Melissa Barrera Fired From Scream VII

Melissa Barrera has been fired from Scream VII, the next installment in the new era of the horror franchise, which she has been leading for the last two movies. Barrera’s dismissal from the film is in response to posts she made on Instagram. The posts were deemed antisemitic by some – including, apparently, Spyglass Media, who now make the Scream movies. There’s no word on how the series will proceed without her, but since so many people were fine with them kicking out Sidney Prescott, I don’t imagine it’ll be a problem. Barrera’s posts were in her stories, so they’re probably gone now, but the tweet below has screenshots of them:

On principle, I don’t like people being fired for saying things or having political positions others don’t agree with or find offensive, so I disagree with firing her. But does this sound familiar to anyone else? I seem to remember an actress being fired from some space shows because she made a post that was called antisemitic. I also remember the people who are now outraged about Barrera cheering this on and saying things like, “Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.” This is why, while I don’t want this to happen to anyone, it’s important that if it does happen, it isn’t limited to one side, because when the people who are comfortable talking realize they could be next, that’s when things change. It won’t be overnight; getting them to understand how the “It’s different when we do it” argument is hypocritical is like lifting a bus up a mountain with your teeth. But that’s how it starts, and more importantly, how it all ends, if it does.

Comments (1)

November 22, 2023 at 7:45 pm

I saw nothing bad about her statements. Nothing wrong with remaining silent. The thing is, Americans have heard far worse directed at them from celebrities without the Hollywood person losing their job over it. This is getting very hypocritical and tyrannical.
Think about how the most power institutions take out their frustrations on child actors. Taking opportunities away from young people.

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