Category: Television

Rick and Morty: Top 5 Rick AND Morty Episodes

The last of the three Rick and Morty Top 5 lists focuses on both Rick and Morty, discussing the episodes that most impact the two lead characters, their world, and their story. These are the big ones, episodes heavily steeped in continuity, where what we thought we knew about Rick and Morty (and Ric...

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Netflix Moves Up Ad-Supported Launch Date

Netflix has moved the expected launch date for its cheaper, ad-supported plan up to November. The release was initially planned for early 2023, but Netflix wants to beat Disney+ into the with-ads market. Netflix projects a userbase of 500,000 for the ad-supported version by the end of this year. Net...

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Rick and Morty: Top 5 Morty Episodes

Okay, it was probably easy to guess what the second Rick and Morty list would be. Morty Smith is almost designed to be a commentary on himself. He’ll never be the most popular character, and while Rick and Morty function as a unit, it’s Rick that brings people to the show. But Morty is much &hel...

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Rings of Power Reviews Suspended

Following a rotten score of 37% on Rotten Tomatoes and allegations of “review bombing,” Amazon Prime has disabled ratings for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The show’s two-part premiere just dropped today, but the hype surrounding it has been negative from the start. The suspension...

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Rick and Morty: Top 5 Rick Episodes

A new season of Rick and Morty is upon us, and it feels like the perfect opportunity for me to talk about this show at length. I only became a Rick and Morty fan a year ago after a friend suggested I try it. Since then, I’ve watched the series all the way through a …

The Dragon Prince Releases “Whiplash” Clip

This Wednesday, Netflix shared a clip from the upcoming Dragon Prince season 4. The clip is called “Whiplash” and shows General Amaya fighting off an ambushing party of what appear to be sun elves. The previous videos have shown Viren awakening after being revived by Claudia, Callum exp...

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