Adria Arjona Talks Andor Season 2

The Hollywood Reporter’s Brian Davids sat down with actress Adria Arjona to discuss Blink Twice, Netflix’s Hit Man, and season 2 of Andor. Specifically, I’m interested in what Arjona has to say about Andor, aka the best live-action Star Wars since Disney took over. Check out the Andor-centric bits of the interview here: 

Davids: I don’t have a ton of free time, but when I do, I’ll sometimes just sit around and think about how good Andor is. 

Arjona: (Laughs.) I’ve got to keep you around. You’re really boosting my ego. I like this.

Davids: That’s the job! So how does Andor season two stack up against season one? 

Arjona: Oh man, when I read season one, I pinched myself, and when I started reading season two, I was like, “[Tony Gilroy] can’t outdo [season one].” So I started reading episode one, and I was again like, “It’s not going to be as good.” But it’s fucking better. It’s so much better. It is. What he has crafted and created is mind-blowing, and I can’t believe I got to be a part of it. I have Tony Gilroy on speed dial. I don’t think that man gets bothered by anybody else but me. I’m like, “Hey, Tony, do you think I should do this? Hey, Tony, how are you?” And he’s like, “You’re calling again?” (Laughs.) I just have so much respect for him. He’s so talented, and he really outdid himself for season two.

Davids: I was lucky enough to interview him multiple times throughout season one, so I understand the urge to want to call him. He’s always interesting. 

Arjona: He’s a really good chat, and he’s so funny. And the way he talks to me — no one believes in me more than Tony Gilroy. He sees things that I don’t see. He sees my value as an actor. I’m like, “I don’t know if I can.” And he’s like, “What are you talking about? Yes, you can.” And I’m like, “Okay. Yes, I can.” He just believes in me so much, and he’s really turned into my godfather in this industry.

Davids: Did you ever get the Bix or Star Wars-related tattoo you were considering? 

Arjona:I got a Bix tattoo! By the way, you’re the first person I’ve told about this, press wise. (Arjona points to it on her arm.) It’s a little tiny x for Bix, and I got it … Can I say it? Disney can’t fire me. I already shot it. It’s in the can. I got it while I was on set. My makeup artist did a stick-and-poke [tattoo] in the middle of a lunch break.

Davids: Did anybody follow your lead and get their own tattoo? 

Arjona: No, I think everyone was too scared. They were like, “A stick-and-poke at lunch? Can we get fired?” And I was like, “It’s too late!”

I’m not sure if I believe Andor season 2 is that much better than season 1, but I am very excited. Season 1 was the best Star Wars stuff outside of animation, at least since The Mandalorian season 2, and by a wide margin. As for Tony Gilroy, I love his work on the show. His mentality seems to be to approach the Star Wars galaxy like a real place full of loving people and branch out, showing how different things work. Most importantly, Andor shows how these things affect the galaxy’s people and how their societies function and differ. We also see the genuine danger the Empire poses; there are no goofy Stormtroopers here. It’s endearing that Gilroy has such a close relationship with Arjona. Diego Luna talks very highly of him, too. He seems awesome. I’m not a tattoo person, either visually or for myself. I don’t do needles if I don’t have to. But the x tattoo is a fun fact. 

What did you think of any of Arjona’s input? Are you excited for Andor season 2? Let us know in the comments! 

Comments (1)

August 16, 2024 at 9:14 pm

Andor and Ahsoka at least nailed the overall concept art look of the Star Wars cosmos.

Not so sure about the show, but Andor is a grey area character and really makes me think of what a real Rebel would be like, either a freedom fighter or terrorist who would do anything to land a blow against the empire. Many times, guys like that are needed, meaning ones that kind of think like a criminal would. Real hunters. Andor has that desperation out of poverty and despair. In some ways, he’s a contemptible character but no one can tell him he’s wrong because he lives his life under the jack boot of the fascist.

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