Category: Comics

Why is the Comics Direct Market so Important Anyway?

For almost a century, North American comic books have been released through business models which have – historically – made the entire medium be regarded by the general consensus as “cheap, disposable entertainment.” Even in modern times, the current direct market model, distributed...

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Friday Flash Facts: The Speed Force

Anyone who knows anything about the DC universe knows that most of their speedsters derive their Mercurian speed from the all-encompassing energies of the mystical and omnipresent Speed Force. It is viewed as a representation of the concept of reality in motion, and while it has been a part of the F...

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Friday Flash Facts: Wallace “Wally” West (II)

Introduced in DC’s New 52 continuity with Flash Annual #3 in 2014, Wallace “Wally” West (II) is the newest addition to the main Flash Family. The New 52 relaunch of the DCU had in large part retconned many well-known characters that were staple members of the speedster family and c...

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Friday Flash Facts: Bart Allen

Born to Don Allen, one of the Tornado Twins, and his wife Meloni, daughter of President Thawne, in the 30th Century, Bart Allen is the grandson of Barry Allen and is the second Kid Flash and (albeit for a very brief run) the fourth Flash. Bart Allen has also served on more teams than most … <...

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Comic Books for Young Readers

When one looks at the astronomical success of big-screen superhero movies and television series, it stands to reason that flocks of young boys and girls across the country having a growing interest in looking into the source material for their favorite caped (or not caped) crusaders would be concomi...

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Friday Flash Facts: Wally West

 In 1960, DC comics wanted to capitalize on the overnight success of young sidekicks like young Dick Grayson, and as a result, we got who was likely the next most successful young ward, Kid Flash, in The Flash #110. Wally West, created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, was relatable in a way ma...

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