Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Gaming › Retro Gaming Hub › Crystalis NES is better than Zelda
Alright, so when I see folks talk about or make videos on the top 5 or top 10 NES titles, Crystalis sometimes gets overlooked, whilst considering the fact that it is factually a superior game to Zelda. Before you grab the pitch forks, let me explain. I like Zelda and Crystalis, they’re both easily top five NES. I owned both as a kid even. But if we do a realistic break down comparison, Crystalis wins head to head.
1. Graphics – While graphics aren’t everything, as we all well know, Crystalis offered more sprite by sprite textures than Zelda did.
2. Movement- Crystalis had 8 directional movement, while Zelda only had 4. In say a turn based game, that doesn’t matter, but in the realms of action RPGs, added movement is added freedom.
3. Bigger World – The world of Crystalis not only looked but also felt bigger than Zelda. It didn’t feel like panels on a grid, but had more of an open feel over all that made exploration more rewarding as well as more fluid, without the need for transitions.
4. More Characters – Self explanatory. More characters added immersion and bulked up the stakes when it comes to the “save the world” plot. It’s hard to care much for a world with only 3 named characters (Zelda, Gannon and Link) versus one with entire villages and cultures at risk from the villainous schemes. I mean really, what am I protecting in Zelda other than the princess and some old, rusty hermits living under bushes?
5. Consequences – Characters actually died in Crystalis, so the weight of the situation had more substantial pull to it.
6. Music – The Legend of Zelda has memorable music and the nostalgia factor behind it, granted. However, by comparison, Crystalis not only had more tracks than Zelda, but most of them were actually quite good. And they were full songs too, not just 30-40 second loops, for the most part.
7. Epic Mount – You can ride and fight on the back of a dolphin in Crystalis. Nuff said.
8. Trail Blazers – SNK, the company who made Crystalis, pushed the NES hardware to it’s limits, a daring move which, when it all came together paid off big time.
In conclusion, Zelda was a little easier to get into, had the popularity factor and a pimp gold cartridge. But with all that being said, in the side by side UFC stats chart, Crystalis wins, bar none. So while I think Zelda does deserve a place in the NES top 5 for sure, if Zelda is 2 for instance, Crystalis should and will forever be number 1. At the least, in this man’s book.
PS Before anyone mentions it, yes I’m aware that Crystalis was made four years after Zelda, but I stand where I stand.
Thanks for reading, let me know what you all think.