“Euthanasia tightens its grip on the West”

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      I remember years ago when via all the unrest over “Obama Care” there were also serious discussions about going for total socialized healthcare.  One of the the arguments against it was that the goverment would ultimately have “death panels” where they would decide on whether you got treatment or not based on a number of factors beyond your control and just because you wanted medical care did not mean you got it.  At the time Democrats/liberals called it insane and fear mongering and all the rest.  And in my opinion, just like many other times that was to invalidate real concerns, they end up coming in true.

      Why people think entrusting the goverment with healthcare is a good idea I have no clue.  There is nothing the goverment does that it does well in a positive sense.  Nothing.  In fact if you look to the causes for the insane costs of health care in the US most of them are goverment related.  And if you want to talk about other countries with socialized medicine and how well that works then I urge you to talk to folks who live there.

      “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.”-Milton Friedman




      One of the the arguments against it was that the goverment would ultimately have “death panels” where they would decide on whether you got treatment or not based on a number of factors beyond your control and just because you wanted medical care did not mean you got it.

      Well, Canada is way ahead.

      With MAID (Medical assistance in dying) where they are pushing more people to do (to save health care costs).

      And stories where mothers can kill (have their infants die) a year or so after birth with no criminal trial/jail time.

      People are just a statistic, a number, and NOT a living human being.

      The value of human life is being lost.  (Has been lost for some time now.)


        “People are just a statistic, a number, and NOT a living human being.”

        This is communism in my opinion which is why they call it “worker’s rights” and not “human rights”.  In communism, life has no intrinsic value beyond what it can perform in service to the state.

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