Maui genocide, government cover up pisses me right off.

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    1. No words, the uniparty tried to cover up the genocide of an entire city to take over their land.

    FEMA given DEI training when they should’ve been saving children, blaming “white supremacy” before the government elitists. Nothing short of a Uniparty Reich.


    If anyone wants to host a benefit stream to raise money for the people of Maui who are fighting this tyranny. I will happily join. These people deserved better. I’m not letting this go, ever.


    A few stories claimed that certain prominent Celebrities and Magnates were also enquiring about purchasing the land but were trying to spin it as “offering help” to the inhabitants.

    That’s really disgusting if true.


    The “emergence” system was not turned on, the water to help put out the fire was turned off, people were not told to leave until it was too late, etc.

    Reports of developers who for many years tried to buy those prime location properties but the natives refused, to a “fire on convenience” where most of the land owners are now dead/still missing, survivors and relatives can’t afford to rebuild and being forced to sell, etc.

    Biden’s “No Comment” about the devastation and waiting two weeks before his token “$700 and a drive by”.  If the admin just sent the money it cost for Biden to travel to Maui instead of flying there late and non-responsive…

    Where is FEMA?

    Oh yay.  Are they still waiting to get the call to go like they did to East Palestine, Ohio, when weeks of fire/damage had done its worst.




      I would not assume the swaths of local and federal government that are self serving would start such a fire intentionally.  Would I put it past them?  No.  But what I find more likely (but just as evil) is they would take FULL advantage of situation and not only make it worse (intentionally allowing people to suffer) but circle it like vultures waiting to pick at the carcasses.

      That paradigm will be used to defend the evil doers.  Normal people will claim the government is in one way or another responsible for the entire situation.  Those within the political class will say, we did not start that fire and we can prove it!  Well not starting it and making it worse or taking advantage of it are different things.

      The failure of the government here from what I understand is that the local level failed beyond miserably and are inept and possibly evil.  But guess what, you voted for them.  So now you have those consequences to deal with.

      The federal government is not at fault here as I see it.  It is NOT the job of the federal government to swoop into a disaster and hand out checks comprised of other people’s money taken by force.  Clearly this is what people expect now a days, but you cannot simultaneously be guarantied safety and freedom.  You always end up trading one for the other.

      I find it a case of cognitive dissonance for people who find themselves in a bad situation due in part to a great degree because of government,  screaming for the government to save them.

      If you want to be free, you have to be independent and self reliant for your person and your local community.


      > It is NOT the job of the federal government to swoop into a disaster and hand out checks comprised of other people’s money taken by force.

      True. Yet, it’s extremely odd that the Biden Administration didn’t do just that. Why -wouldn’t- they take advantage of the opportunity to make themselves look caring? Even if they don’t care, basic political savvy says do it anyway!

      Politicians pretending to care is nothing new, but politicians not bothering to pretend to care is noteworthy.


        “True. Yet, it’s extremely odd that the Biden Administration didn’t do just that. Why -wouldn’t- they take advantage of the opportunity to make themselves look caring? Even if they don’t care, basic political savvy says do it anyway!”

        That is incorrect.  They did do just that.  They handed out $700 per family or person (not sure which) to the affected folks. Their current gripe as I understand it is that’s not enough and Biden did not show up until well after.  Now, while I am arguing that the feds SHOULD NOT hand out money I do believe they should show up and do what is reasonable to show support.

        Now as to why the paltry response.  I suspect 2 reasons.

        1) It’s already a Democrat state as much as you can possibly be.  They will “vote blue no matter who” regardless.  So their is no need to win them over and pissing them off changes little.  This I find insane as you blame the government for your current woes but simultaneously expect them to solve the situation you claim they created.

        2) The uni-party (as puppets of the WEF) are in such absolute control and are so confident in that position they don’t feel the need to keep the mask on.  They will show you that they are authoritarian tyrants because whether you know it or not might not matter at this point.

        Ask Canada what happened the last time they pushed their progressive, tolerant and inclusive government.  I will spoil it for you, they sent in squads of “police” (mercenaries) that beat the sh!t out of people until they complied.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.
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