One of the most iconic anime properties of all time is about to return to the forefront of the medium in a whole new way. Ahead of the upcoming live-action adaptation of Akira, which will be directed by Thor: Ragnarok’s Taika Waititi, series creator Katsuhiro Otomo has announced at the Anime Exp...
Read MoreCastlevania producer Adi Shankar has added a new entry to his bootleg universe, this time focusing on the 90s phenomenon Pokémon. The franchise has experienced a resurgence in recent years thanks to Pokémon Go and the recently released Detective Pikachu. The Shankar-produced fan film, entitled The...
Read MoreDragon Ball Z is a show that has been a part of my life for over 20 years. I remember seeing commercials for the beginnings of the Namek Saga and being so excited that there was a cartoon set in space. Previously, I had watched the original Star Wars trilogy on repeat and desperately wanted …...
Read MoreGrowing up, I wasn’t exposed to anime like some people my age were. During my formative years, we only had cable during football season, and I watched a lot of PBS. I knew that Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z were things that existed, but that was about the extent of my knowledge. I only say … <...
Read MoreBrian K. Vaughn is about to get lost in a whole new saga for Legendary Pictures. Deadline reports that the famed comic book and TV writer, who has an overall deal with the Universal-based studio, has signed on to write the long-in-development Gundam adaptation. Based on the iconic manga from Yoshiyu...
Read MoreWho do you call when you want some cheese and pepperoni in your life? The Samurai Pizza Cats, of course! In the early ’90s, a trio of mechanoid feline fighters became the favorite heroes of many afternoon anime aficionados. Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book is the ultimate celebrati...
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