“America is now devoid of valor”

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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      It’s hard to disagree with that statement.  I have nothing but contempt for every one of those deputies.

      It is the natural inclination and God assigned duty of any man worth being called a man, to defend women and children. It’s what we have done through time and one of our roles in life. We sacrifice.

      These men (and women) whom did not go into this school while children were being murdered, are absolute failures as men, adults, police officers and human beings.





      You also have to remember, in the last few years it has been verified thru the courts that the police (law enforcement and security personnel)..

      …that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm…

      Many states and cities no longer allows people/security to stop shop lifting.

      Police and security personnel being sued for being “overtly aggressive” in arrests (even when they do follow the policies correctly).

      And them also being sued when they shoot/kill a criminal when the criminal is threatening the lives of others, is just WRONG.

      Add to that when a good samaritan also gets sued for helping/stepping in.  (ie. one was successfully sued for performing CPR on a female who did not consent to mouth-to-mouth contact nor chest compressions to get her heart pumping, etc).


      That is where we are now.

      So it should come as no surprise “valor” is disappearing.


        “You also have to remember, in the last few years it has been verified thru the courts that the police (law enforcement and security personnel)..” …that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm…

        Fck the courts. Men should protect women and children. If this is not an inherent duty of a man I claim that you are not a man.  If you see children being harmed and your own safety comes into the calculation of whether to act then you are no different than the self serving human garbage harming the children because that person is doing the same thing.

        If we all do only what is legal without consideration to what is moral than we deserve the apocalyptic world we will end up creating.


        That men (and women) should just jump in and protect others for morality’s sake is naive thinking.


        Recently there was an issue of road rage where a man got out of his vehicle and assaulted a woman whose driving almost caused an accident.

        Afterward the woman lamented that passers-by (both men and women) saw what was happening and did nothing.

        As a third party, you don’t know what precipitated the altercation. Neither do you know if the parties are armed. Let’s say you intervene, the perpetrator (and/or victim) pulls out a gun, knife or whatever and you lose your life. While you are being hailed as a hero, your family has to morn your loss and wonder how they are going to survive without you. Sorry, but NO!

        With regards to law enforcement their actions are governed by regulations. They can’t do something simply because it is “moral”. Should they lock up Pride participants because they are corrupting children? Or is morality only allowed to kick-in where there is a threat to life?

        A bit of pragmatism is required in these situations.




          “Afterward the woman lamented that passers-by (both men and women) saw what was happening and did nothing.”

          Oh I am sure that was the case.  And the way of thinking you just described is exactly why that happened.

          And if people continue to do/think as you described and only do what is legal or safe without any appeal to their moral fiber than such things will continue.

          “With regards to law enforcement their actions are governed by regulations. They can’t do something simply because it is “moral”.”

          So listening to orders and waiting safely outside for 45mins while children are being murdered is OK because of regulations?  If we follow that logic out then everyone but Hitler was moral as they killed millions because they were just following regulations.

          “There is no law so obscene that the police would not be willing to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children.” – Michael Malice


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