Never let it be said that Barry Allen can’t pull off a miracle. “It’s My Party and I’ll Die if I Want To” (the URL for this review is gonna be huge) is not only a return to form after two-thirds of a disappointing final season; it’s a sensational episode, packed with character developmen...
Read MoreWith “Of Sound Mind,” Superman & Lois has officially become a CW show – or, more accurately, a Greg Berlanti show after the veil has been removed. It’s no longer about showing Superman in a positive light, talking about his virtues and why he still matters. He’s become a punching bag, ...
Read MoreThis weekend saw the release of Chevalier, the latest musician biopic. This time, the gimmick is that it’s a period piece telling the lost life story of a black classical musician and composer. I didn’t know anything about Chevalier; when I first heard the title, I assumed it referred to...
Read MoreEvil Dead Rise is a couch potato of a movie. It sits there like a lump, never moving, never surprising, preferring not to think, tuning in to reruns so it can clap in all the expected places. In real life, I have great respect for the couch potato; in cinema, I’d prefer the filmmakers to … ...
Read MoreIt’s the season finale of The Mandalorian, and this show has a lot to prove and explain in 40 minutes. Can it be done? Let’s find out! ***SPOILERS*** “The Return” sees Bo-Katan’s forces evacuating as an escaped Din Djarin and Grogu pursue Moff Gideon. Bo-Katan contacts Axe Woves to warn hi...
Read MoreThe Pope’s Exorcist makes me hate Thor: Love and Thunder even more. This is the Russell Crowe we love, the one who’s always the best thing about a movie, who brings gravitas and complexity, joy and pain, doubt and resolve to the characters he plays. Casting him as Zeus was a masterstroke; for Ta...
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