NickMercs pulled from Call of Duty

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events NickMercs pulled from Call of Duty

  • This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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      I am certain many of you have seen this.  I was curious what others were thinking so I am posting about it.

      NickMercs the gaming streamer tweeted in response to news on Twitter about that fight that boke out between parents and ANTIFA simply, “They should leave little children alone. That’s the real issue.”

      For this Activision pulled the NickMercs skin out of Call of Duty and referred to his Tweet as “anti-lgbt” and reiterating that Activision supports pride.

      For me, the first thing I take from this and I believe it is by far the most important part, they are now openly admitting the current state of this “movement” is to come after your children.  There is no denying it, sugarcoating it or getting around it.

      My favorite streamer (DrDisrespect) is backing up NickMercs and while streaming live uninstalled Call of Duty and has vowed to not support the game until they apologize or return his skin to the game.

      This stuff might seem somewhat contrived or silly as some might think “who cares what streamers think or do?”. Well yes but then again this is a major culture shift.  I feel these things might not have happened without a somewhat successful Bud Light boycott.  It could be that the dominos are finally falling in the other direction and the pendulum might swing back.  If it does I would think there would be a radical shift because that pendulum has swung so far to one side for so long. From here it only gets more nuts because the left cannot reverse direction they have to go full speed ahead.


      • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.

      Another data point indelibly linking grooming to LGBT+. Activision is now on my ghost list. (The Call of Duty Steam forums are interesting, by the way!)

      Coincidentally, I just heard that child sex trafficking is a 150+ billion dollar a year industry, the US is the #1 worldwide consumer, and the #1 supplier for the US is Mexico. (And when the children are too old to be interesting to the customers, they sell their organs.)

      Who are the customers?


      Apparently the “they should leave little children alone” is offensive to the groomers and pedos whom work at activision, even thought the comment was not directed at activision (from what I could tell).

      And to help answer your question:  why has the Epstein client list never been released?  It is because so many of the world’s rich and power (elites/globalists/politicians/etc) are most likely on it.



        “Another data point indelibly linking grooming to LGBT+”

        This is an interesting thing to ponder because through the decades I think there was always a stigma that the 2 were somehow linked.  I have even heard vocal gay folks say publicly that it was a stigma they fought for years.  This was in the context of that gay person saying the groomers are now relinking the 2 together in such a way as it might never be separated again.

        I by no means think every gay person is a groomer (I know “Gays Against Groomers” is working hard for this cause)  But it does appear to me based on the last couple years there is much higher rate of it in the population of gay folks.

        I mean if you look at it purely logically I do not see an argument for normalizing gay that could not also be used to normalize groomers.  I do believe this is what folks feared decades ago.

        If we take my assertion 1 step farther and look at it more deeply, the ONLY thing standing in the way of every argument for gay not also normalizing groomers is the fact that a child cannot consent legally. And I have as of late heard much talk about lowering age of consent although to my knowledge nothing serious has come from it. However there was that UN article that danced all around it stating  “sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual.”.

        While I did not find any articles talking openly about lowering it I did see a few that were great at talking about the history of it.  The one linked below was particularly good.  It’s actually a fascinating topic given how this has shifted over the years due to how people have changed.


          This is proof that lunatics are in control. And corporations are dictating culture.

          It is now “homophobic” to SIMPLY say that kids should be left alone and left out of stuff pertaining to sex and sexuality. That it should be taught at home how the PARENTS choose. Not the government. The parents.

          The fact is, COD did this because of knee jerk reactionary fear. Yes, fear. They were afraid of backlash from the few but loud ideologues controlling the narrative now days. Of what nonsense they would spew on Twitter and other media. That being the LGBTQ (and more so Trans) and leftists. This is nearly the same thing that happened with COVID. Feak out and react ridiculously before calmly waiting and making a decision on what to do later after the air has settled a little and seeing how things transpire. No, now days its BURN THE WITCH ten seconds after something happens. Going from 0 to 9000. Ban, cancel, and fire people NOW!!! Our current society HAS TO REACT to everything, loudly. React React React! No logic. No critical thinking.

          In the end, this is all about indoctrination. They want kids indoctrinated into THEIR world and cultural view so that they grew up desensitized and “allies”. They don’t care about parents. They aren’t about tolerance or acceptance. PRIDE is not about pride. It’s about screaming loudly in your face telling you that you have to CELEBRATE them, not just tolerate them.


            “This is proof that lunatics are in control. And corporations are dictating culture.”

            I think it’s far more sinister than that.  The people in control are not insane and they are not stupid. But they do use the insane and the stupid to control everyone else.

            At this point I believe the goverment, the WEF and certain very large corporations are one.  It’s like some sort of international globalist fascism.


            I see nothing wrong with what this guy has said. It should be up to the parents and not the schools to teach kids about this sort of thing. Not all families will allow this to be pushed onto their kids. Especially religious families.


              I think part there is indeed something here to do about getting access to children sexually.  There is also Marxist component and this is where the indoctrination comes in and the idea that children belong to the state and not parents.

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