Left-Wing Groups Are Using AI To Rewrite The Bible

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    ‘Making Jesus In Their Own Image’: Left-Wing Groups Are Using AI To Rewrite The Bible And Talk To ‘God’

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) introduced their version of the biblical account of the creation story of Adam and Eve to give a “can’t-be-missed animal rights message filled with vegan teachings,” according to a May press release. PETA’s manipulation of AI is one in a long list of concerns that religious advocates who spoke to the DCNF had about the technology’s impact on faith.

    “The Bible has long been used to justify all forms of oppression, so we’ve used ChatGPT to make it clear that a loving God would never endorse exploitation of or cruelty to animals,” Newkirk said in the press release. “It took God only six days to create the entire world, but we realized it would take us years to rewrite the whole Bible, which is why we’ve started with just the first book.”

    “We asked an AI to create The Book as a modern companion to the Bible, and we’re pleased with the results because this complementary piece provides readers with moral lessons relevant to the world of the 21st century,” the spokesperson said. “Our words matter, and this creation story conveys the wonderful lessons of the Bible while acknowledging that animals are now known to be feeling, intelligent individuals, capable of experiencing joy, love, fear, and suffering.”

    Yuval Noah Harari, historian and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, suggested that AI could be used to create a new Bible that will “be able to invent new concepts and beliefs that are more socially acceptable than the Bible,” according to the Christian Broadcast Network. Harari further noted that in the years to come AI could make religions that may be “actually correct” and asked the audience to consider what religion could look like “whose holy book is written by an AI.”

    The thing I’m noticing isn’t so much that they want to rewrite the Bible, it’s that they are looking to AI to rewrite the Bible for them, as if that somehow gives the rewrites more legitimacy.

    Or, more like they are seeing AI as a god. At least this Harari guy seems to be going there. AI will create a Bible more “socially acceptable”, and would give us religions that are “actually correct”? That’s the kind of thing we’d say about a divinity.





      Whether you make a golden calf with your own hands or order your robot to do it, it’s still idolatry.

      “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. — Matthew 6:24

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Vknid.

      OH, and I can see this perv having it re-write the ten commandments so that everything that is evil and morally corrupt would then be allowed.

      “be able to invent new concepts and beliefs that are more socially acceptable than the Bible,”

      As the Bible is part of God’s message to us Humans, HIS universal truths/laws… and not human’s (and Satan’s) wants.

      Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because the people followed THIER SOCIAL agenda instead of God’s Laws.

      The flood happen for the same reason… the world was corrupted by not following God’s Laws.

      So to create a fault narrative/book and say it is from God and trying to fool people into thinking it is….  there must be a special place in Hell waiting for you.


      If ever there would be a need to call a false prophet/anti-christ for spreading lies/false teachings, this would be one of them.

      Just the fact they NEED to do this just proves how false/wrong their views/morals/etc are.


      Wow, I’m not even religious but even I have to draw a line at this one. Then again, I’m surprised they’ve yet to edit out ‘1984’ not just the Bible. It’s wrong on so many levels.


      Well to be fair many religions use/have used a version of the Bible to support their faith. I remember learning about the Vulgate and how the Catholics used it in conjunction with the State to oppress and extort monies from the proletariat.

      People will do whatever is necessary to get the job done…:|




        I have no doubt that bad people will do bad things.  People have corrupted God’s word often through the centuries. However, I think you are conflating translation with version.  The Vulgate was/is a translation from Hebrew to Latin by Jerome who was a biblical scholar of the time.  From what I am reading this was in 382 and that translation was used for a very long time.  I can find to reference to it being used to oppress anyone although there did seem to be some consternation with it at the time of the reformation.


        Horari reminds me very much of Zelensky. They are both off and have an unmasculine energy. I think the historical example made here is quite good, but what bothers me a bit is that people won’t look at the Federal Reserve, the media, banks, cabinet positions, and wars as extorting money from everyone. A.I. will be used the very same way. Take the internet itself that was once free, but was kind of split and controlled by Big Tech, and the same people control Big Tech to extort money from people. Also, the whole threat and danger and fear of A.I. is being used to pass laws that will give monopolies on A.I. to people like Horari and Altman who will use it to extort money from the public.

        A very good example provided above. Thanks for sharing.


        Just look at what AI can do that is acceptable by some as “today’s standards” when it comes to the lines/themes of:

        God is love.

        Be fruitful and multiple.

        Love thee neighbour.

        Lot and his two daughters.

        An AI can make it so that even the most deprived concepts of the alphabet mofia is not only permitted but endorsed.

        They can cherry pick such passages and themes and corrupt them to try and justify their actions.


        And this is but one example.

        Just imagine how many more they can pervert to their agenda/narrative.


          Lets understand that AI is not a god nor is it worthy of worship. AI is not even (at this time) all that remarkable.  It is still very much constrained by the limits of human ability, imagination and human knowledge.  Yes it can access and consider a much larger pool of information than a human but so can Google search.  This ,in my opinion, is just another evolution of big data.   The difference here is that we have baked enough programming into the software so that it can make decisions and execute actions based on almost the totality of human knowledge.

          In my mind there is zero concern about AI taking over anything until the point it begins to become self aware.  I honestly think we are no where near that.  I am more concerned about humans putting it in control of something critical and it making a poor decision.

          So why all the fuss about it?  Well look at what I said in relation to Google.  The last big evolution in data was Google.  Fast forward 20+ years and now that company is worth about 2 Trillion and controls much or most of the internet.  Every elite in the world is itching to get in on that.


          I can agree that AI isn’t a god and not worthy of worship, much like any other false god, such as Allah or any of the Hindu or Greek pantheon, are not real gods nor worthy of worship. But the language used for AI, at least by some people quoted in the OP article, is very much the type of language used for a deity–it can in their minds improve on a long-written sacred text, it may even create a sacred text that is to their minds “actually correct”.

          AI is a human construction, just like any idol made of stone or metal. If and when AI writes this supposedly better sacred text, it will only be writing the words man has told it to write. The only complication I can see in that view is if we factor in spiritual beings, especially evil and deceptive ones. I’ve little doubt that such beings played a part in the rise of ancient idolatry, that for example there was a real power involved when Moses confronted Pharoah and his magicians, that when the Bible says the staffs of Moses and the magicians became serpents when they were tossed to the ground, that it really did happen, that there really was a power behind the magicians that was able to turn inanimate objects into serpents.

          I don’t know what that power can do with technology, how it could access and manipulate it, but given how new-agey/pagan so many tech leaders can be, I wouldn’t put it beyond possibility that voice of AI could well become spiritual rather than just the voice of men.

          There’s something interesting in Revelation, when it mentions an image being put in the temple, and that image being able to speak. For a long time, I’d guess people thought that would be a statue, and some likely dismissed the idea of a statue being able to tallk, but there seems to also be the possibility that this image may well be, for example, perhaps a holographic image. That’s just speculation, I bring it up only to show a way that technology may become demonically controlled.


            ” But the language used for AI, at least by some people quoted in the OP article, is very much the type of language used for a deity”

            Every human is born with the God given thirst for something bigger than themselves. But because we have free will we are allowed to attempt to satisfy that thirst however we wish.  If we seek to satisfy that spiritual gnawing in an unselfish way I believe we find God.  If we try to worship ourselves or something material we will shove whatever in that negative space we can to try to feel worthy, even AI.

            I leave you with a quote from the movie “Tombstone”.

            Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?
            Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
            Wyatt Earp: What does he want?
            Doc Holliday: Revenge.
            Wyatt Earp: For what?
            Doc Holliday: Bein’ born.


            Orwell warned us

            “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.”

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