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Women Priests Fighting for Reproductive Justice
( Victoria Rue is a) woman priest, part of an organization of women who have ordained themselves in the face of the church’s opposition..
You cannot ordain yourself. That is false.
The institutional Catholic Church forbids women to become priests… These women practice as Roman Catholics, but most have been excommunicated by choosing to be ordained.
So those woman are heretics.
Despite opposition from the Vatican, there are nearly 200 women priests in the United States and others in South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
If they claim to be Roman Catholic and claim to be ordained, they should all be excommunicated.
What sort a heresy are they trying to promote?
…outspoken pro-choice voice within the Catholic Church…
Talk about a hypocrit!
The Catholic Church believes abortion is murder, opposing all medical procedures where the purpose is to induce abortion.
So to claim otherwise, you are in fact anti-Catholic, as these excommunicated people are.
…“grievously distort[s] the faith” and that abortion violates the right to life “with respect to preborn children and brings untold suffering to countless women.”
God create life, and the Ten Commandments has a “No commit adultery, no commit murder” yet these people believe God’s commandments do not apply to them.
…the church has always “distinguished themselves from surrounding pagan cultures by rejecting abortion and infanticide,”
These heretics want anti Catholic teachings, want anti God teachings.
Roman Catholic women priests believe that they are aptly situated to minister on the issue and offer a new, progressive Catholic stance on abortion, precisely because of their commitment to the religious tenets of Catholicism.
These harlots are more attuned to Satan’s way than to God’s way.
They want a schism in the Catholic Church.
They want you to move away from GOD, His laws.
They want you to move away from Jesus Christ’s message of “repent and sin no more”.
Satan wins. Satan’s “liberal” agenda wins. Satan’s “progressive” agenda wins. Satan’s lies/deceitful message wins.
If those females truly want to fight for reproductive justice, they would be to fight FOR-LIFE! The right to reproduce and give birth as God wanted.
Not to kill as Satan wants.
And I feel sorry for all the souls these females are leading to HELL on their heretic agenda/narratives.
I agree with everything you said here and there is not a lot left to expound on to drive the point home any farther save 1.
“They want a schism in the Catholic Church.”
No, they want to infiltrate and control it just like every other industry or facet of modern life the leftist/communists now control. They know if they can steer culture they can steer people.
These women I assure you are activists doing the bidding of some group of communist/leftist organizations that gives them “funding” to do so.
They won’t succeed in any measure. The Roman Catholic Church is safe in Rome and prevents such behavior (Thank God).
The worst we will see is a cultist separatist movement in the US due to Rome’s ownership of the faith and we will most likely see a mass excommunication from the religion.
The worst we will see is a cultist separatist movement in the US…
A schism in the Catholic Church.
We already hear the odd story(s) about how bishops in the US or sometimes bishops in Germany are turning away from the Church’s message in order to be “progressive” in order to serve the current masses instead of staying with the universal truths of God’s message/laws.
Or in another way, an anti-reformation.
The reformation was a schism where a section of religious people decided to break away from the Catholic Church over “issues” they had with the Church.
While alot of their arguments (by Martin Luthor) were valid concerns on theology (while the end result was not, IMO) this fight to openly allow for sinful and immoral acts to be allowed and promoted by the Church is WRONG and it goes against God.
And we have seen Satan’s influence happening.
The extremely toxic far alt left ideologies/narrative/agenda which is ANTI-God/Anti-Religion, these “women” are pushing.
This misinterpreting things.
God created Adam from the dirt of the earth. Adam did not become man until God breathed life into him.
Eve was created by God using a rib from Adam.
In both cases, neither form of Adam nor Eve was breathing, their hearts pumping, their cells growing, until GOD made them human.
After Adam and Eve, human’s created life by reproduction (SEX). A fertilized egg is human life.
A doctor or midwife does not create life when they help with the birthing process. It was already a human being.
Science has proven this (a fertilized egg has a DNA that is separate from the mother’s, containing both the father’s and mother’s DNA to create a unique being, a unique HUMAN being).
These harlots want to say God ALLOWS the murder of human beings, be it still in the womb, is morally, ethnically wrong. They have no place in religion, yet alone in a position of teaching God’s Laws nor in a position of preaching God’s message.
This corruption of God’s warrants excommunication! And people of faith should NEVER follow such heretics.
The Roman Catholic Church is not at all “safe”. It has already been infiltrated and compromised at the top. At this point it is somewhat at war within itself and to a large degree it does not matter the way you think it might, see below.
As far as a schism it’s of little consequence and I doubt seriously it will happen. People do not need an organization to approve how they wish to worship God. They can do that as they see fit and make whatever groups they want. There is no need for some form of a religious bureaucracy to rubberstamp how you believe in or worship the Lord.
I say this as a cradle Catholic that uses the concept of Catholicism but I have my set of things I think or understand that is a little different than standard. The idea that “one religion is correct” (don’t confuse that with some cannot be wrong) is pointless and silly. God is not in heaven with a checklist or a demerit system giving you checkmarks or “X’s” as you fumble through life.
“For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” –Romans 9:15