Dragon Quest III Remake Removes Male and Female Character Labels

Another video game remake is instituting some modern-day “improvements.” Last week, Ryokutya2089 claimed that Square Enix’s Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake would remove the sex distinction between the player profiles so that instead of choosing between “male” and “female,” gamers can now be either “Type A” or “Type B.” Today, an X account called Scratch Point shared an image from the game’s preview that confirms this. Ryokutya2089 also said that Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake would rename the “jobs” so that there were no longer distinctions between men and women; this isn’t confirmed, but given the news about the character types, it’s likely true as well. Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake will be released on November 14, 2024, for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

This is such a weird thing to do. It’s pretty obvious that Type A is a man and Type B is a woman, so this seems petty. But it’s clearly meant to appease the trans lobby by stopping everyone from choosing a sex for their character. That Park Place goes into detail about where decisions like this probably come from, and they point  the finger at Square Enix’s “ethics department.” This department, according to an interview with Polygon, “evaluates game content to make sure it is aligned with the anticipated age ratings standards across the globe” and “make[s] sure all of the game’s content is appropriate.” In another interview, a member of the department revealed that they examine all elements of a game to “ensure that they do not contain expressions that are discriminatory, prejudicial, or offensive, and that they are in compliance with ratings.” In other words, they censor video games to make sure they comply with modern woke standards, which, in the case of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, means they eliminate all traces of sex or gender.

This is annoying whenever it happens, but it’s particularly bad here because this is a remake of an older game, which should mean bringing it to current-gen platforms with improved graphics and sound. But they’re changing the games to align with modern left-wing sensibilities, and that’s not only censorship but desecration. The people involved in the remake didn’t make Dragon Quest III, and they shouldn’t have any right to alter it for their fabled “modern audiences.” But these people have christened themselves the saviors of society, and they’re here to fix the past by hook or by crook. It’s a shame because these remakes are a wonderful idea in theory; however, as with everything today, they have to go through a vetting and reeducation process from our betters.

Oh, and, as That Park Place points out, you know of whom Square Enix is a client? Yep… Sweet Baby Inc.

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