SCOTUS (9-0) restores Trump to ballot

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    Supreme Court restores Trump to ballot, rejecting state attempts to ban him over Capitol attack

    The Supreme Court on Monday restored Donald Trump to 2024 presidential primary ballots, rejecting state attempts to hold the Republican former president accountable for the Capitol riot.

    Democracy WINS again the tyrants of the left.

    The justices ruled a day before the Super Tuesday primaries that states cannot invoke a post-Civil War constitutional provision to keep presidential candidates from appearing on ballots. That power resides with Congress, the court wrote in an unsigned opinion.

    The Constitution WINS!  and at 9-0.


    Some election observers have warned that a ruling requiring congressional action to implement Section 3 could leave the door open to a renewed fight over trying to use the provision to disqualify Trump in the event he wins the election. In one scenario, a Democratic-controlled Congress could try to reject certifying Trump’s election on Jan. 6, 2025, under the clause.

    And in a rejection of the will of the voters.

    The FBI stated long ago that there was no “Insurrection on Jan.6”.  And there was NONE.

    Hopefully, the DEMoncrats will NOT get control of the government and install a non-elected person into the position of POTUS.


    So for those Americans who can vote, go vote in early voting.  Don’t wait to election day, to find your station is short of ballots, the ballots won’t scan, the machine are malfunctioning, etc.  Make sure your VOTE counts and for the Person you voted for!


    Kudos to the DEM appointed judges for being fair and unbiased in their decision.

    The meltdown on liberal media was epic, I swear some of them were gonna pop a blood vessel.



      I am happy to see liberal judges vote with what they believe is constitutional and not with their agenda.  The constitutional part is literally their job description.  But my thanks to them for not being partisan.

      However, we must understand what this means.  The only thing standing between tyranny and a shot at righting the ship is 9 judges.  If the establishment gets to the point of flexing law and order based on it’s wants, then law and order will not save us.  And in all honestly, we are nearly there.


      The only thing standing between tyranny and a shot at righting the ship is 9 judges.

      Just image if Empress Killary got to appoint her activist judges to the SCOTUS instead of those constitutionalist judges Trump did.

      Luckily, that did not happen.

      If giving the power to remove people off the ballets to the states that belongs only to congress, every state would then remove their political opponent for one reason or another, and would have made EVERY election pre-determined/rigged.  Half the states would have removed Trump.  Half the states would have then also removed Biden (citing the 25th)

      A real constitutional crisis..


        Just image if Empress Killary got to appoint her activist judges to the SCOTUS instead of those constitutionalist judges Trump did.

        While I assume the judges Trump appointed are fairly conservative I don’t assume they are constitutional. They might just be conservative.  That’s really as bad as them being leftist judges.  Their personal agenda’s are not supposed to enter into it.  The fact it does is why we have that problem.

        The problem is going to be that once law is entirely mailable to the wants of the establishment, the 9 judges won’t save you. And we are about there.

        I actually do not believe that the leftist judges voted with their conscience.  I don’t believe they have one.  I am fairly certain this is a plan  from the establishment.  It just means they give on the ballot thing and chose to look as good as they could while doing it.  This means they have other plans.  I always thought their silver bullet was the insurrection thing which is silly nonsense but so is everything they do.  I think they will come with that and that will be the shot they take.

        They prefer not to torch the country to stay in power.  Ruling over ashes is still ruling but over ashes.  But they will set fire to it if they have no other choice. Every communist does.

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