Things have looked grim for Star City’s heroes throughout the first leg of Arrow season 7, but “Due Process” puts a light at the end of Oliver Queen’s very dark tunnel. In furthering the season’s themes, it also offers hope to some other Team Arrow members dallying with the dark side, as w...
Read More*Spoilers* In “Synara’s Score,” Yeager receives a message from Doza that pirates will be attacking soon. Yeager tasks Neeku with staying in the shop working all day and sends Tam and Kaz to get a tracker chip. After being unable to find it affordably, Kaz asks Synara for help findi...
Read More*Spoilers* “All Doll’d Up,” this week’s episode of The Flash, is a family affair, centering around Barry and Iris being at odds with their daughter, Nora, after the prior episode’s revelation of Iris using a power inhibitor on her in the future. Nora’s anger was only stoked f...
Read More*Spoilers* In “Apocalypse Then,” Myrtle arrives at Mutt and Jeff’s headquarters to meet them. Ms. Venable tries to stop her because she doesn’t have an appointment, but Myrtle works her magic to get past her. She does a similar trick on Mutt and Jeff, telling them to sell spots in Ou...
Read More*Spoilers* Inmate 4587, Oliver Queen, has gone down the rabbit hole into Slabside Prison’s infamous Level Two. The results of having done so are his coming face-to-face with Dr. Parker (Diet Hugo Strange), whose goal is to rewrite Ollie’s brain and turn him docile, no longer holding “violent t...
Read More*Spoilers* This week on Resistance, Yeager wakes Kaz up, despite his protestations. Kaz tries to make a cup of what looks like coffee, but can’t operate the maker, and Tam has to do it for him. Yeager meets up with Poe, who congratulates Kaz on a job well done and gifts him an X-wing ship. &he...
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