We live in a time when Chickens are braver than some men

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    A funny yet poignant anecdote on the state of modern masculinity.



    I think too many men today have been conditioned that they are worthless, that females need no man.

    People are more interested in filming something (for likes and influence) than to get involved, especially when told by police NOT to get involved for you might get hurt.  And people suing the good samaritan, etc.

    Not long ago, we had the person who subdued a person threatening others on a NY Subway being prosecuted.

    People see that, and say I don’t want to be sent to jail for helping, to stopping a crime, to saving others.

    Where the criminals have more rights than the people they victimizes.  You fought back, the criminal sues you for assault.  The current “criminal” system is protecting criminals and victimizing the real victims over and over again.

    Where the consequences no longer deters a crime, criminals will run wild.

    Civilization and rule of law soon falls down to barbarism.


      They are feminizing men for a myriad of reasons.  One of the main ones is because men lead revolutions.

      Subduing masculinity I believe was initially a feminist precept that later got hijacked and used. For women, after decades of this, it did not help them it hurt them.  The feminists made a massive miscalculation.  They thought they could gain “freedom” from men by being more like men and subduing them. But they did not realize that the sexes are 2 halves of a whole and you cannot cut that tether.  And as such, what hurts men, hurts women, hurts men and around we go.

      On that note, kids and society need both masculinity and femininity.  Neither kids nor society can prosper without equal amounts of both.  That’s why when people use being a single mom as a badge of honor I cringe.  Because all it means is you chose poorly and you are depriving your children of the masculine influence they need.  I have experienced this first hand because I AM a single parent but in my case the feminine is missing.

      This is actually my argument against gay adoption.  I am sure many people read that and get angry.  But hear me out.

      Let’s say I have a house.  A pipe springs a leak and the water hits an outlet destroying it. So I call a contractor and ask them to send a plumber and an electrician.  But they make a mistake and send 2 electricians.  Well that solves half of my problem but not all of it.

      This is the deal with gay adoption.  Children need equal amounts of the masculine and the feminine.  Having 2 of the same does not adequately get the job done.  It’s not that the number has anything to do with it.  If it did then why would 3 or 4 not be better?  No it’s that a child requires the influence of each.

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