Search Results for: superman & lois "season 2"

REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 15 “Waiting for Superman”

“Waiting for Superman” is the perfect kind of finale, for a TV season or any other story. It marries big, apocalyptic spectacle with the personal stories that have run through the past fourteen episodes. And as a microcosm of the show, it demonstrates what Superman means to the world and the ind...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 14 “Worlds War Bizarre”

Superman & Lois has been speeding towards the big climax, but there’s one more episode to go, so things had to slow down a bit. “Worlds War Bizarre” acts mostly as the set-up for next week’s season finale, and as such, it’s not the most exciting episode – until the end, that is. Supe...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 13 “All is Lost”

“All is Lost” gives away its purpose with its title; this is the episode where the stakes are raised, and the good guys are on the ropes with two installments left in season 2. But it doesn’t dwell on that; in fact, much of it is quite hopeful, seeing certain characters begin to emerge from &h...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 12 “Lies That Bind”

The second season of Superman & Lois heads into the home stretch with “Lies That Bind,” a fun – and surprisingly funny – episode that closes more plot threads than expected while setting up the final threat Superman and his allies will have to face. The trust theme is also advanced, with...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 11 “Truth and Consequences”

The Superman family (which is easier than saying “the Kent/Lanes”) have been on a bumpy path this season. “Truth and Consequences” takes the characters one step forward and two steps back, but not in a bad way. Their progression is playing out realistically – inasmuch as a show about flyin...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 10 “Bizarros in a Bizzaro World”

No need to bury the lead; “Bizarros in a Bizarro World” is one of the best episodes of Superman & Lois yet, and definitely the best of the season. It’s got every element that makes this show great, from character building to familial trials to plot furtherance to super battles to showcasin...

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