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Jeremy Boreing, the CEO of The Daily Wire who announced Candace Owens’s departure from the outlet last Friday, blasted his former employee for using the phrase “Christ is King” to justify her descent into overt anti-Semitism over the last few months.
It has been useful to her in that many have defended here by wondering how the phrase — an uncontroversial assertion in Christianity — can be anti-Semitic.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is Jewish, so how is that antisemitic?
“How is saying ‘Christ is King’ antisemitic? The same way anything becomes antisemitic – when it is used for the purpose of expressing antisemitism. It’s like asking ‘how does a shovel become a murder weapon?’ When it is used to murder someone. This isn’t hard. A shovel is not innately a murder weapon. Saying ‘Christ is King’ is not innately antisemitic. It’s all about how a thing is used,” began Boreing.
And how exactly is that?
So one must be cautious how one uses the Name of God. God will not be mocked. Invoking Him in vain self-promotion, or to troll Jews, or to attack your political rivals is to carry forth His Name in vain.
Jesus Christ is King, sure enough. King of Heaven and of Earth. King of Jew and Gentile alike. Yet a bruised reed He will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not smother. So don’t use His Name as a cudgel to bash those in whom the Light of God yet flickers.
If you do, you are a blasphemer and an antisemite and a piece of crap generally, and the fear of the Lord is clearly not in you. It will be, though.
Troll Jews?
So if we say our sincerely held religious believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, that he fulfilled the prophesies as writing by the prophets, and as scriptures proclaim that Jesus is King of Heaven and of Earth. King of Jew and Gentile alike, is antisemite? And that they are blasphemer?
Something is seriously wrong.
To being FIRED for religious reasons (not being allowed to share her deeply held religious believes) is wrong.
And for content, does anyone know/have sources, as to what the conversation was that lead to Owen’s making that statement?
Same. I have not followed this close enough. Seems from above article that it was just a tweet tit for tat with Ben Shapiro. The thing is, hyperinflation has forced everyone’s hand to make a mad scramble to kind of serve money and serve Mammon. The situation really sucks. The fiat currency has already been debased.
The problem with persecuting people for saying Christ Is King is that those people are just not on the payroll and are not in authority, so why all the agitation propaganda against the religious people, who are not a power factor in official offices?
Also, below, E Michael Jones says he’d like to see Barclay and Candace speak more and that he enjoyed the conversation. Owens line of questioning about adult content being promoted by them is totally fair game and it’s one of those things that people should be asking, but people let far too much slide. Someone told me this morning in passing that “cutesy time” is over.
I’m not into it that much, but she is correct.
The terms “antisemitism” and “Nazi” have been thrown about in Shotgun method fashion falsely. She talks about a red line, but that line was crossed a long time ago. These terms put upon decent people with no criminal record really is a crime, but will say unfortunately that it got me into reading taboo material. Worse than that, that material checked out factually.
This is so not at all anything we should spend anytime worrying about because we are months from possible total mayhem.
I like DailyWire and I like Candace to varying degrees This is more to do about business than anything.
Just like with Crowder, I am concerned zero amount with their personal stuff. It’s all just used as distraction.
Yes Candace is right about most of the Christian stuff but there are larger fish to fry. Meaning within several months you might not have a fish tom fry.
I did watch Candace with that Rabbi and I ended up watching it all. She was patient, nice and gave him every opportunity to explain. And he just was a nutjob for the whole thing. I literally have never seen anyone perform mental gymnastics like that on the fly. That man must be an accomplished manipulator and conservative he is not. He is very woke. This means his allegiance is the establishment and not God.
…but there are larger fish to fry. Meaning within several months you might not have a fish to fry….
And just exactly how did we get to this state in the first place?
By allowing them to take small steps after small steps. Pushing the line further and further away.
A generation or two ago, if you told them this is what state we are in, they would not believe it. How could it get to be so bad?
We need to finally say STOP! Enough is Enough!
If you give them an inch, they will take a mile and then want MORE. Over and over again.
That is what is happening, in education, in entertainment, in the home, in the workplace, in sports, in legacy media, in social media, etc…
We are being attacked everywhere, and to say we should allow it because we must only look at a larger target is to allow them to win and making it need impossible to restore once lost.
Silencing the majority. Silencing common sense. Silencing rational thinking.
Candace v Barclay seems historic and classic. Barclay went on the Savage Nation podcast. They tried to attack Candace’s educational background.
The thing about that is, there are plenty of gentiles with perfect test scores that never got accepted to the schools of their choice. Haven’t listened to Savage in a while, but from what I heard, I was kind of disappointed.
Jeremy Boreing (Daily Wire CEO) vs Nick Fuentes in the video below. This will bore most out of their minds and make their eyes glaze over, but there is something that must be said here. Originally, a lot of institutions and universities of higher learning were founded as Divinity Schools, so theological discussions as had by Nick, Candace and E Michael Jones should have belonged there. I know Nick was kicked out of college for his politics.
Only reason to mention this is that wokeness has replaced what should have been there. Also, the chaplain of Harvard is an atheist named Greg Epstein. No relation to Jeffrey Epstein, but it’s kind of bothersome that a secular figure would have that position. It’s a blatant violation of the qualifications needed for the role and that shows that the people in authority really do not belong.
It is actually pathetic that conversations like this take place on Spaces on X instead of like Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Oxford, etc. Furthermore, for Michael Savage to question Candace’s education when theology has been removed from traditional Divinity schools shows how out of touch that old fuddy duddy curmudgeon is with the times and the removal of our history. Maybe he should go back to rubbing his Foo Dogs.
Also, this thing with Candace comes at a time when Republicans like DeSantis and Noem and Seaman are passing laws against free speech.
Did you know that? Did you know they are passing laws on definitions to punish people for speech and that a caste system is being put in place?
The Christ is King slogan has been around for at least a few years. Not sure if that is in a rap song or what. I do not follow this that closely, but someone pointed out that actions like this and some programming always happens around Easter and Christmas. Matthew McConaughey is exposed in the video below as a fake and phony, too. This would not be an issue if it were not for the expanded definition that is being signed into law, which is something that the Bolsheviks did prior to the slaughter of Christians, so one could argue that this ties in with the pain that is coming. We should be aware of Trotskyites in our politics, for example, Bill Kristol. Not to be trusted and lethal to do so.
This is why Candace asked the definition question, since the definition has been expanded and changed. It conflicts with free speech and laws like this precede attacks on gentiles historically. Another concept that will elude people because they are too brainwashed to understand but expanded definition laws are said to combat hate, but the truth is that they precede real hate and violence and the result will be secret police, raids and secret arrests and violence against people for thought crimes.
On today’s episode we look at the glaring problem with the arguments posed in HBO’s hit series True Detective. These arguments range from common straw man arguments to nihilistic worldviews. Entertainment like this has long been used to persuade the masses that their religious foundation is nothing but mere sand. On this show specifically Pastor Joe Schimmel and Elder Chad Davidson break down each point to look past the God hating banter.
0:00 Start
2:30 The influence the culture can have on us
3:43 George Lucas explains the impact of media on the masses (Clip)
6:27 Alarming testimonies of those who have been impacted by the show
8:50 Demolishing the straw man of Christianity (True Detective Clip 1)
13:20 Fairy tails in the Bible and other straw men (True Detective Clip 2)
16:21 Joe’s Response: No base of morality can be found in Atheism
20:22 Bible violates every law of the universe (True Detectives Clip 3)
23:00 Coming out of Atheism (Personal Testimonies)
24:54 Final Thoughts
The Christ is King slogan has been around for at least a few years. Not sure if that is in a rap song or what.
Ye at least has a song called Jesus is King
By allowing them to take small steps after small steps. Pushing the line further and further away.
Since I have posted not only similar phrases but entire threads explaining that very topic, I think I am aware. Very aware. What we see today has in part been in the works for decades. Sometimes it was the plan, sometimes it was bad people taking the opportunity to do bad things. We are miles from sanity because we ceded that ground an inch at a time. Why did we do that? Because we lost site of the long term goals. We as a society became comfy and when threatened even with mild discomfort we took a step back and said “OK”. And now we are in the situation where we are backed against a cliff and we have only 2 options. Take 1 more step back into communist oblivion, or progress forward retaking ground which will require intestinal fortitude few have displayed for a long time. In short we will have to work together to force our way forward and that will take more than one election. It took decades of poison and rot to nearly kill the tree of liberty, it will take decades of care to restore it.
I think I have a proper understanding of the situation.
We are being attacked everywhere, and to say we should allow it because we must only look at a larger target is to allow them to win and making it need impossible to restore once lost.
If you really believe Ben Shapiro/Daily Wire and Candance Owens having a contract dispute and a personal spat is an existential crisis, then you are being misdirected away from the actual issues like a cat watching a laser pointer.
To those of you blaming the Jews for the ills of the world.
Please answer 2 questions for me.
1) are you talking ethnic Jews or people a member of their Faith?
2) so let’s say you are 100% correct… those Jews are evil and won’t stop until everyone else is under their rule
What is your propose solution to that issue?
To anyone else spouting the nonsense that “Christ is King” is some slur. That phrase has been in Christianity as long as I can recall. There are MANY churches named “Christ is King” and from multiple denominations.
AIPAC openly brags they control politicians and elections.
ADL openly says they train the FBI, so next time you try to blame an alphabet agency, you need to ask who is training them.
That’s who. It’s not a secret. It’s just obvious and clear and factual.
The solution should be representative government, which we do not have due to dishonesty and it is very shameful that wimps and cowards go along with the status quo that jews are somehow victims when they are in complete authority and have all the power.
You might want to read more than 1 sentence of a portion of the Bible. That whole chapter is fairly specific about what context that is in and who it applies to. If you read it you will see that. The Old Testament is also part of Christianity so it’s not just their Bible it is the Christian’s as well. The New Testament changes the “mood” as it were but it does not make irrelevant the entire Old Testament. So if that is what “their” religion tells you then Christians are told the same.
AIPAC openly brags they control politicians and elections.
ADL openly says they train the FBI, so next time you try to blame an alphabet agency, you need to ask who is training them.
That’s who. It’s not a secret. It’s just obvious and clear and factual.
I am not sure why you think 3 sentences are some sort of ample evidence the Jews run the world. That’s NOT obvious and it is NOT factual.
Your claim relies on connecting all sorts of dots like Russel Crowe in a Beautiful Mind prior to being diagnosed.
The WEF influencing the world (not the Jews, Schwab and Soros are not Jews) is something I or anyone can show you, them saying “we would like ABC” to happen because of climate change or whatever. And sure enough, a few years later ABC happens. Farms closing down. Cows being slaughtered to reduce meat consumption, all the immigration stuff. The WEF talked about all of that before hand.
This does not mean the WEF is the only bad group but they are the puppet masters. Not everything bad that happens is planned but bad people will take any opportunity they can, get planned or not.
The solution should be representative government, which we do not have due to dishonesty and it is very shameful that wimps and cowards go along with the status quo that jews are somehow victims when they are in complete authority and have all the power.
That’s not a solution. What are you advocating for as it relates to the Jews whom you claim run the world? Have a pair and spill it.
You did not answer the first question. Are you shaking your fists at ethnic Jews or those whom are a member of the religion? Which group of those have all the power?
You are rightly angry and upset with the state of the world. And while the symptoms of corruption harm us all, trying to cure the wrong sickness, that being blaming the wrong people, cures nothing. In fact it allows the disease to run rampant and I am certain the powers that be love your divisive hatred. Because they can do whatever they want, close farms, reduce food supply, dilute western culture, all while you run around saying the Jews are the problem.
The irony of your thought process that the Jews claim to be victims while they control everything, is the EXACT same claim other groups like BLM would make against white people. You are using the same rhetoric they do. You are not solving anything, you adding to the problem.
Named some I did NOT stand with before. On this thread, maybe page 5, there is a list. It’s specific. Not all.
One example would be the Sackler family that used opiods to kill lots of people.
Page 5 of above thread, I listed many names. Believe it was in response to your same questions at that time.
Main point people should takeaway is the speech laws passed by DeSantis, Noem and others. Those laws will continue until they just make it legal to kill any Christian, just like in Bolshevik Russia. They are trying to make speech illegal, so they can harm your people. That’s all Antisemitism laws are for.