Amandla Stenberg Claims Acolyte Cancellation Due to Bigotry

In a now unavailable Instagram story, actor Amandla Stenberg spoke out on The Acolyte’s cancellation on Disney+. Stenberg portrayed twin protagonists Mae and Osha, who were pulled to opposing sides of the Force and split up at the age of eight. Taking place a century before the Star Wars prequels, The Acolyte follows the girls as they confront the past and reckon with the Jedi and Sith ideologies. The Acolyte was poorly received by fans and generally accepted by critics. Showrunner Lesley Headland alienated Star Wars fans before the show even aired, saying The Acolyte wouldn’t be kind to the Jedi, would be the gayest Star Wars ever, and talking about her own sympathy for the Sith. Stenberg goes on to say this of the show’s unceremonious end (via Variety):

“I’m going to be transparent and say it’s not a huge shock for me. There has been a rampage of vitriol that we have faced since the show was even announced, when it was still just a concept and no one had even seen it. That’s when we started experiencing a rampage of, I would say, hyper-conservative bigotry and vitriol, prejudice, hatred and hateful language towards us.”

“This really affected me when I first got the job. Because it’s just not something — even though I anticipated it happening — it’s not something you can fully understand what it feels like until it’s happening to you. However, I feel like I’ve kind of moved through those feelings in various ways, including being vocal about it myself. … It just became inarguable for me, at a certain point, that in order to continue to be myself, I would have to honor my value system by being vocal even in the context of working for Disney.”

“It has been an incredible honor and dream for me to be in this universe. Of course, I’m very sad about the show being canceled. … I just want to let those people know out there who supported us in that way, and supported us vocally — despite and in the face of all of the vitriol that we received and the kind of the targeted attack, I would say, we received by the alt-right — just that you were deeply loved and appreciated. And it made this job all the worthwhile for me.”

There’s a lot to talk about here, but I’ll start with the hateful vitriol. There has been a lot of anger towards The Acolyte since the beginning; I will agree with that. And honestly, for a long time, I thought it was unwarranted. I genuinely thought The Acolyte sounded cool, a great new concept to tackle in the Star Wars universe. Finally, a new time period with new characters. Well, sort of. However, the people behind The Acolyte were poking the bear long before the show came out. I don’t have any problem with Stenberg as a person or an actor, but my problem is with Headland and the show itself. I don’t have any idea how involved Headland was with Harvey Weinstein’s bad behavior, but hiring her was a strange move. Regardless of what she did or didn’t know, the optics aren’t good. And it surprises me that Disney went with someone who would challenge their wholesome image, especially when that person is critical of Star Wars, George Lucas, and the Jedi. I don’t have ill will towards the actors or most of the crew on The Acolyte, but it is a bad show, and I think it was made in bad faith. But at the end of the day, Disney and Lucasfilm canceled the show because the numbers were terrible. The financial benefit wasn’t there, so they won’t continue such an expensive series.

But what do you think? Does Amandla Stenberg have a point, was The Acolyte just trash, or does the truth lie somewhere in the middle? Let us know in the comments!

Comments (2)

August 30, 2024 at 3:48 am

Still trying to attack fans of the franchise, what an unemployed dumbass.

August 30, 2024 at 4:11 am

She has no point at all. The very same comments made towards The Acolyte are made about Rings of Power. 180 million for Acolyte while Rings of Power is the most expensive show ever made! WTF!! They should be the best shows humanity has ever seen for that money. They are not good shows. Agree that ROP at least has a look to it. I thought both Andor and Ahsoka had a better looking world.

As for any claims of racism, yeah, it’s Big big big money to be racist against whites. It’s effortless to back this up with receipts. DEI is all about vampire squid bankers funding hate against white people. Also, Universities are offered GRANTS to prove that whites are racist. Grants are Millions of dollars in Free money! With inflation destroying everyone’s lives, you’d be a fool NOT to take the free money and call whites racist.

The NSF is offering LSU millions of dollars for that very thing right now, which is why when Amandla says it, she would have said it regardless because it’s in her history and it’s in her brand since she starred in The Hate U Give. She’s be perfect for a role in DustBorn for that very reason. Her very job is to stir up hate for her shyster masters.

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