Why are some lives cut short, why would God let that happen?

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      I hear this pretty often and it’s an absolutely valid question.  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why do children suffer and die?

      I would answer that with this.  Most of the suffering in the world is due to evil people committing heinous acts. Since we all have free will this is “allowed” to happen.   I am sure the Lord weeps at what we do to one another.

      But what about when children get sick or are born with terminal illnesses?  Is this too God’s will?  Why would he do such a thing if he loves us?

      Yes, this is indeed God’s will.  The short answer is because we do not understand the purpose does not at all mean there isn’t one.  Clearly this does not make the pain and anguish that a parent and family feels any less.

      We tend to assume that a short life is a wasted or meaningless life.  We think that fate or God has cut short a life and rendered it purposeless.  This is not at all the case.

      I have seen short lives have more meaning to them and more effect on the people around them (even around the world) than folks living out to the 80’s or more.  And I personally believe that is the point, the plan, and the reason for the situation.  It’s an opportunity set forth by God to bring people together in love and solidarity.

      I give two examples.  One is old and the other new.  Anyone recall the

      Remember “baby Jessica”?  She was the baby who fell down an old well and was trapped, alive.  The world came together in that brief stretch of time as people from all over descended on that town.  And they worked together and they saved her.  People still talk about this today.


      Here is another example.  If you watch “The Quartering” you know about Captain Kory and his channel “Kraken The Box”.

      This wonderful young man who had terminal heart issues brought people together from all over the world.  The love of his mother “Pixi” was something people adored seeing as love and compassion is in short supply in this day and age.  This little mans life ended at 11 years old.   Was it for naught?  Not in the least.  Look at the effect he had on people.  Just watch this short clip from his pirate themed funeral.  Look at all those people out there to celebrate his life and who he was. Read the comments and tell me he did not have a distinct effect on this world.  Clearly his life had much purpose.

      We should also keep in mind, life is not the destination.  It is just a brief stop on the way there.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.

      I watched this video a few weeks ago and it addresses why God allows suffering in general.

      He made some very good points including:

      1. Suffering builds character.

      2. The effect of an (evil) event has ripple effects way into the future, so judging its immediate outcome may not always be the wisest choice.

      It’s nearly an hour long but worth the investment.



        Awesome points man.  Thanks so much for replying.  I will check that video out.


        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yeah dumb arguments people being up are often the case.</p>
        Why do good things happen to bad people? It’s weird how they only question God and not the devil.

        God gave you free will, you made your choices just like everyone else. Even in “Acts of God” people made the choice to suffer. If a tree fell on me during a hurricane when I had time to evacuate, wouldn’t that choice to stay be on me?

        I’m just sick of all this atheist BS. I was raised Roman Catholic and I’ll die by those values. It’s weird how liberals with no God, no values, and no sense of right and wrong can even think to judge those of us who have faith.

        They have faith in science? The Catholic Church literally supported scientific discovery, Da Vinci was a scientist supported by the church itself but they will always ignore those details.

        The will to discover is rooted in our beliefs, our science is rooted in faith, and abandoning hard evidence for ideologies of gender that have no proper documentation is the rejection of science itself. Trust the science is trust in God.

        Trust in gender ideology or satanic beliefs is the rejection of God.


        • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Salvince.
        • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Salvince.

        Suffering builds character.

        I would also add that, God in His endless love, wants to give out Blessings and His grace onto people.  God does this by putting and allowing these thigs to happen.  And how you react to it shows God if you deserve God’s Blessings and Graces.

        God gives Satan permission to take Job’s wealth and kill his children and servants, but Job nonetheless praises God: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

        Did Job curse God for his misfortunes?  No.

        Did Job praise God during the good times AND during the bad times?  YES.

        Did Job earn God’s Blessings and Graces?  I would definitely say YES.

        And in the case of Capt Kord, God could easily have been testing not just Kord, but his family and friends and others.  To see how they react, and if their actions means God rewards them with His Blessing and Graces.

        As mortal humans, we cannot understand the divine wisdom and omnipotence of God.



          Honestly, well said.  I will expound on one point however.

          ” It’s weird how liberals with no God, no values, and no sense of right and wrong can even think to judge those of us who have faith.”

          Every human on this planet has a god and practices faith.  And in this case god is defined as something someone worships and has faith in.  For many of us that is God.  For the rest it’s themselves, money/things, science or a human agenda.  There is only one entity worthy of actual worship, that is God.  Everything else ultimately leads to misery, loneliness and pain.

          The concept can be summed up very succinctly. If you live your life only for yourself, you will end up miserable.  Life is not about you, it’s about love.  Love for others that you put out in the world through action (and risk) as well as accepting the love of God.

          I am sure some will mention love of self.  That is a demonic concept.  Yes, accepting yourself, in general is important.  But loving yourself unconditionally is the game of a narcissist.  We should never simply accept all that we are.  We should be constantly scrutinizing our actions and thoughts under the assumption we are all flawed and prone to self interest.   This is the challenge God lays before us and is the path back to him.

          So many people today lose hope, direction and see no point.  They focus on themselves as they believe the lies of the devil and are sure that will bring happiness.  And it does for a short period but that soon fades.  And so you chase it more and more and more never being actually content and ultimately wondering why you are here to begin with.  To circle back, love is why you are here.  And love is not generated from within for the self, it is given to others or accepted from others.  Yes, love is an emotion, a feeling.  But without action that’s all that it is.

          ““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”-John 13:34

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.


            “And in the case of Capt Kord, God could easily have been testing not just Kord, but his family and friends and others.  To see how they react, and if their actions means God rewards them with His Blessing and Graces.”

            That boy, as short as his life was, was an absolute blessing on this Earth.  His 11 years here was a blessing from God for everyone else.

            If you believe God is cruel and there was no point to Kory’s suffering.  I need to remind you if that was the case, we would not be discussing him now.


            There’s two answers. Religious approach, whole lot of brain gymnastics and theoretical explanations which can never be certified or proven.

            Realistic/atheistic/agnostic approach, because god doesn’t exist unless proven otherwise.

            Supposedly if a god existed and was all good and created evil and unfortune to build character as a roundabout good, I don’t think a parent who lost their child to an illness or murder would see it as a net positive outcome.

            I feel like religion is a good trick to find quick and easy solutions to a wide variety of problems like nothing else, but is in the end a very shallow and inconsistent solution. But if it helps you then more power to you.



            Oh yes, back to the dark ages when the world was flat, because there was no proof to say otherwise.

            Back to the days when germs were not heard off, and the ignorance of science because it could not be seen/proven.

            Go ahead, you can say God does not exist, or that the Devil does not exist.

            That does not mean they are not REAL just cause you say so and modern science cannot prove it.

            That does not mean that they did not exists.

            Just because you do not believe does not mean it is not real/true.

            I feel like religion is a good trick…

            Or that the Devil in its greatest trick, is to make people believe the Devil does not exist (and God does not exist), and people blindly follow.

            Even when any facts or proof is given, that will still never convince some.


            Shout out to Kat Von D, who just got baptized.
            An old church lady that I know used to watch that show a lot.



              “I feel like religion is a good trick to find quick and easy solutions to a wide variety of problems like nothing else, but is in the end a very shallow and inconsistent solution. But if it helps you then more power to you.”

              You make 2 things clear with this statement.  The first is not your non-belief but your overt contempt for.  So it’s not so much you are simply indifferent to the idea based on lack of evidence but you consider yourself in opposition to it.  That first case is simply a logical construct one would possibly arrive at.  The latter is an emotional response to what you are in opposition to so you feel the need to display superiority over anyone who disagrees.  Maybe that’s to convince yourself, maybe that’s just because you have an inferiority complex who knows.  But your condescension gives you away every time as someone confident in a theological or logical position would not need to denigrate others.

              The second thing is if you think religion is shallow then you clearly know nothing about it.  Sure, I guess if you see a few snippets from the Bible with obvious meaning then I guess you might arrive at such a conclusion.  The modern day society does indeed take a dismissive minimalized view of Christianity so if one’s knowledge base for that is only what’s floating around them in the societal ether than again, I can see how you think such a thing.

              The reality is it’s extremely deep and has been talked about and discussed by people you and I can never even hope to be as smart as. Christianity has been around for 2,000+ years.  Yes, now you might consider it some traditional societal force but in the beginning and for a long time it was a hard life and one you were often killed for.  And throughout history many people have fought for and gone to battle (figuratively and literally) for that set of values and beliefs and the freedom to practice it. Famous folks like Joan of Arc and Guy Fawkes.  And a great number of people who have made many of the discoveries we use today were famous Christians.  Many of the early scientists were Catholic.  Now we could call that just a product of those times but the fact remains.

              You don’t have to agree with “religion” or Christianity and on one wants to force you too. But to call it simple or “shallow” is just factually incorrect.  And if it was such a simple construct that was based on no real evidence people would not give their lives for it through history and up through even today.  That is unless you consider yourself superior to those folks in one or more ways.  And it’s clear that you do.

              Also, if you are waiting for proof of God you will be waiting eternally.  Because while there is much evidence if you look around you and use your brain there will never be conclusive proof.  If there was then there would be no need for faith and that is what it is all about.  If you knew for sure God existed you would fall on your knees and worship him and do everything he asked with a smile on your face because you would want to avoid the consequences of not.  But then that is not free will.

              I have always found it off the charts cognitive dissonance to assume rocks that appear to be steps have to be man made and are evidence of an ancient civilization.  But the infinite complexity of the mechanisms of the universe or even just our planet will be considered to have “naturally” formed out billions of years of happy accidents.  This would make man the only agent of logic and order in all the universe and put us on a pedestal we do not deserve.  I struggle to understand how some humans can see the the entire universe and know it follows a mathematical ruleset and then choose to think that there was no intelligence behind that as if math formed out of chaos on it’s own.  We did not invent math. We simply observed it.

              I am not sure why many folks like yourself hate God.  Even if Christianity was 100% bunk.  All it means is you lead a good life treating others how you wish to be treated and you took accountability for your own thoughts and actions.  Where is the negative?  Because you did not lead a life concentrating on yourself?  When has that worked out well for anyone in the long term?

              Now if I am wrong about God.  I lead a well behaved life and go to sleep afterwards.  If you are wrong about God then the consequences are far more dire.  You would think anyone of intelligence would play those odds on the side of God.

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.

              Pure chance?  No!


              God created this universe, and he placed us here to live and gave us free will, thats it. He now sits back and observes us occording to his will. He doesnt cause anything. He left the physics of this world to govern that. If he decides to intervene…then he will.

              But we are the architechs of our own reality, if we need help from God, and he deems it neccessary…it will happen thru prayer and dedication.

              We are seperate…for the moment from our God, this is the price of free will.

              God does not allow bad things to happen to good people…its just the price of living in this universe.


                “God does not allow bad things to happen to good people…its just the price of living in this universe.”

                First off, I love your post.  I agree with that explanation of things.

                But this 1 line I slightly disagree with.  Clearly most bad things in the world happen because of bad people.  However, I do think God does allow ,and in some cases orchestrates, bad things happening to good people.  It’s just not very often.   The reason is because what we perceive as something bad happening to us at the time,  ends up being good for us in the long term.  And this is something we only ever notice in hindsight if we notice it at all.  This is the whole blessing in disguise situation.

                The story I started this with about “Captain Kory”.  That little boy was born with a heart defect. He went through 2 transplants.  Was that bad for him?  Yes.  But his short life was not a waste, or useless or anything of the sort. No.  He brought a part of this dark and sometimes hopeless world together and in a wonderful way.

                So many people seem to think that if we don’t understand the plan then it can’t be.  Yet the entire universe was here billions of years before us, and seemed to do just fine without us understanding it or even knowing it was there.


                Yes…I agree with that.

                Im just trying to explain my thoughts and feelings on my God the best way i know how with my meager understandings. So it is a mixture of brainpower and heartfelt faith.

                I… like every other human on this rock am a sinner, and i need my God to carry me thru…why? Becuse  i am selfish and i want to live in an afterlife when my time comes…and there is only one way to do that. So I believe.


                I wish the rest of you nothing but peace and light, and may you always find what you are looking for.




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