We must stop using weasel words

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      I see this so often that it’s really beginning to bug me because even when folks are combating the radical left they will use words the radical left invented.  We have to understand those are not organic words and were generally invented and injected into the public for very specific reasons.  They all have built-in assumption or inferences they are meant to convey.  Some of those words are just outright lies but for some reason we continue to use them.

      Many times I notice people arguing for something and then using a word or words that inherently counters their argument. For example “biological woman”. If you are arguing that men cannot be women and use the term “biological woman” you are countering your own argument.  Why?  If you are saying you cannot change sex then women are just women.  So any woman is inherently a biological woman and the term is therefore useless.  The phrase is meant to convey the idea that there are “types” of women.  There are not.  There is just women.

      Here are my takes on a few other phrases.

      biological woman – useless redundant term, all women are biological as there are no other kind, it’s meant to infer there are types of women

      cisgender – term invented in the 90’s by a German sexologist who believed pedophilia was a sexual orientation, useless term used now as a slur.  The term is useless because it describes the default state of humanity being I am a man and I feel like a man.  Since this is the default human condition there is no need to classify it further.  We have words like trans and non-binary that describes the deviation away from the default. For example, there is of course in the world albino humans.   We refer to them as albino.  We use the descriptor in the rare cases it occurs and we do not call everyone else cis-albino.  It would be useless as not being albino is the default condition.  I suspect this term is now used because it gets used as a slur but it also further divides people into tribes.  The term might also be used to try to infer there is no default sexual state in humans and try to lend credence to the whole “sexual spectrum” argument.

      POC (Person of Color) – this term is also useless in it’s direct connotation.  If you say someone is a POC you are literally not defining anything about them as the descriptor is so vague it can be almost any race, country or culture.  It’s only actual use is in the negative.  It’s not what it identifies, it’s what it does not.  Which is white people.  So it is not a term of inclusion but one of exclusion. The term is “Person of Color” but ironically is meant to only say, white.  This is another term meant to simply cause division and drive people into tribes.

      Latinx – once again a near useless term.  Actually this one I personally understand to mean anyone of Latin American descent, similar to Latino. Which is still very vague but is far more descriptive vs POC.  But if you research it is all over the place and even considered a slur sometimes which is probably why they kind of quit using this one.  But it’s vagueness is the problem with it. It means almost nothing in function except you appear to be Latino which covers Mexico, South America and Central America. I think again the idea was to create a term to create a tribe.

      Assault Weapon – so I actually dug into this deeply and it is VERY nebulous, political and biased.  “Assault Weapon” is indeed a political term used in US legislation which is a very loose descriptor of how a weapon looks.  You hear people mock the term as it being just a “scary gun”.  That literally is how loose that term is.  The confusion and “fog of war” comes in here where the term “assault weapon” and “assault rifle” get conflated (intentionally in many cases I am sure).  “Assault Weapon” is a political term meaning essentially nothing. “Assault Rifle” is an actual technical term dating back to Germany in WW2.  Although even then it was considered a propaganda term to generate fear. But later it became an actual descriptor of weaponry that is used now to some degree.

      Undocumented Worker – this is not just a term but an attempt to override the original meaning of the legal descriptor “illegal alien”.  And the use of this word is not simply a retooling of the verbiage but an attempt to change public mindset.  It infers that coming across a border illegally is actually not illegal and that it’s just for the purpose of work.  You often see words like this forced into the lexicon prior to a push to change policy and legislation.  To be entirely fair this is not purely a leftist word anymore.  It is a uni-party word.

      Sex Worker – another phrase meant to make what was previously seen as illegal, unjust and negative as something innocuous and standard.  This one is more social than political but it too is all about changing mindset.  I have seen this in some of the young that use this word unaware the original connotation was prostitute and that is actually seen as a bad thing. This phrase has in part lead to much of the sexual nonsense we see today blurring the lines between right and wrong giving people the idea that right/wrong is simply a subjective thing.  Now we must also recognize this one while functionally social is sometimes also political as well.  I recall recently there was an attempt to add “sex workers” to the pride flag.  Clearly a political attempt to make the pride flag (or leftist voting block flag)  a bigger group.

      Pride/Pride Flag – this might be one of the original terms. In my experience it was used for decades to essentially mean homosexual.  But at some point the radical left co-opted this and perverted it to represent more of a political ideology than a sexual orientation one.  And then they added to, added to it and added to it. Now it is so “inclusive” it’s only meaning from a sexual orientation point of view is just not straight.  And maybe we could discuss whether that was the original meaning as well. But another term of exclusion at this point.  But I do believe the reality is now it is more a political descriptor than anything else. My personal thought on what that flag coveys to me when I see it is not gay, but radical leftist.  This is because I know of many gay people who do not like the flag and do not identify with it or support what it represents which is now a political ideology.


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