There is no systemic bias in the USA, but there is systemic classism

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      Everyone in this country is almost constantly in a state of inflammation as we all retreat into our tribes and prepare for the next war against all the other tribes.

      It’s all absolute bullsh!t.  It’s all designed to have everyone in a perpetual hate/fear cycle.  In the United States there is no systemic bias, save one.

      Classism. You are either one of the political elite or you are a peasant.

      If you or I had done what Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX CEO) did (well minus laundering money for political favor) , do you think we would currently be out on bail and have just had several of our charges dropped?

      If you or I had done anything Hunter Biden did and I mean just even the low level crimes we know about, do you think we would could have admitted guilt and walked?

      No, right now the best any of us peasants can hope for is to keep our heads low and not try to cross the political elite because if you do you will end up like Roger Stone or James O’Keefe whom get a visit in the middle of the night from an FBI swat team to haul you to jail.

      There is an argument that true liberals once had that held and holds water today.  Which is that connected and or people with significant funds have an easy time navigating the judicial system financially from a traffic ticket to a major trial.  But people whom are not wealthy end up having their finances or lives ruined due to sometimes fairly minor infractions that someone with far more resources does not even think about.

      At this point I think this is intentional and it is used as a cudgel by the government and those connected to it.  It’s used as a threat and a punishment.  Simple unfounded allegations can ruin people.  Even if proved 100% false.

      People need to realize this and stop hating on each other realize where the line is actually drawn so we can all work together against those whom literally want to enslave us financially and invalidate our freedoms.

      “the process is the punishment” –James O’Keefe

      (I did some research and that is also the name of a book from 1979 by Malcom Feeley essentially about the same thing I am mentioning here)



      This POV is explained very well by Dr. Shiva. There has been a systemic collapse by the upper caste in the USA. In a very small way, some of you are already part of the solution in that you look to your peers on social media instead of looking at the rich, or politicians, or actors, or sportsball jocks or anything corporate. Peer to peer.

      I do like O’Keefe’s new brand “OMG” that stands for: O’Keefe Media Group. That is really smart.

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