Florida teacher savagely beaten unconscious by 270lb autistic student

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      First off, if you are sensitive don’t click the article.  It’s not gory but it is very disturbing.

      I bring this article up because it demonstrates 2 things that are dissimilar.

      1) For anyone whom declares there is no physical differences between males and females, well if you look at this, clearly there is.  If you still deny it you are just lying to yourself.

      2) I firmly believe that special needs  children have SPECIAL NEEDS.  They should not be in a regular school.  That is fair to no one.  Not to children at the school, not to the teachers and not to the special needs kid.   The entire idea of slowing down a class for 1 or 2 kids harms those kids.  And not putting a child who has issues into an environment where those issues are addressed is setting them up for failure.





      I’ve slight learning difficulties myself but I’ve NEVER struck a teacher or an adult in my entire life. Mainly because I’ve had discipline.

      Sadly, I can’t say the same for many kids today especially the ones who actually have learning difficulties. Way too often little Timmy or little Susie get away with it if they’ve got even the slightest of learning difficulties. Sadly, I’ve had many bad experiences with people like this during a special course for people like me during college and I’m never comfortable around people like this as a result. Don’t get me wrong; not all of us are like this and I’m not judging them by the actions of some of the worst that were in my class but unfortunately many kids are “diagnosed” with “learning difficulties” because many parents can’t be bothered trying to discipline them properly. No I never went to a special school or special college but that was because my parents wanted me to have some independence.

      My cousin is a teacher at a school for people with learning difficulties. There’s a boy in his class who no-one likes because he’s so violent whenever he can’t get his own way that the teachers are too scared to discipline or say no to him even though they know he’s a bully. One time the class was handed gold star sheets as rewards for being good one term. He got a full gold star sheet much to the distress of the class. Even my usually tolerant cousin complained to the school about it but they didn’t want to do anything about it because it would’ve upset the boy and his family.



        I think I described the problem but you explained the root cause of it.  The negative situations are not a result of actual compassion or any concrete logical thought process.  It’s all based on platitudes and the avoidance of social conflict.  So while the adults are busy virtue signaling for self gratification while others keep quiet so they don’t get cancelled, all the children suffer.  So ultimately kids suffer because adults prioritize themselves over the children.

        This goes to a point I was pondering today.

        Society is built on deferred gratification and prioritizing the needs of the many over the needs of a few and conversely it is destroyed through seeking immediate gratification and prioritizing the satisfaction of the self.



        It’s sad because I have some friends who are worse than me in the learning difficulties department and they’re the nicest people in the world who’ll never harm a fly. Not even if they’re seriously ticked off at something or someone.



          Oh absolutely.  I was not at all inferring anything other than that was the case.

          I know many people see someone whom 10 years ago we would consider retarded.  Which is not a pejorative, it is simply descriptive of a situation in which due to any number of reasons they are “slow” because development has been retarded.  I am not describing you I am just speaking in generalities here. And many people would think that person is somehow a mistake or is less or is a wasted/unfulfilled life.  This is absolutely untrue.  In fact to think that is to take away from the value of all life.  The assumption that one must be X Y or Z to be of “value” is an evil idea in my book.  I have seen many people who have difficulties (some severe) bring joy to others and to have joy themselves.

          Over the weekend I made a trip to the local grocery store.   As I am sitting in my car waiting for people to pass I see a man with 2 little girls.  One was typical and the other obviously had some level of down syndrome as indicated by the usual physical attributes of that condition.  Now one person might say well one is less than the other. I state this is not the case.  I see both girls with huge smiles having fun in the store following their daddy and him attending to both lovingly. What’s wrong with that?  Nothing.

          Overall my point is all folks deserve a chance.  But they deserve the best chance they can get. Having someone with severe learning issues in a regular school only harms the regular children as well as the one with additional needs. Sure, it gives adults the opportunity to say look what I did I have put my autistic child in a regular school. But that does not help anyone it only makes the adult feel special.  And also actually the same reason you end up with trans kids.

          This situation in the video I am familiar with.  My daughter went to school for years with a boy who had down syndrome.  Happy little guy but prone to outbursts. When he was younger a lady essentially followed him around school all day and helped him and assisted in controlling him.  But as got older he grew into a sizeable guy.  And by Jr. High they had to pay for a large gentleman to replace the lady so he could be physically controlled.

          I ask.  Where is the value in that?  I see nothing of value in that situation this only puts everyone in a risky and bad situation and harms the learning environment for all involved.




          No worries. I have my “stupid” moments all the time even though I’m not stupid🤣.


            Of course you aren’t.

            And don’t feel bad.  There are things I do well and in others I lack common sense and do silly things that cause others to laugh at me. :P



            @Vknid I can relate to that.

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