Pronouns, who cares. (with a caveat)

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  • #306351

      Much like everything the radical left demands, it’s a giant lie baked around a tiny kernel of truth they always point to when speaking to their assertion.

      Is it a big deal for someone to use whatever pronouns they want to?  No.  Is it a big deal for someone to identify as a cat, fairy, furry or demon?  No.  Call yourself whatever you want, think about yourself whatever you choose.  No one cares and you are free to do what you wish within the limits of where it affects other people like everything single thing else in life.

      Now, if that was all we were talking about it’s no biggie and it’s a freedom everyone already has. But this is NOT what is being demanded.  When leftists say “I want to identify as what I wish” they really mean “I want to force you treat me in a manner I require”.  This IS NOT a freedom anyone has.  And it’s expectation is ridiculous.

      What is being demanded is that one person can force another to behave as they wish them to.  Regardless of the reason for this is not right or moral and it removes freedom. And there is the point.

      Go ahead and give the government power to compel speech and require behavior (outside of criminal proceedings).  Once that train starts it won’t stop until we are all in V for Vendetta and it ALWAYS ends in enslavement and death.


      Rules for thee not for me.

      That’s what they want and I’m not gonna let that happen and I don’t think anyone else here is. We have been sick of it.

      And you’re not even eluding to the worst part. What if someone identified as a duck? Does anyone else knows how ducks reproduce? Ducks 97% of the time rape each other to reproduce.

      Now, let’s take that same idea and apply to someone who identified as a duck…. Are you starting to see where these dangerous ideas are leading to?

      In their backwards ass logic, they would condone raping for people who identify as ducks. “Oh you didn’t respect his duck pronouns?  Then you deserved to be sexually assaulted.”

      I assure you this is no different than the trans rapist excuse to send them to an all women’s prison and it’s just as disgusting.

      They’ve already let our young women take showers and dress in the same room with perverts who identified as women and let them get assaulted, they’re one bad choice away from allowing rape to be fully legal if you identify a certain way.

      The dark future woke ideology is pushing is nothing short of a full Orwellian nightmare and we better start fighting it now before it’s too late.

      And I don’t want to hear “it’s already too late”  from any asshole here. It’s never too late to change the outcome. It’s only too late when everyone gives up fighting. Did we absolutely prevent this from happening? No. Do we need to fight it now before it gets worse? Absolutely.

      But it’s not too late. Fight now.

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