Category: Comics

Alterna Comics’ Owner Peter Simeti Swatted on a Livestream

The so-called “cultural war” on the internet is getting worse, and extremely dangerous. On February 13, Peter Simeti was livestreaming about comics at the 1st Print Comics channel. Suddenly, mid-broadcast, he was held at gunpoint by a SWAT team. According to Peter’s Twitter, someo...

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Friday Flash Facts: The Great Race!

The “who is *insert quantifiable comparative trait here*” debate is nearly as old as comic books themselves. Young boys and girls, and adults alike have long participated in back-and-forth discussions over which of their favorite comic book heroes would win over another in an all-out fight, and ...

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A Suicide Bomber Sits in the Library Graphic Novel Censored Through Twitter SJW Activism, CBLDF Stays Quiet

Abrams canceled the publication of a graphic novel on its ComicsArts list, A Suicide Bomber Sits in the Library by Jack Gantos (author of Rotten Ralph) and Dave McKean (illustrator better known for his Sandman covers) after the backlash it received from SJWs on Twitter because of its subject matter;...

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Friday Flash Facts: Flashes in Crisis

There is a prevailing phrase known among DC Comics fans for what seems like decades now: “You can’t have a Crisis without a Flash.” Since the series’ first season on the CW network, The Flash has been hinting towards a truly apocalyptic event dwarfing anything that has preceded it. This even...

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Ethan Van Sciver Departs Comicsgate

While Comicsgate – as an idea and as a mindset – has been around for much longer, the movement didn’t begin gaining real traction until 2017. What is Comicsgate? For those not yet educated in the matter, Comicsgate is a consumer-driven movement in retaliation to the prevailing practices within...

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Stan Lee: Remembering a Titan

If there is one name in comics that you could bring up to virtually anyone, it’s Stan Lee. Let’s just be frank here; the man is a true legend, and although there are numerous creators through the Golden and Silver ages of comics that have contributed (in no small way) to the universes we all &he...

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