades long process. How’s that system working out for society?
As someone who does NOT want children, imo contraception should be promoted. The human race needs to depopulate. Flat out.
God made sex pleasurable for people for a reason. It’s something a couple can share together, and also relieve stress. Contraception simply allows couples to enjoy it with out any risk, I see zero wrong with that, and it’s not destroying anything. It’s helping. Imagine the amount of welfare babies we would have without any contraception……
God didn’t intend for people to have kids every time they had sex.
“God didn’t intend for people to have kids every time they had sex.”
I am sure he didn’t which is why that is not possible nor does it happen that way. But lets be honest, the freedom of sexual consequences you are referring to is not about sex within the confines of marriage as God prescribed. You are talking about sex outside of marriage which is not what God permits. Plus it’s not as if a couple cannot with a great degree of certainty figure out when they should refrain as to not get pregnant. And I find it a post modern narrative to validate an act just because it is a human desire that feels good to satisfy. The left uses that to basically validate everything up to and including pedophilia.
“Contraception simply allows couples to enjoy it with out any risk”
This is simply just not true and is a leftist trope as I see it. Yes it mostly removes the possibility of pregnancy but it does not remove the risk for anything else related to sex (physical and mental). And again, pregnancy can usually be avoided if you just refrain at certain times anyway. Now while different forms of contraception have different risks, most people when you say contraception are thinking about the birth control pill. In that case you remove risk of pregnancy yes but you add risk to a woman’s body by taking synthetic hormones.
” Imagine the amount of welfare babies we would have without any contraception”
I am sure Margaret Sanger smiled when she read that as such a thought is part of eugenics.
“The human race needs to depopulate”
That is fine and dandy to think but you (nor I) get to make that decision for the rest of the world. And as I have mentioned in other threads I am quite convinced our human problems are not due to overpopulation but mismanagement that is blamed on overpopulation.
In the end we can take these things I mentioned and talk about each one for or against. But they do not exist in a vacuum. One lead to another and then to another and so on. If we look at the effect these changes to society have had over decades I am not at all sure how someone can think they were good.
The purpose of the current system of marriage law is to make childhood unstable
Sorry, but serious question, are you high or something?
It’s not the system that makes childhoods stable or unstable, it’s the PARENTS!!
If a child has good and loving parents, regardless of what sytem is in place, the child will have a relitively stable childhood, but if a child has dicks for parents, guess what? It doesn’t matter if the parents split up or are forced to be together, the child will have an unstable AF childhood
Plus it’s not as if a couple cannot with a great degree of certainty figure out when they should refrain as to not get pregnant
Little biology lesson for you, guess when women are the most horny? When their eggs are ready to be fertilized! Mystery solved to why men are generally more horny than women, sperm always ready to fertilize, egg has a cycle, so nice going, women have to refrain when they’ll likely enjoy sex the most
I guarenfuckingtee you this is not how most couples in the past avoided pregnancy
1) A lot didn’t avoid it, why do you think families were much bigger in the past than now
2) If there were 4-5 kids instead of 10-15 kids in a lot of families, it wans’t cuz they were refraining from getting pregnant, it was cuz child survival rates were much lower than they are now
3) Natural forms of contraception existed
4) Fapping eachother was an option
5) And last but not leats, arranged marrieges were a popular thing, so a lot of couples didn’t even like eachother, so not that hard to avoid sex untill you’ve reached desparation
And I find it a post modern narrative to validate an act just because it is a human desire that feels good to satisfy. The left uses that to basically validate everything up to and including pedophilia
Like i’ve said a million times before, there is a big difference between satisfying your desires and satisfying your desires at the cost of others, reason why no matter how much some creeps push this shit the vast majority of people would vomit at the mear thought of validating such a disgusting act
Actually people avoided pregnancy in other ways. Lemon peels were a popular condom replacement at one point (not even joking) because it killed off sperm. Also sheeps bladder and so on.
And if an unwanted pregnancy did occur, there was always the ol coathanger. Yes, people have been aborting unwanted children for centuries.
That being said… I get what vknid is saying. Basically sexual liberation destroyed the family structure for a large part of society.
For much of the population, this is actually true. With women’s sexuality unleashed, their role as mother was basically over. Just look at any playground these days, and you will see disinterested mothers glued to their phones, chatting with their league of beta orbiters sending them money on cashapp for foot pics, while their dumb kid picks up a scorpion or follows its ball into traffic.
Technology is never the villain. Much like a gun doesn’t kill people, condoms and abortion don’t cause the destruction of the family. People do. With each new technological invention, humans must adapt. We can make the right choice or the wrong choice. But these choices are made by us as individuals. They are not to be made by society, because that would shield individuals from the consequences of their own actions, thus removing the meritocratic aspect from human evolution, which in turn leads to genetic degeneration of the species.
Individuals who are unwilling to breed, or who abort their young in favor of a career or leisure time, individuals who destroy their own family with promiscuity and end up in poverty, would in a meritocratic society be filtered out. Much like a Giraffe with too short a neck or a cheetah with bad legs, their survival odds would be low by their own merit, and eventually their bloodlines would die out. This is necessary. A species must adapt to its surroundings. In out case, humans must adapt to technology. Those, in whom technology brings out an inner evil or dysfunction, must die out for the species to survive. Because technology isn’t going away, and time doesnt turn back.
The only way to ensure this cleansing mechanism still happens, is to have a meritocratic society. And that is where the real crux is. We don’t have a meritocracy, we have the inverse, a corrupt system that punishes virtue and rewards corruption, sloth, laziness and stupidity.
@ Digicat: “Mystery solved to why men are generally more horny than women, sperm always ready to fertilize, ” Not entirely true. The main reason was evolution. Females have always been the selector in human evolution. Males competed for the right to breed. In the stone age, only about 6-7 % of males were able to pass on his genes, vs ca 75-80% of females. Males had to be opportunistic to breed. They had to find a female who was both willing (or vulnerable and could be raped, which was common), and with their eggs ready to be fertilized. Imagine a mal who was frequently “not in the mood”? Here he gets his once chance in a lifetime, and he’s got a headache.
We descended from opporunistic breeders, from those who took every chance they got, because any bloodline with a low sex drive likely died out eventually.
The same mechanism examplains why men tend to take more risks, are more often self employed, choose more risk careers (artists, etc), do stupid stunts that get us hurt, and so on.
Our ancestors did what they could to get the attention of females. I.e. jumping off of high branches, keeping their breath long underwater, lifting big weights, fighting each other, etc. Those who didn’t, likely didn’t get attention. But those who took risks too great, likely perished. The ones who bred in the highest number were “moderate” risk takers.
Nowadays this expresses itself in extreme sports, choosing a music career, getting into crypto, investing, or just starting your own business. We take risks to get ahead. Women rarely do.
Since Margaret Sanger and eugenics were mentioned: the problem with eugenics is when someone, or worst of all the state gets to decide who lives or dies.
As outlined in my post above, nature already has a functioning system in place for genetic selection. It’s how life was able to come the myriad of challenges throughout earth’s history. Survival of the fittest.
A human society must adhere to the laws of nature. That means no one should have the right to play god and make a selection or to benefit one and hinder another. Each and every indivual should prosper or fail according to their own merit. It’s only justice if we are the sole authors of our destiny.
“Little biology lesson for you, guess when women are the most horny? When their eggs are ready to be fertilized! Mystery solved to why men are generally more horny than women, sperm always ready to fertilize, egg has a cycle, so nice going, women have to refrain when they’ll likely enjoy sex the most”
Yes I have been married in my life and I am currently solo raising a teenage daughter, I am quite familiar with how it works.
I find it interesting that many younger folks (especially women in my opinion) almost cannot comprehend the very idea of refraining from something you want to do or simply avoiding something you desire. I will assume you don’t have children because if you did you would be every familiar with that concept. That is not me being antagonistic but simply saying your reaction in my mind points out that we are in very different stages of life and thus have drastically different perceptions.
Modern society has conned people into blindly believing that if you desire a pleasure you should indulge in it without thought to long term consequences and you should do that because you deserve it. This started in the 60’s with the “sexual revolution” (something contraception is a part of) and is so engrained now that , just like you did, when you mention refraining from a desire people take it as an insult or an attack and get defensive especially when it relates to something sexual.
People are not animals. Animals cannot control their instincts and urges but people can. One of the reasons humans have been so successful as a species is because of the concept of delayed gratification. People have the intellectual capacity to refrain from short term pleasure intentionally so that they can have long-term success. Obviously common examples of this would be saving money or storing food but this goes for many facets of life, sex being one of them. Society was in part built on that concept and now it is falling apart because of it’s absence.
From a religious perspective sex is a gift from God to be shared between a married couple. And it’s entire purpose is for the creation of life not solely personal pleasure. Not only is it a gift but it is one of the most beautiful and powerful gifts, not because it feels good, but because it creates life. That is something to be respected and cherished and not degraded down to a few drinks one night and something you barely remember the next day.
But even if you pull religion out of it entirely, prior to the pill, almost all of what I said remained true because (as you stated several times) sexual activity leads to pregnancy. People were forced to respect the act and to refrain from it because the end result was possibly a child. Once the pill removed that as a natural consequence respect for sex almost evaporated.
I feel this created a drastic shift in how people thought about sex and viewed the opposite sex and it lead to the other things on my list which as I laid out has all but destroyed sex, marriage, relationships between men and women, and the nuclear family which has rotted away our society. Now with that said lets not at all forget about the eugenics tie in as it related to contraception and the pill. Margaret Sanger was instrumental in getting all of that implanted into society and of course we know she was involved in eugenics. Her most successful foray into getting this to the masses as I understand it was through Planned Parenthood which often are located in neighborhoods where folks are in poverty and very often those are black neighborhoods.
There were sexual issues (primarily poor choices but there was some misinformation as well) before the pill clearly. Post the pill I would say those same problems exist but are FAR worse as the attitudes towards sex have only gotten less concerned with consequences or seeing it as something special. This has had the downstream consequences of directly and indirectly harming marriage and relationships.
The whole problem with sex for the most part was people not wanting to control themselves and making poor long-term decisions based on wanting to satisfy a short-term desire. Decoupling reproduction from sex did not change that at all, in fact it only made it far worse and now to the point where the very of mention refraining from sex caused you to become defensive and essentially accuse me of attacking women.
If the pill was the utopia of sexual freedom for women then there would not be nearly 1 million murdered children via abortions every year in this country. And consider the racial (eugenics) implications. In New York City (in 2018 I believe it was) more black children were murdered through abortion than were born. Nationally in the USA, while black people are about 13% of the population they account for 39% of the abortions in 2020 and Hispanics were 21%.
The entire paradigm American people live in today in regards to sex, relationships, marriage and the family is absolute unfettered chaos which has resulted in the severe degradation of society. All those decades of radical shifts in policy, attitude and values sold as trinkets of freedom, empowerment and self exploration were absolute lies. People believed them because, on a personal level, it meant you could do as you pleased. We stopped thinking to the long-term and focused on the self only and followed the breadcrumbs of pleasure right into a damned jailcell. Now, if you wish to contrast that conclusion of where those things ended up for society with women’s lady parts might not get to tingle as much as possible and consider the latter more important then that is your choice. But I find that a very narrow, selfish and biased view.
Society does not succeed if just women do well. Society does not succeed if just men do well. Society only succeeds if we are successful together.
Please do not take my wall of text as anything aggressive. I am not attempting to force my opinion I simply wanted to explain myself fully and the stuff we are discussing has been in play since before WW2 so there is much ground to cover.
Also here is a great video about how the sexual revolution was not only not good but not good specifically for women and it is explained by a woman. I found it enlightening and informative.
Sorry, but serious question, are you high or something?
The logic here is simple. Every time it is studied, the results show that overall kids from divorced homes end up less healthy, more depressed, more often addicted to substances, less happy, more often suicidal, more frequently victimized by sexual and physical abuse, etc. than their counterparts from intact homes. This is even when controlling for factors outside the marriage itself (e.g. religiosity, socioeconomic factors, etc). The finding is so clear and repeatable that even a leftist society and academia that vastly favors easy divorce finds it.
This is not a moral argument I am making. This is a simple, factual reading of data.
The logic goes:
– Divorce is hard on kids for obvious reasons.
– The results of divorce are kids that are les happy, more at risk, and worse off physically and psychologically.
– Therefore a system that makes divorce more likely makes childhood less stable.
This is at the group level. I am not judging any divorced person as an individual. I am not judging their reasons for the divorce. I am not saying if you are divorced you are to blame if something bad happens to your kid. I am not saying a divorced kid is a lost cause. I am not saying all married couples are great parents. I am just pointing out that 2 + 2 = 4.
@Vknid : I understand the bible says you shouldn’t have sex before marriage. I agree that sex and intimacy is something a committed couple should share, but how would you feel if you waited 2 years of being together until your marriage night to only fid out you are NOT sexually compatible? When you go buy a car do you not test drive it? Yes. you do. God isn’t going to miraculously make you sexually compatible simply because you obeyed his law and waited. You’d end up trapped in a marriage that is not happy sexually, and that WILL cause problems. I was in one like that, I was married once. My wife didn’t like sex and it was ALWAYS painful for her, so I really “got none” and it left me frustrated and empty. No, it’s not why there was divorce, she simply was a lunatic…lol. But, it was something I felt trapped in, and that’s not a nice feeling. As much as it sounds nice to wait, there is that simple reality that needs to be discussed before making a life long commitment.
“That is fine and dandy to think but you (nor I) get to make that decision for the rest of the world. And as I have mentioned in other threads I am quite convinced our human problems are not due to overpopulation but mismanagement that is blamed on overpopulation.
I get to make that decision for me, not the government. I should be able to decide to use contraception if I want. Simply having contraception available and informed of is all I am saying.
Humanity has been corrupt and problematic since the beginning! Adam and Eve. Caine and Abel. Etc, etc. Mismanagement has nothing to do with it, unless you want to point the finger at god. Poverty is one of the main factors in over-population. It’s the only pleasure some people have. Then you have the welfare cases that have more kids in order to get more money. There needs to be incentive to have no kids, or less of them. Tax cuts, etc. The more kids you have, the more you pay. If you don’t have any, then you pay nothing and get a tax break.