Nightingale Early Access OUT NOW!

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      I will let the Devs speak for the game in the release:

      Greetings fellow Realmwalkers!

      Nightingale is OUT NOW in Early Access.

      The Pale has enveloped much of Earth, and you’ve been cast adrift in the Faewilds. You must survive the dangers of these magical and treacherous lands, navigate through the ancient Fae portal network, and discover what it truly means to become a Realmwalker.

      As we enter the start of Early Access, we want to thank everyone for joining us on this journey. Whether you’ve been with us through our earlier playtesting or are jumping into the Realms for the first time this week, the enthusiasm, feedback and ideas, and positivity has meant so much to everyone here at Inflexion.

      We’re continuing our commitment to making Nightingale a unique and meaningful universe to (Realm) dive into. This community is at the forefront of everything we do, and it’s important to us that we continue that collaboration as we refine and expand Nightingale in the weeks, months and years to come.

      In the coming weeks you’ll see us focus on hotfixes and QOL updates (craft from storage incoming!), and iterating on all aspects of the experience. Beyond that we’ll be adding more biomes, Realm Cards (Major and Minor), creatures, Apex monsters, weapons, tilesets, and so much more.

      This moment marks the culmination of years of development, community playtests and hard work from all of us at Inflexion Games. Nightingale is the first project from our studio and we know the bar is high for our players. We are looking forward to seeing you all in the Realms.

      Thank you so much for your support,

      – The Nightingale Team (Inflexion Games)

      Now that that is over, this is a game I have been interested in for over a year, so much so I did Alpha test and participate in the server stress test. One thing I will say upfront is this is “EARLY ACCESS” so expect some bugs, However that said the Devs have listened to the community throughout the process and are very active on social media especially the Discord for the game.

      If this is something you are interested in Jump on it today, its marked down even lower than what we were told the EA price would be, but for how long I have no clue.


        So my first full week in the game and here are my thought. Granted this is a early access game, but some things are just not what I thought it was going to be, some are better.

        Lets get the bad out of the way.

        First when you show in pictures towns and beautiful building in the trailers and on Steam say

        ” – as you explore, craft, build and fight across a visually stunning Gaslamp Fantasy world.”

        Then the building limit better allow for it, “350” IS IN NO WAY a building / crafting game.  This is a MAJOR PROBLEM especially when they want to encourage musty-player cooperation.

        Next is the mantling, it is janky and I often get stuck for no reason. So be prepared for that.

        No mini-map in any exploration game is also a FAIL in my opinion

        Death Box, god I hate these as do many others I have spoken to over the years, when will gaming companies learn how much people hate them

        NPC and Companions are not the best looking, and I have yet to find a way to enlarge your companions caring capacity, but hey guess it doesn’t matter if you cannot build anymore.

        Those are the top things all of which if not fixed will keep me from playing or more importantly not giving another dime to the company. Again though it is early access so I am giving them some grace hear, they do seem to listen to the player feedback.

        Now for the good:

        The landscapes are Beautiful as are the resources and especially the sky.

        The creatures are very well done, I will say there is a negative here as well. Many of the creatures are just modifications of animals of today (Pig, wolf, spider, scorpion, elephant) etc. I was really hoping for more FAE creatures in a game set in the Fae Realms.

        I have been playing this both on m X-box controller and Keyboard and either are fine, though I prefer the X-box controller.

        The Party-up system / Invite is pretty nice and easy to use.

        Combat is OK, but from some testing and speaking and reading what others say all the difficulty modes are about the same with just more resources dropped for higher difficulty (Again a EA game and might change or others might experience something different)

        My thoughts in parting at this point. Well I spent the almost 30 bucks, I have spent that at an arcade on games I liked and then moved on. If they do not add in more actual Fae Realm creatures and allow for building this is a dead game for me. I was excited to have a new World Building Game set in this period with the Fae being a major part of it.

        I am actually disappointed in it now that the hype and excitement has worn off and I have played it. There just is not enough “Fae” in the Fae Realms”  I will finish out my play because I paid for it, but beyond that, I cannot see putting in more time when I have reached the build limit wall and there just are not enough Fae in a game where they should be the center of it.

        The big question:

        Do I recommend it?

        Its fun for awhile, but wait for the full release and see if they actually fixed bugs, added in Fae the the Fae worlds and if you are like me and like to build see if they turned off a very restrictive build limit.  I paid far more for Hogwarts and still enjoy it today, I paid less for Fortnite “save the world” and it took me almost 9 months to get to the end-stage and it is still fun and I still spend money on it…. This game might never see another dime from me, and that is a disappointment for me as  it had the potential to get a lot as it is set in a Time Period and Realm I enjoy in literature / History.

        They have for me at least for now in early access missed the mark by a mile.


          More Update info:

          There was a major issue with the game of people loosing their “respite realms” aka Base’s. The devs instead of so many games saying Oh well tough start over, actually went in and manually fixed them for all affected. That should tell you all they care.

          The last few patches have also seen Quality of Life improvements and major fixes to exploits.

          So I am not left actually with the feeling getting this game if you haven’t might well be a good idea as it appears the Devs and Owner are listening to the Community and building a game with the help of the players. This is very welcome IMO, again though I must give the (EA) Warning that things could go south, but it looks like and all indication are this could end up being that rare outlier and be a great game.

          I also have heard from a little birdie that when the game goes out of EA that those playing now will keep all their progress, gear and goodies is the plan. That would be awesome.

          More updates will come as I feel its warranted.


            More info.

            I keep getting a overwhelming feeling of Alpha when playing this game, I keep playing hoping things will get better, as  I said in the last post things could go south and after the last patch IMO they did… I also am seeing and hearing it from other social media places and personalities.

            The overwhelming thing i keep hearing is “Do the Devs even Play this Game”. That has to be one of the biggest red flags in gaming for me when I hear it and I am feeling it now as well.

            I am not even going to go in to the latest patch/update its just not worth it, I feel my time in this game coming to an end and looking for something that at least understands QOL needs to be of the highest priorities and taking a nerf hammer to things the last…. When you cannot even make a simple Key Binding that both opens and closes a box but you spend god knows how long re-balancing things that did not need to be, well that is a problem for me. I need those QOL things as I am sure many of you do.

            So as of right now DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!

            I am going to leave you with this video from one of the best IMO Conan Exiles streamers so he also knows these types of games.

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