The Left’s Mass Deception About Gender Is Completely Failing

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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    The Left’s Mass Deception About Gender Is Completely Failing

    Left-wing ideas about gender are increasingly out of touch with American people of all generations and backgrounds…

    Nothing new there.

    (nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute) PRRI surveyed Americans across generations, political parties and religious affiliations about whether there are only two genders and measured the results next to 2021 data. About two-thirds of Americans, 65%, believe there are two genders.

    Which is correct.  There are only two natural genders.

    Parents are more supportive of the gender binary, as 70% say there are two genders, slightly higher than the 64% of non-parents who agree there is a gender binary, according to the poll. There is no significant racial divide on the gender binary, and all races had greater numbers of respondents who say they believe in two genders compared to the 2021 figures.

    Good news there.

    Education (indoctrination) affects people’s perceptions of gender, the poll found, as higher-educated Americans are less friendly to the notion of there only being two genders. In 2023, those with a college degree at 58% or a postgraduate degree at 53% are the least likely to agree with the gender binary. However, belief in the gender binary grew among both of these education demographics.

    Stop the false indoctrination in the education system against gender binary is a must.

    More than half of Americans, 62%, agree people spend too much time talking about gender and pronouns…

    There are more important things happening than to go along with a individuals delusion about what they want to force others to call them.

    Economy, jobs, poverty, affordable housing, climate/environment, etc.


      Those “do you think there are 2 genders polls” I surmise are complete bullsh!t (like most polls).  I have seen a few and their numbers are eerily similar even though their methods seems to be very different.

      That slightly more than half number seems to be where it comes out at each time.  And I think that number is garbage and is selected to make normal people quasi-comfortable in their stance but then it causes them to think well things are changing it’s just more than half.  This is social engineering at it’s finest.

      It takes some clicking but you can eventually find the actual poll here ->

      This one is far better than the last one I read since this one samples 5,00o people (typically it is less than 1,000) and they have a massive breakdown which I actually find suspicious because they break EVERYTHING down.  They literally have people classed by sex, region, religion, race, age and political party.

      But the super suspicious thing is like all the others I have seen.  The end result you are reading is NOT raw numbers.  They play with the numbers in a number of ways that I cannot identify but they admit too.

      For example this is just SOME of the modification language:

      “The initial sample drawn from the KnowledgePanel was adjusted using pre-stratification weights so that it approximates the adult U.S. population defined by the latest March supplement of the Current Population Survey.  Next, a probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling scheme was used to select a representative sample.”

      But the thing you always have to check is who paid for this.  They listed 3 or 4 organizations like “The Gill Foundation” and “The Arcus Foundation”.  I went to their websites and they appear to be very leftist but that is just from a glance so I cannot attest to it.

      But again I will say this poll is far better than most.  And if we are to believe the numbers at any level the one thing it shows me more than anything else is that almost everything on the poll is down party lines.

      Andrew Breitbart said “politics is downstream from culture”.  I think for decades that was indeed true which is why the leftist always went for the culture.  But I think we are at the stage now where culture is downstream from politics because the political elites control most everything.  The media surely influences culture but now the media does the bidding of the political elites.  The tail is now wagging the dog.

      People who are firmly loyal to a party (which is just an agenda at this point) seem to me to adopt whatever is added to that agenda and will defend it to the death because they want to “win”.  Look at the leftists ideology and how quickly it has changed over the last 5-10 years.  Most hardcore leftists 10 years ago I am sure would not have defended child sex changes.  But it was officially added to their list of things to disagree with Republicans on so now they blindly defend it.




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