Category: Movies

Putting the Super Back in Superhero

One of the most appealing things about superheroes is the element of fantasy; they are, essentially, wish fulfillment, vehicles through which downtrodden, imperfect people like us can imagine having the ability to right all the wrongs in our lives, to save the day while making ourselves a little hap...

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Fate of Star Wars Story Films in Doubt

The fate of the Star Wars Story films seems to have gotten a little murkier. In response to Collider’s exclusive that Lucasfilm was shelving the prequel spinoffs, ABC has heard from sources of its own that that information was “inaccurate” and that “multiple Star Wars films” that “have n...

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Future Star Wars Story Films On Hold

The aftermath of Solo: A Star Wars Story’s failure grows as Collider reports that Lucasfilm has shelved plans for future installments in the Star Wars Story anthology series, meaning that both the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett entries, which have gotten much press of late, appear to be off the tabl...

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The Incredibles vs. Incredibles 2

As I’ve mentioned on a couple of occasions, The Incredibles is my favorite movie ever and I was more than a little excited about the new sequel. I’ve seen Incredibles 2 twice now and have been thinking about it nonstop since Thursday night. As I mentioned in my review, a couple of things did bot...

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You Should Be Watching – Alice: Through the Looking Glass

“Everyone parts with everything eventually, my dear.” The first in a new line of live-action remakes from Disney, Alice Wonderland opened in 2010 to tremendous financial success and mixed critical reviews. I remember seeing the characters on pencil cases, bookbags, clothing and more when the mov...

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Halloween (2018) Gets An Intense First Trailer

I’m a huge fan of the Halloween franchise, and have been since I got over my childhood fear of the Shape. I’ve seen every film in the series multiple times each; I’ve suffered through the worst of the franchise and soared with the best of them (post-release, obviously). When it was announced t...

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