Today saw the release of a full trailer for Paddington in Peru, the third installment in the Paddington film series from Sony. This film follows anthropomorphic bear Paddington (Ben Whishaw) and the Brown family to Peru in search of Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton) after she goes missing. The returning...
Read MoreThe Wayans Brothers are ready to make Scary Movie great again. The comedy family – which consists of Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans, Keenan Ivory Wayans, and although he isn’t usually included in the team with his brothers and has nothing to do with these films, Damon Wayans – is returning to th...
Read MoreWhat’s up, Geeks + Gamers? It’s ODIN! Venom: The Last Dance Has Franchise-Worst Opening The state of the box office continues to show why the massive hits from the summer were not a good indication that the box office was on the mend or back to the pre-COVID times. This weekend, it is most appa...
Read MoreYou’re not going to believe this, but a Star Wars movie is in trouble again. This time, it’s the one centered on Rey, the lead character of the sequel trilogy played by Daisy Ridley, which is rumored to be titled Star Wars: New Jedi Order. The film was announced in April 2023 at that year’s�...
Read MoreThe sequels are coming, and there’s no end in sight. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, 20th Century Studios president Steve Asbell talked about some upcoming big franchise sequels the studio – which was once 20th Century Fox – will produce now that they’ve had some huge successe...
Read MoreThe Daywalker seems doomed at this point. According to Deadline, Disney has removed the Blade reboot from its 2025 release schedule, with its November 7 release date now going to Predator: Badlands, which is the next attempt to diminish Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1987 triumph over the intergalactic...
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