Much like previous episodes of Arrow this season, “Prochnost” is an homage to season 5, specifically the flashback portion of that season. Over the course of the first few seasons of the show, this was a storyline for which Arrow fans had been clamoring, so I’m glad to see Oliver’s p...
Read MoreThe Flash doing a James Bond homage should be right up my alley, but “License to Elongate” left me cold. Not nearly as funny or clever as it thinks it is, this week’s episode is a snooze that does almost nothing to further the plot or develop the characters. It doesn’t even get the reference...
Read More“Little Fear of Lightning” suggests that Watchmen’s best episodes will be the ones that aren’t focused on Angela Abar. This week puts Looking Glass under the… let’s got with “microscope,” and manages to be a marked improvement over the previous installment, and even a little better t...
Read More*SPOILERS* “Chapter Two: The Child” opens with the Mandalorian escorting the baby from the previous episode out of the compound. He’s attacked by a group of aliens, but easily defeats them. Later, by a campfire, the child reaches out to him, but he puts him back in his carrier. He sees a t...
Read MoreIt’s always bittersweet when a season of American Horror Story ends. We finally get all the answers to various questions introduced throughout, which can be really gratifying. But then it’s almost a whole year before the show returns, and we say goodbye to the season’s new characters. Going ...
Read MoreTo say the Disney+ series The Mandalorian was highly anticipated would be an understatement. To be honest, with the state of Star Wars being what it is, I haven’t really been looking forward to it; I wasn’t even sure if I was going to watch it at all. In spite of the impressive talent involved &...
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