Some modern women are drunk on power

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      I really think a lot of women out there are just drunk on power.  They are accustomed to being treated with preference and privilege by western society and when you add to that “pretty privilege” they start to believe they are superior and that society owes them this preference and privilege.   Now combine that with the lies of modern feminism and what you sometimes get are women whom are absolutely deluded and detached from reality.  It’s not that these women are evil or bad they are just fooled.

      It is difficult to blame them, I think it’s easy to be fooled in this case.  They grow up, hear all the feminist lies from early on and when they are young and fertile every man is chasing them.  So they assume this power and desirability they were born with will always be there.  It’s not until it is too late they often figure out that it was all lies. So they end up older, no longer chased by men, childless and empty.  I call this the “box wine and cats effect”.

      Although I think often times they never realize it was lies.  They continue on deluded. This is where all the accusations of unfairness and oppression come in from middle-aged women.  They notice they are no longer as desired and they blame the unfairness of men. Then they notice that while they are not as desired as previous , older successful men are often more desired.  Then they call that oppression not understanding they had that same level of preference early on simply by being born an attractive woman whereas a man has to generally work much of his life to attain that.  And neither of those power paradigms are wrong.  That is just in 1 way men and women are different.  Women are held in esteem for their beauty and fertility and men for their resources. And for a long time everyone understood that and made life decisions based on that reality. Until modern feminism came in with the lies.

      I am not at all trying to mock women or point a finger of blame really.  To the contrary I find it very sad that that many women find out too late the things that would have brought them contentment are no longer attainable in many cases because they listened to the lies of society.  For example, Chelsea Handler’s comment some time back. “I wake up at 6 a.m., I remember that I have no kids to take to school, so I take an edible, masturbate and go back to sleep,” .  That’s not at all funny, it is very sad in my opinion and I think she is trying to convince herself here as much as anything else.

      Current feminism (like all woke dogma) is hypocritical.  It approaches you with positivity and kind words but it eventually ends up making demands and when you disagree it punches you in the face while telling you supportive things.

      “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – Thomas Sowell


      Phase…whatever it is now…modern feminism is ruining the dating world. I have been single for 13+ years now. The dating sites, apps, etc are just full of garbage and Wokeness now. People saying “if you voted for Trump don’t contact me”. Which is fine, good to say it up front. But, I am seeing this more and more. The “bi” in their title, or other “progressive” things. There there is the problem that once you say a few things that you believe or want in a relationship, they may “cancel” you online. When I say that my home doesn’t allow progressive, identity politics, wokeness…what are they going to say or do?

      You can’t whistle at a pretty girl, which used to be common. You are afraid to even compliment a girl. Especially at work. You are nearly living in fear of what you can or can’t do or say with a woman you may date now. How does that sound any fun? Why even bother? I quit trying.

      I am all about having an equal home with me and a woman. I don’t want a woman that needs me for everything and doesn’t have her own hobbies, goals, things and life. But there IS a place for man and woman.


        “Phase…whatever it is now…modern feminism is ruining the dating world. I have been single for 13+ years now. The dating sites, apps, etc are just full of garbage and Wokeness now.”

        This is very true.  But I personally take it further.  Modern feminism is ruining our society because it is/has broken the nuclear family.  It’s not the only thing but it’s one of the primary ones.  Dating apps are horrible in their own right.  They just make it even worse.


        So they assume this power and desirability they were born with will always be there.  It’s not until it is too late they often figure out that it was all lies. So they end up older, no longer chased by men, childless and empty.  I call this the “box wine and cats effect”.

        Other call it: “Hitting the WALL”.

        When they were pre-30, they did not want to date men their age, but were looking at older, more mature, more wealthy men.  They did not want to be their DURING the building/acquiring state of money, only AFTER it was made.

        Now with baby-rabies (30’s), the men they are looking for are now looking at the younger women who are actively chasing them (as they once were) and call it unfair.

        Then complain there are “No good men/where have all the good men gone?”

        Or that their is no financially available men.  (ie have the resources they want to exploit).

        In other words, they want a man with 6-6-6 (six-figure salary, 6+ feet tall, six-pack abs.) who is attractive too.

        Well, those men represents only the TOP few percentage of men, and those not already taken are either like Leo DiCaprio or have been burns by females (divorce raped/etc) that they are not interested in relationships/marriage.

        And a man has to make more, or they think men are holding them back.

        Or if they make more, they can’t be a tradesmen as that looks back on the woman’s social circle.

        They are always looking UP (moving up), and not sideways and rarely for an “equal”, from my experience.


        I have personal found that half the woman “bosses” I have had, they wanted the authority but NOT the responsibility that comes with it.

        While 100% of the male bosses I had, they wanted the authority and took responsibility seriously.

        Those that had authority AND where responsible got the job done.

        Every time we had one who was not responsible; moral, productivity, etc. all went down while requesting transfers/quitting ALL increased.

        And they blame everyone and everything under the stars for any failings that happened with them in charge.


        While that is true for both men and women, I have only personally experienced that from the few women I had as a boss.



          I think everything you just said is correct and all of is attributable to 1 thing.  That is that men and women no longer understand each other.  In fact, if you are a man and so much as openly begin a sentence like “women tend to -” you are cancelled before you finish the sentence.  It’s damn near the case we are not allowed to understand each other because that is “misogynist”.

          The other post I made about the things that broke society lists all the things I believe have brought us to this point.  Each item on that list might have started with some sort of altruistic motive, but that does not matter.  Because in the end, it resulted in much harm.

          I did not list modern feminism but it really is one of those things because it has lied and confused many women.  Which consequently hurt men.  Which consequently hurt women and so on.  And THAT is what no one saw coming.



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            There is something wrong with the USA. Everything is competitive to the point of taunting and cheating and humiliation. Someone was telling me that Anthony Bourdain killed himself over a wife?  I’m a bit skeptical of that. The story above reminds me of a veteran I spoke to with a few kids who’s wife divorced him and accused him of stuff.

            It’s difficult for men, but one guy I know says that females in Latin America literally dream of marrying an American man all day.


              “It’s difficult for men, but one guy I know says that females in Latin America literally dream of marrying an American man all day.”

              I literally have a good friend trying to convince me to go abroad for a wife for that very same reason.  Apparently American men are thought to be good providers and fathers.

              “There is something wrong with the USA”

              There most certainly is.  There are a number of things broken on different levels with my country and this is especially so for the relationships between men and women. Feminist propaganda over the decades has lied to American women essentially saying they don’t need men and men are told they essentially they don’t need to exist.

              Here is a song I have posted multiple times if you listen to it, it explains the situation perfectly.  And if you read the comments you will be shocked of the tales of suicide, heartache and loss.

              In fact this one comment I read I cannot get out of my head.  It’s sad, but true.

              “through his life a man frequently gives the women he loves flowers but the first time a man gets flowers is when they put them on his casket”


              Any man who dates or even marries an American woman is out of his mind and deserves all that’s coming to him, including being divorce raped.

              Women are parasitical by nature. They can’t think creatively for the most part and only piggyback on the inventions and ideas of others.  Nature didn’t design women to be breadwinners, hunters, physical laborers, or even intelligent. Women have one primary job: care and raise children.

              They’re entirely useless for almost anything else.

              This is why Islam is so successful. They recognize this.


                “Any man who dates or even marries an American woman is out of his mind and deserves all that’s coming to him, including being divorce raped.”

                At this point in history, yes.  Which is why half of TikTok is middle-aged women (wine and cat in hand)  asking where all the men are.

                “Women are parasitical by nature. ”

                This is a very shortsighted and hateful view.  What goes on typically is what has gone on since there were humans.  A woman trades her fertility and beauty for the resources a man has gathered.  This is not parasitic is it fully symbiotic.  Both men and women excel at certain things, different things.  We are 2 halves that when combined we make a whole.

                Whether it is modern feminism or MGTOW (a male reaction to modern feminism) , separated we are absolutely miserable and unproductive as far as society goes. The world needs children and the children need a man and a woman.


                Are women still into cats? Seems like dogs are more en vogue these days.

                As for parasitical; allow me to elaborate. Yes, women bring and brought things to the table. Primarily fertility, but also child care. However, you can’t eat youth and fertility. Women rarely invent things (historically invented more or less nothing), they didn’t hunt, they didn’t innovate or develop survival strategies. Men invented everything from fire to the wheel to medicine, electricity and computers. Without us, they would have never made it down from the trees.
                Even today, while the majority of women go to college or university, graduate, move into high positions (aided by quotas), they primarily work as office drones. They receive a task, and they do it. Often dilligently, but they rarely if ever think creatively. The feed off the ideas of men the same way a tick feeds off the blood of a bird or mammal. That’s not a slight, it’s the way nature made our species. For our ancestors survival, it was beneficial for males to do specific tasks and females to devote to raising the next generation and doing some garden work like growing crops, picking herbs and berries, etc. This model proved to be a better model than if both sexes shared and competed in the same tasks. Specialization isn’t a bad thing. The tick is an extraordinarily successful animal as well, found on all continents except Antarctica. No hate. I rarely deal in emotions. Emotions are weakness.

                I would argue that in human society, the takers should not have any say when it comes to public policy. Only the makers should. There is likely a more individual merit based model than just stripping women of voting rights or of equal rights in general, the latter of which I definitely wouldn’t support.
                I personally favor anarchism, but when one wants to retain some form of democracy, then voting rights should be tied to one’s contribution to society. Most easily measured by taxes. The higher your taxes, the higher you material investment into society, the greater your say should be. It works the same with corporations. The more shares you own, the more influence you have on the direction of the company. You can’t get the power to strip your workers of their rights, but you can decide corporate policy. The same model should be applied to democracy.
                Since women are generally far less productive than men, such a policy would reduce their political influence, or leave it to only those individuals who actively contribute to society by generating wealth. Those who do not generate wealth should not have a say in how a nation’s wealth is invested.

                “Whether it is modern feminism or MGTOW (a male reaction to modern feminism) , separated we are absolutely miserable and unproductive as far as society goes.”

                Quite true. Though I will just pay a surrogate mother and raise my kids alone. Don’t need a woman messing up my kids with her stupid emotional garbage.


                > Nature didn’t design women to be breadwinners, hunters, physical laborers, or even intelligent.

                As I understand the IQ bell curve, the average IQ of men and women is roughly the same, but the IQ distribution within each sex is very different. The IQ of women tends to cluster around the average, whereas the IQ of men tends to be more extreme: both high and low.

                That means there are more women with higher IQs than men than there are men with higher IQs than women (I know, phrasing!), and it means there are more low IQ men than women, but it also means there are more high IQ men than women.

                That distribution makes sense to me when I consider that Nature also designed men to be expendable for the sake of women and children. If a significant percentage of men are dying to keep the human race alive, I’d expect the higher IQ men to generally be the ones who survive (and I think history tends to bear that out, albeit with notable exceptions like WWI).

                That’s important, because it’s no good having an expendable sex if it has no desire to be expendable, so Nature also gave men aggressive, risk-taking instincts, along with an instinct to protect women and children.

                So, combine high IQ with aggressive risk-taking, and that explains to me why a small number of male geniuses are generally the ones who have pushed the boundaries of civilization. On the other hand, it’s women who tend to consolidate progress; the Wild West, for example, wasn’t civilized until the Eastern women came.

                Nature intended men and women to be in balance, but in modern urban environments, where humans are insulated in great degree from Nature, it’s much easier for imbalance to propagate.

                I do note that of everything Nature gave men, it seems the modern urban narrative hates it all. I’m thinking of calling such narratives “gaiaphobic”. :)

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