The lie that to disagree = hatred

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      The radical leftists in power (and sometimes the radical right and yes there are a few) will tell any lie so long as it fits their narrative.  This is because the motivation for those lies is to gather money and power.

      Right now the radical left runs many things.  One of their most prominent “arguments” is that to disagree with their assertion means that you hate whatever that might be.  Sure, that might be the case for a small percentage of folks but the reality is disagreement does not equal hatred.

      Here are some often used examples.

      – So you don’t like like drag queens reading to your children?  You are a transphobe or a homophobe!  You don’t want LGBT to exist and this is an existential crisis!

      How about you do you, rub whatever you got on whomever you want.  Leave children out of it.

      – What do you mean Target should not have trans gear in the front with kids stuff?  You transphobe!

      How about you do you, rub whatever you got on whomever you want.  Leave children out of it.

      – So what if gay sexually explicit books are in your elementary school library!  What are you a homophobe?

      How about you do you, rub whatever you got on whomever you want.  Leave children out of it.

      Notice the rhyme and reason to both sides of what I state.  When you boil it down,  one side wants to sexualize children.  The other side wants you to not do that.

      But the radical left will make that sexualization argument by comparing to not agreeing with to hatred for their orientation or wanting them not to exist.  And while one would think on paper this silly, in about 5 years we have gone from trans being a mental disorder that needs addressing to an orientation and or a lifestyle.

      But while the radical left is very good at many things.  Their 1 weakness is that they are self serving to the point of overconfidence. They have come for our most valuable things in this world.  Our kids.  One could argue whether this was always the goal or not and this is not something they understand in the least because they all worship at the alter of self.  But while normal people ceded much ground to the left over the  years in the name of “tolerance” we are willing to die for our children.  They did not anticipate that and they do not understand it.  It simply confuses them.


      Children can’t vote.

      Children cant drive.

      Children cant drink alcohol.

      But somehow it’s ok to show them and promote porn in elementary school and mutilate them with “gender affirming care”. Children have become victims to the agenda.

      Logic, Sense, and Reality have all gone out the window. We have lunatics pulling the strings.


        “Logic, Sense, and Reality have all gone out the window. We have lunatics pulling the strings.”

        I think it’s worse then that really.  The people pulling the strings are not insane.  They know empirically what is right and what is wrong and what science says.  They simply do not care because the ends justifies the means for them. It’s pure evil.

        Now the people who blindly support their policies I would agree with you are functionally insane as they are in a cult which is why logic and facts do not matter.


        It’s projection. They hate everyone who disagrees with them.

        That being said, I don’t hate any ethnicity, religious group or sexual minority. Not even pedos (so long as they don’t act on it, and seek to fix it).
        But leftists have gone too far. They are a danger to humanity, and it’s not something you’re born into like your skin color, but an actual choice that goes against nature itself, not to mention the vast majority of them want to have sex with kids.
        I fucking hate leftists to the point where I would round em up and throw them in a volcano if I had the chance.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

          “It’s projection. They hate everyone who disagrees with them.”

          I agree but I explain is as they hate everyone else because they hate themselves.


          That’s what tolerance used to mean: If you want to be left alone to live your life, practise your faith, honour your values, raise your family, you have to be prepared to leave those who disagree with you alone to follow their own course, too.

          But very few “progressives” can do that. To them, tolerance now means making everyone agree with, affirm, even celebrate and promote others’ belief systems.

          Do as I say, not as I do.

          However, on a deeper level, “progressives” are only able to tolerate other people’s beliefs so long as those beliefs reflect well on “progressives,” so long as others’ beliefs adhere to progressives’ own narrow views of what is and isn’t acceptable.

          Otherwise, “progressives” bring down the full weight of the courts, the bureaucracy, human rights commissions and, increasingly, social media to force conformity — the exact opposite of liberalism and tolerance.

          And this goes beyond just individuals.

          You disagree with the “experts”, they will attack you, calling you an -ist and a -phobe.

          You disagree with the legacy media’s narrative/agenda, they will attack you, calling you an -ist and a -phobe.

          You disagree with them destroying the family, males, religion, one specific race, etc., they will attack you, calling you an -ist and a -phobe.


          They are showing who the true fascists are… themselves.


          I’ve been trying to figure out if they hate themselves or not. Truly, I don’t know. Some seem narcissistic, others have an inferiority complex.
          Narcissism can be a coping mechanism for an inferiority complex though. The vast majority certainly don’t think highly of themselves and hate everyone who reminds them of their shortcomings (by virtue of existing).
          But does someone like Clinton or Obama hate themselves? I couldn’t say.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.


            You are mixing them altogether and they are not all the same.

            The people at the top (or near it) pulling the strings like Obama or Clinton do not believe the things they tell everyone else to believe. For them it is simply a means to an end and they will change it on a whim if needed.  This type of person is authoritarian because in their mind that have no doubt they are superior to the masses and thus deserve to control them.

            Now the people below this level who actually believe the chaotic insanity shoveled by people like Obama and Clinton DO hate themselves. They are trapped by a religion in which they are all sinners whom have no possibility of forgiveness.  They mostly want to be someone else and often try to be and so they are in a cycle of anger, misery and confusion as their agenda is not logical nor is it factual. Without God or love for self or others they walk in a world that to them seems pointless and there is nothing of value.  Again, simply nothing but anger, misery and hatred.  And this is borne out in their actions of desperate pleasure seeking and hateful reaction to the smallest thing they disagree with.


            ” They are trapped by a religion in which they are all sinners”

            Now that rings familiar, doesn’t it? ;)

            Declare people sinful by their mere existence or nature, and sell absolution in exchange for submission. Literally the oldest trick in the book. I’m amazed after 3000+ years of that shit, humans still fall for it.



              “Now that rings familiar, doesn’t it? ;)”

              No it does not.  In Christianity, yes everyone falls short and is a sinner and equally so for all people, HOWEVER absolution is offered to EVERYONE by simply sincerely requesting it.

              This is not the case in Wokeism.  In that “religion” you are a sinner based on immutable characteristics you were born with and through action and everyone is a sinner but NO ONE get absolution.  You are in a constant state of atonement that you never get out of.  So you always owe the mob or the state.  And that is the entire point.

              And selling absolution has happened in the distant past through Judaism and Christianity but that has occurred via the corruption of God’s message due to corrupt humans.  In the Bible the only time Jesus actually got angry and violent was in the temple when he confronted the money changers and others selling favor.  He made it very clear that is not what God wished nor condoned.

              “12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’[a] but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’[b]”” –Matthew 21:12-13


              > humans still fall for it.

              Ultimately, it’s not religion we’re trapped by, it’s entropy. That much is independently verifiable by every living human being, and the older we get, the more obvious it is. Even if we’re not victims of catastrophe (which merely accelerates entropy), over time we can see entropy slowly reducing our capabilities and our options, and rendering us into uniformity.

              Humans have developed multiple ways of dealing with that reality, including ignoring it. :) Other coping mechanisms include trying to be different from others (because the more different we seem, the farther we are from the uniformity of entropy), condemning others for their entropy, so that we can feel better about ourselves, and papering over flaws by celebrating them as if they weren’t.

              The problem is that entropy doesn’t care. :) It’s not a predator to be distracted by the weakest and slowest of us. No matter how many of our fellow-humans we throw under the bus, entropy will keep coming.

              So, it’s obvious to me both that the human race needs salvation from entropy, and that the human race cannot provide it. There’s no arrangement of matter and energy that can overcome entropy.

              The only chance we’ve got is that there’s already something beyond entropy, both with the capability and desire to help us. I believe there is, but that’s me. :)

              One way or another, however, it’s hard to confess that we can’t overcome entropy, yet not doing so leads inevitably to the psychic imprisonment of guilt. Think of how often someone says, “it’s all my fault”, when something bad happens to a loved one. It’s easy to blame ourselves when accelerated entropy happens around us, and it’s easy to dwell on the things we could have done differently to avoid the event, even if we couldn’t reasonably have done anything about it.

              Guilt is thus a gold mine for political power (and lawyers). From “let’s sacrifice a virgin to please the volcano gods” to “let’s destroy our industrial base to please the carbon gods”, guilt by proximity is exploitable by the unscrupulous.

              Guilt and fear of entropy are thus why the human race is so susceptible to those who promise absolution, while also promising that we are strong enough to overcome entropy ourselves. We can make a difference, we can change the world, we can save the planet. This time for sure.


              “his is not the case in Wokeism. In that “religion” you are a sinner based on immutable characteristics you were born with and through action and everyone is a sinner but NO ONE get absolution. You are in a constant state of atonement that you never get out of. ”

              Indeed. That’s why wokeism won. It’s also why Islam won.*

              In a competition of systems of oppression, the most ruthless and violent will win. In a way, this is what Roccandil aptly describes with entropy being inevitable. There will likely be no escape from it. No matter which system we choose, it will always become tyrannical. Even one that starts as nobly as the US once did. Admittedly, I thought the US would be the last man standing and the rest of the world would embrace tyranny first. I was wrong. Never would I have guessed that in the end it would be the Russians, Hungarians and Indians.

              *However, in some instances the woke do protect their own. See Justin Trudeau’s blackface. “It’s okay when we do it”. Provided they’re high ranking enough.

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