I have been saying it for years, the Bible will be banned, and here you are

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events I have been saying it for years, the Bible will be banned, and here you are

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      I am not some kind of oracle, I just keep my ear to the ground and listen.  I have been saying for several years the Bible will be labeled hate speech and banned.  And this is not incidental, it was a goal from the start.  This is one of the reasons they (the powers that be) used “gay” as a cudgel to beat down Christianity.  This was foretold in the Bible and is part of the so called end times.

      Matthew 24 (the “Cliff Notes” for the end times)

      “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”



      It was taken out of schools and hotels, and replaced by child porn books (which gets a parent escorted out ALL school meetings if they start reading the smut outloud to question why this is in the schools in the first place) and 50 shades in hotel rooms.

      The CCP already said they are rewriting the bible to be used to be “regime friendly”.

      The universal “TRUTHS” in the Bible cannot be allowed to be taught, as it goes against the DEMon-crats/extremely toxic far alt-left agenda/narrative.

      The Ten Commandments have been taken down from state houses and courtroom buildings.

      The Pledge of Allegiance and national flag being removed from classrooms, since they can’t indoctrinate the youth if they:

      “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,”

      One Nation under God.

      Nope.  They can’t have a higher power then them and the state.

      Liberty?  Give us your rights/freedoms to feel safe as prisoners/slaves to the state.

      I agree.  It is deliberate.

      These libtards HATE the US and all it stands for, and will stop at nothing till it and all its values and morals and law and order are destroyed.


        Again, it’s not just “libtards”.  You have an unelected political elite that are functionally communists regardless of what they call themselves.

        Christianity is targeted because it preaches self reliance, personal reasonability and a God that clearly states nothing is worthy of worship besides him.  These are all antithetical to the a communist state.

        The entire idea here (as you mentioned) is to get rid of all worship except that of the state.  Mao did this with a number of systems.  And what happened? Millions died.  Listen to Lilly Tang Williams below.  She grew up during Mao, she explains it all.

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