Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › Current Events › Just havin’ a blather with some fellow neckbeards
What’s up, my fellow geeks?
Was torn between brainstorming some article ideas to write up for this site, lots of crazy shit going on in this world. But that comes with having to worry about writing really well, and having some level of candor and I kinda just wanted to post some off the cuff blathers about random shit going on. This post might get responses like, “Write it in your diary GAMERWORD!” who who knows what. Maybe no one reads it at all, OH WELL!
It’s REALY DAMNED exciting times in this space right now. You can really feel the winds of change are blowing, all these shitty companies that treated hard working talented people like shit for so long are FINALLY waking up to the fact they may be paying the damned piper soon.
I was one of those poor son’s of bitches who got rolled over by this bullshit. And lemme tell you guys, this gaming industry was overrun with SHITTY, PETULANT, TRIBALISTIC f*ckheads for LONG before this woke crap took hold. This just gave these smark f*cks the moral mandate to feel good about how terribly they were treating everyone around them who actually had standards for hard work and making a good product as this industry was taken over by grown ass children.
I don’t even know where to begin with this post, there’s so much shit to talk about. I just got banned on the Unity forums a couple weeks ago so that’s one blather outlet I had removed from me for posting a critical drinker video about the sweet baby inc situation and saying that their headquarters located in San Fran is covered in shit and drug needles (This isn’t political it’s just abject FACT).
Was told “No Political speech allowed here.” Who knows how long the ban is, maybe forever. And as a game developer, let me tell you it is TERRIFYING knowing that these people who HATE YOU are handling your future. How far your game can reach, who will see it, and deep connections with Apple, Google, Microsoft to cherry pick who and who can’t feed their kids.
It’s SUCH a fucked up policy to say “no politics”, because these guys have weaponized politics for a decade now and this gives them carte blanche to other, shame, and cancel WHOEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT so long as they keep it chill in their forums free from scrutiny. They have employees openly talking about how they won’t hire people if they’re not in line with the pronoun police with things like pronouns on twitter. And what’s frustrating is you can respect people and their pronouns, but see through the lines and see that for post people this is just an excuse to act like fucking tyrannical assholes.
You see this stuff going down EVERYWHERE. Unity is just a drop in a massive sea of companies that just 3 years ago were KICKING ASS. They’re poisoned now, they’re worthless, they are rotten to the core. You can’t just end the current products in production, you need to uproot the very culture that give these developers big heads and draws their focus away from creating a quality game engine, or a quality game, or movie, or TV show, or comic book.
It’s sad (dare I say kinda pathetic) what these SUPPOSED nerds have let this space turn into. This industry is just the caddy table at the middle school now. Children with a chip on their shoulders wanting to be better than everyone else spreading lies and forming their cliques and getting off on slandering others. These are our “Moral Betters” manhandling our society now.
I also just got an email saying the winners of the Unity Humanity fun winners have been chosen, and you just KNOW exactly who they’re going to pick. It’ll be a slew of all the people checking all the right checkboxes all working on garbage projects that they created to circle jerk the virtue hordes. It’s all bullshit, it might even be money laundering, the entirety of these financial networks they have set up from the venture funds to charitable foundations REAK of corruption. At the very least, it’s a circle jerk of moral superiority devoid of all true competition.
So I’m torn between making an article on these game companies TOTALLY imploding, sh*tting talent every single damned day as their ability to compete goes down the tubes and this industry becomes a barren wastelands of incompetent, morally pure shit shows. And writing an article about these flamboyant and hollow activist awards where they throw some money at intersectionals who jack off their egos.
ON TOP OF THIS, I’m thinking about doing investigative journalism on Twitter. It’s VERY easy to find people who left companies, and I’m thinking about making a catch all article where we could maybe rally potential whistleblowers to spill the beans on why big games tanked, why certain features of certain games suck. The social disfunction and reasons why companies shat on their quality workers and management fucked everything up. It’s not ALWAYS wokeness, big headed idiots fucking everything up is a tale as old as time. Heck, even talented well meaning people trying to make games can mess things up, it’s a very hard industry to compete in and keep the dream alive.
I was thinking if we created a large list of people we shot messages to on twitter, let all these potential whistleblowers that we will only accept anonymous tips, and they see a sea of other people contacted, that takes a lot of the pressure off. And we could start getting some really hard hitting leaks revolving what occurred in these studios.
I think we could also lean into writing up fake stories. This providence safety to real leakers, because people will have to question if it’s real or not. This is a really exciting time in journalism and yellow journalism has always been a thing. I wouldn’t personally ever write a fake article to destroy a company with lies (like they did to Gina) but I WOULD consider posting a goofy article based on fake tips to lighten the mood and maybe show to leakers that this is a fun and safe space and we’re trying to make the world BETTER by bringing back standards and talented developers who were shuttered in this stupid madness, not seeking to destroy this industry.
So thoughts on even making this post. I really don’t know what the lay of the land is here, just saw Jeremy talking about how he like people being fired up and starting shit, and I already wanted to make this post so I figured, “FUCK IT, LET’S BLATHER SOME SHIT”. So here it is. I don’t know what the plan is here moving forward, I don’t know if this site will ever attract a ton of people or if taking the time to write articles well will ever eclipse the bite sized chunks of rage bait the billion monkeys on the keyboards out there spew ever single day. But in the meantime these days are exciting as hell!
They say to be the change you want to see. That’s how all these shit slingers were able to take over the world, they just went out there and threw shit over everything until everyone surrendered. So maybe it’s time we do the same. Take our world back by being loud and a little rowdy and stand up for cool shit and open discourse.
PERILOUS FREEDOM MOTHER FUCKERS. Freedom of speech and all that. That’s what made this world great. Being able to tell someone, hey your shit sucks, you can do better, and putting a fire under one anothers’ asses.
I’d like to think that if we come out here and we put our heart on a plate, there’s value in that. I understand this is a business and in order to survive NDA’s will be signed at some point, but I also believe that any of us wanting to engage in this community will have far more freedom to speak our minds and be ourselves publicly than most these slave drivers who keep their talent in a basement in the back. Hell, I just shat HARD on Rippaverse a few weeks back and they’re still letting me write articles, that’s fucking ballsy.
Coulda shatposted this on twitter, well technically not because who can afford Twitter premium when bacon is 10 fucking dollars? Point is Twitter sucks, there’s no engagement, it’s just everyone falling over themselves to like the few huge personalities in a given sphere, no real talk about shit, which was why I posted in these parts from time to time to begin with.
Anyway, not sure where I’m goin’ with all this. Just wanted to put some random thoughts out there. I’m excited as hell for the future, this opportunity to write here is “Absolutely AMAZIN’”, I appreciate them opening the door for me here to do some writing. But even outside my own personal excitement for the potential here to maybe write for an emerging site, I’m just damned excited to see these bloodthirsty wolves that have hunted us for so long in the work place, and in social media and every other sphere finally be exposed for who they are. And after all this time of these horrible people patting themselves on the back, they’re finally having to get a whif of their own farts as their bubbles burst.
So anyway, feel free to respond if you guys have thoughts on any of this. I have NO IDEA wtf i’m doing here, just spitballing ideas and figured where better than to brainstorm this shit than with you guys? For too long we’ve been on the outside looking in. All our “betters” doing everything secretly planning everything for their own enrichment and kicking us into the dirt, seems like maybe we have a chance here to do things a better way… before we find fantastical wealthy and become too good to associate with you plebs XD
Apologies for the blather! I usually unload in the blog space, but figured I’d give this post a shot one time and see how it goes. Very much in the experimental phase and figuring out what resonates with you guys in terms of articles, posts and all that.
Per usual if you guys have any thoughts on this writing process, or how I write articles or what subject matters you’d like covered I’M ALL EARS!
/longwindedselfcenteredblather off
Getting inside scoops from sources in order to land blows on Big Tech or Mainstream News Media and Entertainment is a dream come true.
These are the people who go after the little guy over tweets and posts and thought crimes and I’d love to see that flipped.
It’s been a pretty brutal time to be alive if you stand by your convictions in tech or nerdom in general. They don’t come out and hand you a pink slip that says “hey we saw you went to a scary website, so we’re firing you”. It’s always death by a thousand cuts. Not getting the same invites to after work functions, your every mistake looks a little worse than everyone else’s. People in the right clique getting that little leg up as they can be trusted in the inner circles.
Giving a damn about the games, giving a damn about working hard an doing something right by the fans has been a target on our backs for a long time.
It’s been so refreshing to see these stories come out of the shadows. I think we’re fast entering the time where people will be applauded and given platforms where they won’t be canceled for shining a light for all the terrible things that have happened over the past few years.
It’s about time because for a while it was starting to get pretty dark. Here’s to better days ahead where we’re allowed to like and work towards cool shit again.
There was a part in Rocky, where I think he said he’d take three or more blows if he could just land a good shot. That is how the public attitude should be against these gaslighting propaganda companies. It’s gonna take someone young like yourself who has little to lose and like a group of young lions that are super smart.
Am impressed with GnG’s free speech platforming of people. I am surprised by that. Like you, I want Rippa and other indies to succeed, but honest and authentic reviews of fan experiences of products is important. Good to see both of you are still at it.
Forget who I was listening to the other day but it was a talk about the cultural revolution in China and how some teachers were cornered and beaten by those mobs and the person was saying that he thought that we are not that far away from that. It happens in some public schools, for other reasons though. I don’t know if there are better days ahead because there is clearly intent to bring the USA down with globalist involvement and I think most have simply been bribed to go along with the program.
Almost any price to be paid is worth it to get real scoops and intel from the inside that reveal things to the fandoms.
It’s been a pretty brutal time to be alive if you stand by your convictions
I think this is always the case all through time to be honest. But is it worse now? Yes. Why? Because we have allowed ourselves to become timid and have prioritized comfort over what is right because I believe we focused only on the now and not the future. And society is only built with while working towards the long term but it is torn down but focusing on today.
We did not have ground taken from us. We ceded it an inch at a time over decades until now we are miles away from common sense and sanity. We have to regain that ground by standing ours. But that change in attitude is starting as people see more and more folks fight back they are too. Bravery is contagious.
2013 was also the year that Zoe Quinn launched Depression Quest. A game that got aggregate scores of 9.0 from gaming journalists and 0.9 from gamers. It was hardly the first one with a ratio so freaking lopsided that it would have capsized a coal barge and it sure as hell hasn’t been the last. But then Quinn’s boyfriend(?) put up a post declaring that she had screwed five reviewers to get good reviews for Depression Quest.
In truth, I have absolutely no idea if she did the Five Guys, Reviews, and Lies thing. But it automatically fit in with a narrative about the state of gaming journalism that every gamer knew to be true.
The SJWs looked at Zoe Quinn, purple hair, piercings all over her face (and god knows where else), a history of mental illness, and a reputation for indiscriminate sexual depravity and saw one their own. They rushed to her defense, not at all certain what they were defending. After all, they didn’t play games but they knew if journalists were being accused of lying then they undoubtedly were and they needed to be defended.
Quinn didn’t particularly want to be a martyr to the cause but there were others that were happy to oblige. Brianna Wu, was the first in but was too given to making a spectacle of him/her/xim/xhr/themselves to be presentable on camera. It was too much work for journalists to make Wu look plausible as anything other than an insane attention addict.
Anita Sarkeesian became the feminist flavor of the month, despite the fact she knew so little about gaming she mistook Doom for Fallout.
The geriatric Left woke up, looked around and demanded to know who was the Hitler Nazi this time? A search was conducted to find a sympathetic authority figure in GamerGate who could declare a public surrender.
The choice of Intel may seem a strange one but you have to remember something very important; Intel has a shit-ton of money. When you saw Jesse Jackson (who had been trying for years to get his hooks into the tech sector) on stage to collect a part of Intel’s $300 million payout you knew exactly what had happened.
Democrat Senators had threatened to drag Intel before various committees for This and That, so the publicly traded corporation could be raked over the coals over their support of misogyny and scare the hell out of their investors. Intel caved big time and there was now blood in the water. Sharks came out of the depths.
This was about the time that the game studios started getting snapped up by major media conglomerates. These multinationals had no real idea what to do with gaming studios, so they were put to work making sequels of the titles that had made them famous or just sent them to the corporate IP mines if there was any trouble with those rights. Glob, I feel so sorry for Raven.
The kind of game dev who could thrive in that environment were frustrated film school grads who couldn’t get into Hollywood like Neil Cuckman. He couldn’t wait to drag Anita Sarkessian in for sensitivity reads. He was determined to make The Last of Us 2 the Last Jedi of gaming and… (long tired sigh) succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
Multinationals, being multi-national view bribes being demanded of them as just another form of taxation which it basically is. All they want to know is “Who do I pay, to make the problem go away?”
Anita Sarkeesian who was initially quite in demand, is sadly now in the position of being yet another trailblazer who was forced out of the industry she created by upstart competitors. Meaning, companies like Sweet Baby Inc.
The newcomers aren’t just threatening corporations in exchange for shakedown money. Their shakedowns are offered as a product! They call it narrative development editing, which makes it at least sound like they are doing something besides saying, “Nice game you got there, be a shame if something happens to it.” Paying them to do sensitivity reviews to discover anything that could be problematic is just another form of insurance to these studios’ corporate overlords.
Your multimillion-dollar gaming product will be shipped with some seal of approval by one of these companies that declares that this game has supported Trans people, fought the patriarchy, beaten attractive female characters with a mid-stick, and will in no way offend the eternally offended.
You know what these games won’t have?
It’s a mixing pot of poor moral character. These people pretend to be accepting but really it’s low moral men and women who are exploiting one another. The predatory men have no game, so they give platform to women who can’t make games.
It’s kinda disgusting, they front that they’re these virtuous moralists willing to accept anyone, and anyone who isn’t on their side is a bigot. But they freely allow subversives and destructive elements into places where people are trying to make a living to feed their kids so they can get their d*cks sucked.
It’s all bullshit grifting to subvert the task of having to put together a good game. And this is the ultimate rub. Making good games is hard, and it takes a lot of sacrifice, and most people will just brown nose, back stab, or sell their bodies for clout than put themselves through the meat grinder of arduous game development.
It’s all bullshit grifting to subvert the task of having to put together a good game. And this is the ultimate rub. Making good games is hard, and it takes a lot of sacrifice, and most people will just brown nose, back stab, or sell their bodies for clout than put themselves through the meat grinder of arduous game development.
Much of this is the “Madden effect”. If a company can put out a product with little or no competition they will begin to dictate to the market instead of the other way around. Publicly traded companies with little competition will default to half hearted products because (like Madden) people will often buy it anyway. So if I can put out a stinky product at 1/3 the cost of a home run and get half the profit of the home run then the company bottom line wins, the consumer loses. And they will do this annually because it is predictable revenue which anyone who owns stock likes. Who’s fault is this? Mostly the consumer for buying it anyway. There is an argument in there for government not doing one of it’s actual jobs of breaking monopolies and making sure their is actually free market.
The Sweet Baby Inc thing is entirely a grift. Imagine creating your own niche industry and through rampant activism you convince all the major players they HAVE to utilize you or bad things will happen. And what do they produce? NOTHING. Essentially they are just taking donations from large companies so those companies are certified “diverse”.
All that morality garbage is nonsense. Many bad things done to people were done in the name of “compassion”.
“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
― Albert Camus