We Humans might lose all our technology , and go back to the Stone Age

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions We Humans might lose all our technology , and go back to the Stone Age

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    So I was watching this Dave Cullen video yesterday on Youtube of how Tesla is now building actual robots to help Humans around the house whether it be cooking, cleaning, raking the leaves, and other chores related crap like that.

    Here is the Video so you guys get what I am talking about:

    Dave then goes on about how he worries that in the future Humans might become so dependent on robots to build things for them, and overall maintain society for them that Humans might become stupid only playing videogames all day, and not doing something that is mentally stimulating for them to help with their development as a species, and this could spell the end of the Human race.

    After watching this I keep thinking that if Humans were to get too dependent on robots to do everything for us in the near or distant future that a situation may occur in nature where an EMP aka Electromagnetic Pulse might just occur where all the technology such as robots may get fried long with all the knowledge of how Humans can build houses or create fire.

    Which will likely cause these Humans who are too overly dependent on robots to do everything for them to go crazy, because they like children are now without parents to look after them which would likely cause these future Humans to be completely lost without technology as they don’t know how to make or maintain it in the near or distant future since it died with the robots that got fried because of the EMP.

    Humans will likely go feral like dogs, and it would cause Humans to take about 100 to 1000 years for Humans to regain their Human intelligence to be able to build or create things again like creating technology like we have now.

    I thought more about this, and I can’t help but think that a situation like what I talked about might’ve actually occurred in our distant past. That maybe a very, very long time ago our ancestors had advanced technology like what we have now or was even more advanced which might explain how the Pyramids of Egypt were built.

    They built robots that these advanced Humans in the past gave all their responsibilities like constructing buildings, designing technology, and pretty much anything production related to the robots to do for them….then an EMP somehow occurred in nature….and these advanced Humans in the past didn’t know how to prepare for it as they were too dependent on their robot servants to do the thinking for them, and they went crazy in a world that overnight suddenly didn’t have technology anymore as they lost the knowledge because they gave it all away to the robots who got fried by the EMP.

    So in my opinion we might not have to worry about a Terminator future where robots take over, and kill us as EMPs occurring in nature can happen that would fry all the Terminator robots away along with all the tech we have now or will have in the future. What we might have to worry about is a future where we Humans lose everything then go back to the Stone Age to start all over again.

    In my own opinion if we want to stop this Stone Age regression future from happening we should do instead is don’t out source everything to robots we are going to create in the future but instead have Humans continue to build things like we are doing now along side the robots, and have it in the back of our heads that anyday now an EMP can or will occur whether man made or by nature, and we can lose everything overnight like technology like computers, and other advanced tech like that.

    That if we lose the robots who do our tech manufacturing that Humans can easily pick up the slack, and do just a good or better job than the robots so that we can rebuild them along with any other tech to keep our advanced society going, and we should put in checks in balances to make sure the robots don’t go Terminator on us.

    What do you all in the G+G Community think?

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