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Has anyone spent any time recently looking at outlets like CNN or TYT?
I try to give everyone a chance but these folks are absolutely unhinged. I know that’s been the case for some time but it seems to have gotten even worse. They are literally just making things up and spitting it out.
For example, I watched Cenk Uygur rant about how if Trump gets elected their will be pandemonium as he will arrest all as political opponents.
Do these people have no self awareness or do they just assume the people watching don’t?
Chuckled at this post because NO, I have not. There used to be this notion of watching and listening to what the enemy is thinking. The west lives under total illegal alien invasion and this was never once voted for. The unhinged and hysterical behavior is a severe paranoia of criminal thieves who have stolen the posterity of a sovereign people. Where Trump or another, the blow-back will never stop.
Commercial TV is unwatchable. There are so many propaganda ads and trope commercials, that many times, people forget what they are even watching in the first place. Any time I happen to catch it in a waiting room or something, it’s like watching aliens who live in a totally different world than reality. I recall one commercial that was implying that people should attack anyone who attaches a stigma to people who are HIV+.
TYT sold out and Jimmy Dore used to mock them constantly because he knew they no longer had freedom to talk certain topics. Sounds like CNN and TYT get the same script, which is to attack Trump. CNN was always bad, but now, it’s “Brought to you by Pfizer” media. It’s literally a news station that’s trying to give you cancers and heart attacks. No, I don’t watch it.
I am the same. The only time I see ads or commercials is if I watch an NFL game off my antenna. And I cannot stand how stupid, low brow and propagandized they are. It is so overt and obvious it makes me gag.
The general media (Fox included) is total propaganda and lies. I watch none of it except to peek at their current propaganda from time to time.
The immigration thing is not an invasion. It’s actually worse than that believe it or not. It’s not a cohesive invading force you can easily identify and address. It is random people from random cultures. They are being encouraged to come actively by NGOs and being provided resources by the US government. They will end up erasing borders, nations and the original culture. These folks will not assimilate, they will not recognize our law and order nor our government. The West in general will end up being erased functionally I am sure that was the end game the whole time just as the globalists wish.
Any claims of compassion or asylum seeking or helping people is nonsensical garbage. Anyone parroting that is either in on it and wants this to happen or is an uninformed fool. There are folks coming from as far as Africa now. When you seek asylum you are running for essentially deadly consequences. Crossing many countries and an ocean to get to the US or the UK is not asylum seeking. All it is are people being made promises about the land of milk and honey. But these are lies. People coming to a different country, en masse, with a different culture, different language and zero understanding of laws, customs and expectations will find nothing but misery and economic enslavement. That is not compassion. That is just using people.
The only “sampling” I get is when they say/do something so stupid, it gets reported on by other sources.
The legacy media is nothing but the propaganda industry of the extremely toxic far alt left lunatics, that is so biased (non-neutral) pushing an agenda/narrative that is so anti-freedom anti-democratic anti-human anti-tolerance hate filled woke bs.
I have to wonder how such idiots not only got their job but still have them.
Definitely hear ya on the NFL and FOX. Years ago, I finally tuned it all out. Even the SuperBowl commercials went from funny or entertaining to just bizarre and weird and it just gave me a bad feeling.
One thing that was my reality is that I grew up in the propaganda bubble. I watched a ton of TV and movies and all the latest music. It became too overwhelming due to mass production and it just stopped working and I couldn’t take it and shut it all off, before returning later. The social media streamers started to take more risks. Infowars was one gateway, but once GAB and Bitchute got my attention, there comes a time where, bit by bit, you become more interested in truthful conspiracy and then, the bubble pops and you can’t take the overt and obvious lies from the propaganda machine anymore.
Yes, that NGO asylum refugees scam is gonna cut the throats of the west soon. The compassion taught and extended is going to be fatal. The other day, Infowars said something to the effect of that it won’t be UN Blue Helmets that bring the police state, because, by the time the public wakes up, the invaders will already be in their cops and military and working for the globalists. In Chicago, they already made it legal for non-citizens to be police. In some other states, it’s like that where illegals are given government jobs. The invasion has already happened and the takeover is happening without a shot fired.
The old guard dinosaur media never talks about interesting and critical stories such as this. They cover it up. They bury entire crime waves. Once in a while, they might show some looting of a store, but even that pales in comparison to the social services looted and the money scammed out of us using the proxy war in Ukraine and Afghanistan.
“The old guard dinosaur media never talks about interesting and critical stories such as this. They cover it up. They bury entire crime waves. Once in a while, they might show some looting of a store, but even that pales in comparison to the social services looted and the money scammed out of us using the proxy war in Ukraine and Afghanistan.”
Yes, absolutely. Anyone with a shred of sense who gets off the propaganda teet will see what’s going on. And we are at the point now where we no longer need to offer predictions as to what will happen, the results are already in. You simply have to look for yourself.
And that was one of my points. Anyone who speaks of compassion as it relates to limitless immigration is either an uninformed fool or someone who believes they will benefit from it.
Ultimately, the question is no longer how to do put America back as it was. That ship has sailed and probably 20+ years ago. We need to all work together to figure out how to stop the bleeding. Then assess where we are and recapture culture and put common sense back into play such that we do things FOR society for the good of people and not in the name of people to the detriment of society.
People need to take in the gravity of what is going on. In 1987 the population of the USA was about 240 million. It is now about 340 million of the people we know of. I promise you there are millions more. So in the span of 36 years the population grew by about 40% if I did my math right. That’s pretty amazing considering the plummeting birth rates. I wonder where all those people are coming from?
Now if you look at US population year over year (of the people we know of) I am sure someone would point to that and say , well we had years of over 1% change from year to year and now it’s sub 1% and has been and now just .5% . But like everything you have to consider the context. If about the same number of people are added each year and that rate is steady, the year over year % will indeed go down as the total number gets larger. Mix in with that the thought that we have no clue how many people are actually here at this point. And I would imagine well beyond 10% of the people in the USA were either not born here or are children of people who were not.
Society in the USA, UK and western Europe is already cracking. That process is not ceasing anytime soon and will only accelerate even if we all shut all of our borders today.
It’s no longer the case to try to decide how to keep our societies from dramatically shifting and breaking. The only thing left is to try to figure out how to survive once it does and how to go forward from there to make it better.
Sky Australia usually does a decent job at balancing opinions. There’s also vids on there about Biden and his goings on that- from what I hear- don’t appear on the US networks.
As for the illegal immigration stuff…the moment we had open boarders in the UK ten years ago most of knew that it was basically opening the floodgates. Many of them that come here have no interest in accepting our way of life. Want to know the worst thing about this? They’re being kept into 5* or 4* hotels and as a result said hotels are “fully booked” meaning that anyone that wants a holiday here ends up not being able to book a room because of these illegals. Female visitors to these hotels have had to leave within hours of arriving because they feel unsafe (most illegals arriving here are able-bodied men) but have been silenced by the media because it would be “racist” to talk about the situation.
The immigration situation is independent of the people coming over or their intentions. This is the part everyone fights over but it is misdirection because it does not matter. The reality is, if you import a large number of people from another culture/place/language/value set into yours, they will end up forming their own society not recognizing yours. At the very least this functionally means multiple countries within what was a single country. In the worst case they just dismantle the host country or you end up in civil conflict.
This is a shared goal of the communist and the WEF member.
I’ve no issues with migration. If people really do want to come here for a better life (as most of them keep trying to claim) that’s great. However, if they’re going to come over here and simply moan about our way of life and demand that we change our culture because they find it “offensive” then they are also welcome…to leave. This is the equivalent of leaving the front door open and acting shocked and surprise when a complete stranger randomly walks in and starts knicking off with your belongings.
I have no issues with immigration either. But that should be a process to follow that allows in only those whom will contribute. What’s going on now is not that at all. It is limitless amounts of people coming over that will end up destroying what they came for without realizing it. This will (and is) collapsing social systems that were already inadequate and already failing especially schools.
And for anyone claiming compassion for this to happen are fools. They are encouraging people to risk their lives to come here. They are encouraging human trafficking and abuse. No one talks about all the people that die trying to come over, those are never spoken of. And for those that do make it your chance of anything outside of poverty is pretty low. So not only are you adding to the population of the poor (a class so many claim to want to help) you are displacing the current poor population and robbing them of whatever resources were being given to them. If they were working poor, you just took their job away and probably lowered the wage as there is now an abundant population of people willing to do those jobs off the books and for less.
I know a lot of people who look out their front door and say, well I don’t see it, it’s not bothering me so it must not really be a problem. Actually it is you just are not able to connect the dots yet but at some point soon you won’t be able to ignore it, just like New York.
The OP is interesting in that, it is the left that is jailing their political opponents all over the world. Ukraine, Brazil, Jan. 6th, etc.
Tim Pool said Cernovich theorized that the right will all be put in prison around this next election. What would stop them?
“Tim Pool said Cernovich theorized that the right will all be put in prison around this next election. What would stop them?”
It’s not the right so to speak that would be attacked/jailed. It is anyone that openly dissents or challenges the establishment. And this has already occurred here with Trump and company. It only gets worse from there until something stops it. But right now you have morons cheering that on because they think it means they “win” when in reality they are making the shackles that will enslave them as well.
Happened to find the video:
Former agent John Stockwell on how the CIA plants fake news stories and recruits journalists to disseminate information for psychological operations. (1983)
One thing you also have to realize about Cenk and TYT is they are basically private or controlled by the umbrella corporation, as they took that Katzenberg money, they are an entertainment show or an infotainment show. I’m not shading them because I think they exposed the media as what it is, which is a form of Crisis Actor entertainment. Your journalists and reporters are teleprompter reading actors. They are not real intellectuals.
There is a movie about the CIA and the military industrial complex from 1975 with Robert Redford. A movie Hollywood would never make today. It goes into how they control much of everything and no one knows and I think control of oil was mentioned. It’s a great movie actually.
Right now the west is in love with pseudointellectuals whom are all just puppets of actual intellectuals whom are evil. Cenk and Anna are actually smart people. But they just do the bidding of their masters and tow the line. Although the times I have watched them there is a difference between Cenk and Anna. Cenk is 110% in for the establishment. If Klaus Schwab asked him for some “private time” Cenk without hesitation would drop his pants. Anna seems to recoil a bit from Cenk’s antics and now and then injects sanity into the conversation. She does play her part towing the line but she might be saveable. Cenk’s morality is for sale so he is lost.
But there are many fake intellectuals out there, mostly on the left. They love to call actual intellectuals fake. I chuckle when they call Jordan Peterson a pseudointellectual. You don’t have to agree with Peterson to recognize how insanely intelligent he is. Same goes from Thomas Sowell. Although Sowell is on another level above Peterson at this time.
I’ve heard of that film. Mainly because I’m pretty sure there were some stills from it that were shown on ‘Captain America: The Winter Solder’.