The point at which an abortionist realized he was wrong

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      I know this is a hot topic. All I will say is this, most of what is out there that is pro-abortion is lies.  Listen to this OBGYN tell you about that and why he stopped doing abortions.

      None of what is in the video is graphic it is just 2 guys talking but if you have any love of children this will tug at your heart strings.

      I find it poignant to show you the banner YouTube puts up on this and how that too is lies.

      Abortion does not “end a pregnancy” it exterminates a life.  It removes a human being from this planet.  Does it use medicine and surgery to do this?  If you consider the end of “Brave Heart” a surgery than sure.

      youtube context




      Ohio just put abortion “rights” in their state constitution. It was never my issue because women seem to be very into it and I know people who wanted kids so bad and couldn’t have them, that it made little sense to me. I’ve met more than one who cried and regretted the abortion decision. Only once did I meet a girl who seemed to almost brag about having them. The worst thing about it is she was very attractive, so it makes me think there was something mentally wrong with her.

      Even though it is not my issue, sometimes, I will see memes or art and, for some reason, it affects me on a sentimental level. I always thought there was something kind of majestic about a mother and child.

      Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 08-33-46 a6882f2ce107d94f.png (PNG Image 568 × 568 pixels)


      IMO, all murder on demand aka abortion are hired assassins to terminate life.

      Murder is murder.

      Suicide (or assisted suicide) is murder.

      Infanticide is murder.

      Abortion is murder.

      And the fallacy of “my body my choice” ignores the life and body of the infant in the womb.  What of their bodily autonomy!  What of their choice!


      Well, there is a special place in HELL for all those evil and vile people who perform and willingly kill babies (at any stage of their lives.)

      May the eternal damnation/pain be equal to the same as the dismemberment of those innocents killed.


      Nefarious: this film was never shown in Canadian theatres and is bloody hard to get your hands on here in Canada: had to buy it from Youtube, and even though i paid $20 for it, it won’t allow me to do even short screen recordings to help promote/ share the film. (This clip was done recording it from the screen of someone else who had bought it).

      The makers of this film also made one a few years ago called “Unplanned” (also about abortion) and Trudeau’s cabinet wasn’t at all happy with it. So when they heard the same people were releasing this film, they pretty much banned it right off the get-go. This is what leads me to suspect that the real reason it was banned was because of this scene, where abortion is discussed. All the more reason to share it.



        “Even though it is not my issue”

        The value of life IS EVERYONE’S ISSUE.  To think what you do is to have fallen prey to the propaganda you typically are rightfully pointing out.  This is the same moral relativism that is destroying the west.  People are either of value or they are not.  There is simply no in-between.  If the value of a life simply becomes an equation that weighs the wants of a person or their level of inconvenience to someone else then there is no value on life.  And this is what a “mother” is doing in the case of abortion.  It is one person deciding that someone else has no value and needs to die.  This is what eugenicists do.  And this is why all that started with Margaret Sanger.   She also played a significant role in the birth control pill.

        If you are still thinking it’s not my problem then you need to think about how believing life’s value is relative leads to murder and mass murder.  And if you think those are not related then I urge you to do some research and introspection.


        “And the fallacy of “my body my choice” ignores the life and body of the infant in the womb.  What of their bodily autonomy!  What of their choice!”

        /clap… absolutely… Like almost everything that comes from the radical left (and the establishment) that thought is based on nonsense and paraded around as truth. It is the hidden poison pill they always offer.


        They point at a Twinkie and tell you those are good and delicious and everyone has a right to have a Twinkie.  But you don’t know that their is a poison pill in the Twinkie (well frankly it’s made from poison but I digress) and when folks start dying from the Twinkies the left will tell you it’s because some people don’t have enough Twinkies and their is Twinkies inequality and that is why so we need for people to have more of them and they should be free. And people agree and they demand Twinkies and they say Twinkies are a human right.  And as people drop dead left and right from the poison all the news outlets and all the lines of info in the mainstream keep telling people Twinkies are awesome and you have a right to have them and you should have more of them.  And even though there are dead people everywhere with Twinkies in their hands the news tells you, anyone who thinks that Twinkies are bad is a Twink-a-phobe and the idea they contain poison is a conspiracy theory created out of hatred for Twinkies.  And that it is the people who claim Twinkies are bad are the reason why people are dying all over.  And those Twink-a-phobes are subhuman because they deny others Twinkies rights and the Twink-a-phobes deserve what ill thing might happen to them.  And this is where we are now.  Where the thing killing society is lauded as the thing that will save it and anyone whom points that out is the cause of the death of society and we spiral into oblivion.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

        The people I admire the most are definitely moral people. They take their lives more seriously. The thing is, I kind of had that whole Biblical worldview and did not realize that so many do not. So, the problem with that is, we may run into to people who honestly don’t know right from wrong even. Even if they do, they can still slip. Regarding the Eugenics thing, it seems like Eugenics gets a stigma and all this fear, but dysgenics does not. I didn’t even know there was such a term as dysgenics, but have seen arguments now that it is what is being subsidized.

        Let’s say that someone does not care about abortion, I guess what does bothers me is I heard that it does not end there. They like do things with the remains? Like with cells and organs and stuff? Now, that goes deeper and you realize that horror just isn’t a genre of movie.



        So…you want to murder innocents and then rationalize it away? You’re entitled to do that.

        But it’s downright selfish and I’m similarly entitled to make such a judgement.

        May God have mercy on your souls.


        Much respect and admiration to those who through all the fear and uncertainty choose to bring their children into this world and then sacrifice their wants and needs to nurture and care for them.

        May God bless you and your families.



          “we may run into to people who honestly don’t know right from wrong even”

          I don’t think that is so much the problem vs. people being told and or taught that doing wrong is not wrong.  We see this constantly now in modern culture.  They call it destigmatizing but it’s really just normalizing.  We no longer call it prostitution, we call it sex work.  And people are no longer prostitutes they are sex workers.  Making wrong right is about the worst thing you can do to a society.  Without a cohesive moral fabric that people agree on, you essentially do not have a society.

          “Regarding the Eugenics thing, it seems like Eugenics gets a stigma and all this fear, but dysgenics does not.”

          I had not heard that word before.  So I did some research and I believe you are using it incorrectly.  In it’s origin it was defined as the process of the human gene pool becoming weaker with more often having negative traits because society has functionally removed natural selection. You are referring to the designer human or gene editing situation. Eugenics is removing people or traits from the pool to either somehow help society with less people or to bring forward only the best traits.  In the case of Margaret Sanger it was her goal to have less people in poverty.  Not by helping people, or educating them or anything altruistic but by their just being less of them through abortion and birth control.



          “Much respect and admiration to those who through all the fear and uncertainty choose to bring their children into this world and then sacrifice their wants and needs to nurture and care for them.

          May God bless you and your families.”


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

          full Movie

          I never saw it.


          Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 16-24-42 Unplanned - Wikipedia




            It’s available on a number of platforms without having to deal with any silliness.

            I own a copy of it.  I have a number of the “conspiracy” documentaries like Uncle Tom, Borderless, Farmlands, and Plandemic etc.

            The trick is to snag them as soon as they release before they get censored.

            I have seen interviews with the lady that inspired Unplanned.  Beyond compelling.




            Very cool. I never used to watch dramas and documentaries, but now, I am finding them more interesting and the alternative to the corporate woke stuff.

            After Sound of Freedom, I watched a bunch of interviews with the producer, Eduardo. Found out later that he prays the Rosary every single day on cam. He also has a moment of silence every single day on cam. Each one is close to an hour. This is in addition to his busy entertainer schedule, so I find the commitment impressive.

            Believe it or not, the person who kinds of reminds me of him, in a way, is Melonie Mac with her Bible reading channel. I find people who have that daily discipline kind of deep and interesting.

            Anyway, point is, Eduardo, the producer of Sound of Freedom, in one interview he mentioned a pro life film he made called Bella and here it is. So much heart is some working class men out there to adopt.





              “Believe it or not, the person who kinds of reminds me of him, in a way, is Melonie Mac with her Bible reading channel. I find people who have that daily discipline kind of deep and interesting.”

              The thing is it is not just sheer discipline that is the positive here.  It is the realization one must constantly better themselves through study, thought and introspection.  This is a tenant of Christianity.  We are called to perfection, but it is not something we can attain.  But we must keep trying and ask God for grace and forgiveness on a consistent basis.   That process in motion functionally means you are having a constant conversation with the Lord.  Not prayers that are someone else’s words but an actual conversation.  THAT is what is mean by a personal relationship with God.

              Thanks for the tip on “Bella”.  I will check that out.  And it’s on Prime I see so I will indeed watch it.




              And the fallacy of “my body my choice” ignores the life and body of the infant in the womb.  What of their bodily autonomy!  What of their choice!

              as someone who is pro choice, I do agree that this argument is useless because if it is a living human, no choice should accept killing it. But I think most pro choice people approach from the viewpoint that before the fetus  developes consciousness at around weeks 20-25, it’s not a living human being. The my body my choice argument is usually heard from feminists


                “as someone who is pro choice”

                Ironic propaganda phrase “pro choice”.  The baby gets no choice.


                ” But I think most pro choice people approach from the viewpoint that before the fetus  developes consciousness at around weeks 20-25, it’s not a living human being.”

                I am certain people whom are ok with murdering over half a million people a year (US alone)  have rationalized that the humans they are murdering are not actually humans.  Dehumanization is typically a requirement of genocide and mass murder.  That is how 6 million Jews ended up dead.

                The argument you just made for killing millions is a point that no one can really prove.   That is no different than saying well scientifically the soul is not placed into the baby before 25 weeks so killing it is not a big deal.

                And even if you we used the logic you put forth just now you gave it a range indicating you are not quite sure at what point it’s a person and when its not.  What if your logic if wrong?   What if you are 5 weeks or 7 weeks off?  Now your thought process is responsible for the murder of millions of people even under those terms.

                The very idea that it’s not a person until a certain point is simply ridiculous.  It is a human being, period.

                Furthermore, it is entirely bananas we are even talking about abortion in this way.  The absolute vast majority of abortions are birth control (although I believe they are all wrong outside of maybe the life of the mother). This means we have decided to end a life because it is inconvenient even though we could have simply chosen to just keep it in our pants.

                So here society is, making a calculation on your level of humanity and value based on a ratio of how inconvenient you are to your mother. And that entire argument is based on some “science” we cannot really prove and over half a million people are mowed down every year making this grand assumption that somehow science is never wrong nor bought and paid for.  We hesitate more when buying a new cellphone than we do when murdering unborn babies.

                Abortion in it’s current societal form was born out of eugenics to curb “certain” populations.  It is pushed top down now for essentially the same reason it’s just that “certain” populations has been greatly expanded to a much wider group.

                If people would just refrain from poor choices and or make better choices, most of the time this is not even a conversation.


                The baby gets no choice.

                I mean it all depends on when you believe it becomes a living human being.

                The argument you just made for killing millions is a point that no one can really prove.   That is no different than saying well scientifically the soul is not placed into the baby before 25 weeks so killing it is not a big deal.

                I do believe in modern medical experts who claim ”consciousness cannot emerge before 24 gestational weeks when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established.”. If it was proven that fetuses gain consciousness immeiately I would be against abortion, sure.

                And even if you we used the logic you put forth just now you gave it a range indicating you are not quite sure at what point it’s a person and when its not.  What if your logic if wrong?   What if you are 5 weeks or 7 weeks off?  Now your thought process is responsible for the murder of millions of people even under those terms.

                The development of a fetus brain can be monitored with magnetoencephalography, which shows that it has no consciousness before around the 24th week, but since not all fetuses develop at the same pace the abortion limit can be put at let’s say 20th or 22nd week just to be sure. And 90% of abortions are done before the 12th week so it is absolutely before the consciousness.

                The very idea that it’s not a person until a certain point is simply ridiculous.  It is a human being, period.

                according to you, sure. But many base it off what they believe life to be, which is consciousness.

                Hypothetically, if Jack and Bobby switched their heads with the other person’s body so that Jack’s head with all memories and consciousness was now on Bobby’s body, most people would believe Jack is the one where his brain is, not his heart or majority of his body or whatever. Certain animals can live without a heart as long as their head is unharmed, humans with non functioning hearts are not considered dead, but humans who are brain dead are legally considered dead, even if every other organ is functioning.

                For me this strongly indicates that functioning brain and consciousness is what defines if something is a living human being. So if a fetus does not have a consciousness and is unable to react to anything, it is not yet a living human but rather an organism.

                But I’m curious, when do you think life starts?

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