LGBTQ Friendly Church Struck By Lightning & BURNS DOWN

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      Personally I try not to celebrate the pain or discomfort of others even if I disagree with them. We must be careful not to become the thing we fight against as it were.

      However, this does not mean I cannot recognize the irony in a situation.


        I saw Melonie Mac tweet a few things about this.

        While I agree with @Vknid and do not want tragedy or pain to be celebrated, I think this entire thing speaks for itself.


        There are other fires being set by ANTIFA. Someone said that fires are intentionally started in other cases to make false claims of climate change. If anyone is setting fires, it’s the ones with a history of arson.

        You can expect false flags. Expect to be blamed for stuff that they are doing.    If an Act of God goes your way, be grateful.  Just say thank you.


        Screenshot 2023-06-12 at 11-06-14 6bc6e3747e9e94da.png (PNG Image 637 × 638 pixels)



          “There are other fires being set by ANTIFA. Someone said that fires are intentionally started in other cases to make false claims of climate change. If anyone is setting fires, it’s the ones with a history of arson.”

          I would be careful about locking on to things that are not fact based.  I am not saying you are incorrect and certainly ANTIFA is capable of it but sometimes it’s easy to hear something, assume it’s true and repeat it without validation.

          It’s really a fine line to walk because essentially you have to become a citizen journalist and certify your info and sometimes validate your sources.  Otherwise you end up repeating incorrect stuff and get proven a conspiracy theorist.

          Although the flip side of that is just taking at face value everything you read in the news or that the goverment tells you.  I have seen a lot of that and when you speak to someone like this and talk about the propaganda or what might be going on behind the scenes they think you are crazy.

          For example, I have a friend that was talking about how he had a few kids going into college.  I made some nonchalant reference about making sure they guard their beliefs due to all the indoctrination in colleges.  He balked at that immediately, and I attempted to gently explain but it ended with him assuming I was insane and he went to go so far as to say “that’s crazy, if we cannot trust institutions of higher learning who can we trust”.

          EDIT – I just saw the pic you added.  That is some false flag BS right there.  That is a bunch of illogical stuff thrown together.  That Bible passage does not say to kill people and the paragraph actually talks about forgiveness. And if someone was citing Biblical principles then they are throwing out the commandment that says not to kill.  That is just trying to make Christians seem as the ones in the wrong.  But here is the reality.  If the Church next door printed that then they are wrong.  But that does not excuse in the least trying to sexualize children that is still wrong.

          • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.
          • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.

          Probably deliberately set in order to blame conservatives.

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