Proof Hollywood is interested only in the money and not the art

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      I was thinking about this the other day.  If the concern or motivation was to improve the art or make something awesome.  Why not remake horrible movies instead of remaking ones that are classics that you are not ever going to top?  There is an abundance of awful movies to remake but only few classics relatively speaking. And as a lover of B sci-fi, many bad movies have great plot ideas they are just executed very poorly.  It’s a target rich environment.

      So in my mind, the answer is, they are just happy to make cash off name recognition and low effort that takes little resources comparatively.



      They are also creatively bankrupt.

      It is easier to remake something (and subvert it with ideology) than it is to take a risk and make something new.

      Story writing is a dying artform.  Making character development is hard when they can just make the person “The bestest evar” with no growth.  Lazy writing, incompetent writers, etc.

      And for the last decade, I would say it was not “interested only in the money”, they were more interested in pushing an agenda/narrative in their stuff.  They were OK with losing money.  But now with people openly rejecting it, the cash flow is drying up to where they have to start making things the paying consumers want or go broke.

      Disney (marvel/lucasfilm) is a prime example of a hollywood industry in decline.  Movie after movie not making a profit.  TV shows losing viewership / subscribers.  Merchandise and licensing going down.


      Agreed. Me and a lot of other REAL Disney fans have been saying for a while that if they should be doing ANY live action remake of ANY animated classic, they should focus on the animated classics that weren’t very well received when they originally came out. Such as ‘Treasure Planet’, ‘Atlantis’ or ‘The Black Cauldron’. Not the ones that so many people have loved for years because they were popular when they came out and are still popular today.


        I can tell you when they flipped from art to propaganda.  It was 2010.

        I think there is more going on to this.  I believe everything we are saying is true but I think there is more to it.  Maybe it’s that they thought pure propaganda would end up also making money due to overconfidence in themselves.  And that is a mistake that radical left side makes often.  So after they geared up for producing “propaganda-tainment” it lost money.  And then they decided if they just going people would hop on the bandwagon.  But the reality is it chased people away.

        I also think that they internally have made themselves such a little niche cult that they toss people out of routinely and let only the most faithful in, that they have created a massive echo chamber.  This also means their level of creativity is non-existent because there (ironically) is no diversity of thought whatsoever.


        The AI is moving so fast, that soon, anyone with solid story and vision should be able to make simple films. The strikes by Hollywood are all for nothing. People will just seek out and pay real creators and talent.

        Yesterday, on my walk, I saw The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock …in IMAX? It was promoted. I thought that was actually a very good idea. To offer the old classics to the public in new forms.


          “The AI is moving so fast, that soon, anyone with solid story and vision should be able to make simple films.”

          I don’t think that’s going to work as many are stating.  I believe it will be somewhat possible but in a rudimentary way and such that if many folks were doing similar things they would end up looking similar.  AI is not creative it only generates from what it knows.  At what point that changes is the point we should be very afraid.

          But many things have come along that was supposed to kill the movie industry like TV and streaming just to name a few.

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