Category: Movie Reviews

REVIEW: Klaus (2019)

On Friday, November 15th, Netflix released its first-ever produced animated film. Netflix is no stranger to animation, having distributed many movies and TV shows, but this was the first time they financed a film. The movie, Klaus, was done by Spanish director Sergio Pablos at his studio Sergio Pabl...

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A Decade of Disney – 2010-2019: Tangled (2010)

Virginia: Hello, and welcome back to a Decade of Disney, where we’re chronicling the past 10 years of Disney animation leading up to next week’s release of Frozen II. Today, we’ll be discussing 2010’s Tangled, one of my all-time favorite films. Personally, although I know Disney is a big, sc...

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REVIEW: Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

Terminator: Dark Fate is the most recent attempt to make Terminator a true franchise. The film follows a soldier from the future, Grace, as she attempts to protect a young girl named Daniella from a new kind of Terminator while a new evil AI looms overhead. I know a lot of people were not looking &h...

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REVIEW: Doctor Sleep (2019)

Crafting a sequel to one of the best and most beloved horror stories that ever was is a daunting prospect. The Shining is considered one of the scariest movies and books of all time, and while the novel is relatively straightforward, the film is full of ambiguity, and many of the ghostly happenings ...

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REVIEW: Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)

When Disney announced production on a sequel to 2014’s Maleficent, I was confused and a bit annoyed. I’ve always loved 1959’s Sleeping Beauty, a tremendous feat of animation and filmmaking. Trailers and marketing material for Maleficent put me off by eschewing a lot of what made the animated c...

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REVIEW: Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot is a movie made specifically for Kevin Smith’s fans. Whereas anyone can watch Clerks through Dogma with no knowledge of the films that came before (Clerks II requires at least having seen the first Clerks), Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and now the newest entry in the Je...

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