In the wake of several exciting announcements at Comic-Con this weekend, DC animation fans should stay whelmed for another season of Young Justice. The show, which centers on a plethora of DC sidekicks, received new life last year courtesy of DC’s streaming service, DC Universe, after fans campaig...
Read MoreIt may have taken more than five years this time, but Brandon Routh’s Superman has finally returned, though not in the way anybody expected. Before its Comic-Con reveal, Deadline reported that the Legends of Tomorrow star will finally don the red cape once more after having portrayed the tit...
Read MoreBarry Allen isn’t one to be left in the dust, as Comic-Con saw the debut of the trailer for season 6 of The Flash. Much more focused on the story ahead than the Arrow trailer, plenty of new footage is shown, as Barry and his team are bedeviled by a hero-hating scientist played by former … <...
Read MoreAmong a slew of other trailers and announcements at Comic-Con, HBO’s panel has released the first trailer for Westworld’s long-awaited third season. You can see the Westworld season 3 trailer here: There’s a lot to unpack here, and I’m sure some theories are bound to pop up, which is par for...
Read MoreThe CW aimed for the bullseye as they unveiled an Arrow season 8 trailer at Comic-Con; whether they hit it is open to debate. Season 8 will be the final season for the show that started the Arrowverse, a TV superhero franchise based on DC Comics characters that now includes The Flash, Supergirl, Leg...
Read MoreCBS made it so at Comic-Con today when they released the full trailer for the latest series in the long-running science-fiction franchise, Star Trek: Picard. The plot of the new show has been a mystery (and the teaser, which took place in a vineyard, didn’t exactly get people’s hearts pumping), ...
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