the seal has been broken, I think culture is shifting

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      For decades now an agenda has been pushed.  This would be the radical leftist agenda and it came down from first from the goverment, then organizations and ultimately corporations.

      First the assertions the agenda made seemed silly to most folks but people tended to just accepted it because it was coming from “official” sources and it was all in the name of diversity, anti-racism, fairness and helping those whom were considered disadvantaged.

      But as time went on this became far more pervasive and soon it was clear dissenting was met with some level of scorn or scolding because the inference was you were against diversity, anti-racism, fairness and helping those whom were considered disadvantaged.

      So most people just kept quiet and laid low.  Now and then folks would openly speak out against the agenda and others would watch them get hauled into HR at work or have others call them hateful.

      This spiraled out of control for years to the point to where if you so much as looked at the agenda funny you were cancelled, harassed, fired, threatened and mocked to the point where you were nearly drummed out of society.

      But at some point within the last 2 or 3 years a line was crossed.  The agenda came for the kids assuming fully society would lay down and take it like they did with every other move the agenda made.

      But they miscalculated.  Even with all of the pervasive propaganda and indoctrination they did not see everyone outside of the agenda banding together and saying enough is enough.

      Understand that now that some have fought back and others saw this and they fought back and so on the prior societal standard of “shut up and take it” has been broken.  The idea that it’s OK to speak your mind and defend those whom need defending has spread like wildfire.

      It is now fashionable to dissent.

      This is something that ALL people of every race, creed and orientation should work together on and keep it moving forward.


      As I have posted before, this has always been the long game.

      They found that trying a sudden (revolution) would not work, so they decided if they take very small steps, no one will notice until the goal posts have been moved so far, people will look back and wonder how did we get here.

      Well, we are there.

      And yes, the agenda was compromised when they took one step too far and the masses have taken notice.

      since at least the 1920s, communists have had plans to use racial agitation, violence, & socialism for communist revolution in America.

      And that is exactly what the extremely toxic far alt-left is doing.

      Mostly peaceful (yet very fiery) protects.

      Everything is about “race”.

      Bigger government!

      Redistribution of wealth and resources.

      Indoctrinations over education… they are coming after the youth of the nation, and have been for some time.

      Propaganda/agenda/narrative over unbiased news.

      The ease at which rights can be taken away (pandemic measures) to control people.


      When people stood up and said this “action” (small step) will lead to a slippery slope, they were mocked and told that would never happen.  Yet time and time again it has been shown that the slippery slope did happen.


        Yes I believe all of this to be true.  But I think there are a few things folks missed and one thing I am not sure of, yet.

        I do not think all the progressive movements that are currently all marching in lock step with the goverment were necessarily started for that purpose.  I feel confident a few were but by in large I think the purveyors of communism sought out movements that had the potential to gather influence and money. They co-opted these movements/organizations and used them to raise funds, influence the masses, and recruit more people.  Then over time they began to unify them so that ultimately they all worked for the same goals and “believe” in the exact same things.  They ultimately made an army with different branches. Not for the purpose of violence but for propaganda and influence.

        The recruit part is the dirtiest secret of all this.  The goverment/WEF/elite do to reach out to people by asking “Hey kid, do you want to destroy the west?  Would you like to help us impoverish a country and create peasants? Want to help us rule you with an iron fist?”

        No, they reach out to mostly the young cloaked in the goals of that organization which ultimately are what I mentioned but you don’t know that when they ask you if you want to “stop racism”, “stop climate change”, “help the poor” etc etc etc.  They use those things as lures, and by the time you start to realize there are other things going on it’s to late because the hook is set.

        Now what I don’t know right now is, how we went from this starting with some shadowy band of communists/socialists that I figure were all from WW2 Soviet Union and or other European Axis powers to essentially the super elite members of things like the WEF.

        However with that said.  If you just poke around a little, you see that George Soros is from Hungary which during WW2 was an Axis power and afterwards a satellite state of the Soviet Union.  Klaus Schwab is from Ravensburg which is essentially Germany.  So maybe it makes more sense than it seems.

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