The Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the Bible – worship the State not GOD

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    The Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the Bible

    As part of a push to “sinicize” religion, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked on a 10-year project to rewrite the Bible and other religious texts.

    Of course they are.

    In the Gospel of John, Jesus famously confronts the accusers a woman caught committing adultery, saying “let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone at her.”

    Which Jesus never does, but forgives her.

    Unless you’re a CCP official. Then it’s a story of a dissident challenging the authority of the state.

    The rewritten Gospel of John excerpt ends, not with mercy, but with Jesus himself stoning the adulterous woman to death.

    Go against the worship of the CCP, and you will get death.

    The 10-year project to rewrite the Bible, Quran and other sacred texts is all part of Xi Jinping’s quest to make the faithful serve the party rather than God.

    And this is part of why the globalists/elites too want to destroy religion.

    Religion’s power is tantalizing to the CCP — what better demonstration of party supremacy than bringing global religions to heel?

    We should not be worshiping GOD, but them.

    And if you don’t?

    he CCP is also perpetrating a slow-motion cultural genocide across China’s west and north, targeting the Muslim and Buddhist faiths and the identities of the Tibetans, Uyghurs, Kyrgiz, southern Mongolians, and other ethno-religious minority groups.

    What else do those devils do to stop religion?

    Buddhist statues are bulldozed. Monasteries are gutted. Mosques are destroyed. Children are forcibly separated from families and packed off to colonial boarding schools where religion and native languages are often forbidden.

    But that is all OK, as the CCP provides cheap labour/goods.

    The State Department estimated that at times half of the population of China’s “Reeducation through Labor” camps, or modern gulags, were Falun Gong adherents. Thousands were tortured to death and there have been widespread reports of on-demand organ harvesting from Falun Gong prisoners.

    OH, how the DEMons would love to do that here with people who see the truth and refuse to do as they want them to.

    All the more reasons NOT to allow communism/marxist/etc anywhere near us.

    History has shown us when you are forced to worship the state (like Nazis and Soviets and CCP), the results are horrific.




      Every western goverment I am aware of has the same goal at this point for the same exact reason.


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