Category: Trending

Jeremy Makes a Mistake, Still Ratios G4

So, Ryan and Drunk 3PO might be fired. I’m kidding, but they did get Jeremy into a quagmire (which he somehow managed to navigate). Three days ago, G4TV – sworn enemy of male gamers everywhere – tweeted an image asking their followers to name the best villain of all time. Above the image, they...

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Ezra Miller Nightmare Gets Worse

Remember when Ezra Miller’s twisted story got to the point where he was accused of grooming a twelve-year-old child into adulthood, physically and psychologically abusing her, and estranging her from her family? It gets worse. The girl’s parents have obtained an order of protection for Tokata Ir...

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Ezra Miller Accused of Manipulating and Grooming an Underage Girl

Ezra Miller is in trouble again. After a string of assault accusations, a couple belonging to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe is claiming Miller has essentially brainwashed their teenage daughter and “taken control” of her with “cult-like psychological manipulation” using “violence, intimida...

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Hypocrisy at Its Finest: Mark Ruffalo Sued Over Toxins

With the defamation lawsuit of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard dominating the headlines, the latest news from Mark Ruffalo has gone by quietly. TMZ has recently reported that Mark Ruffalo and HBO are currently being sued by an upstate New York car dealership. The Ellenville dealership was used as a...

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Geeks + Gamers’ Jeremy Gets Hate for Criticizing Kenobi

Following criticism of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Geeks + Gamers’ own Jeremy talked about the reactions in a video, particularly Ewan McGregor’s response to alleged racist comments. This led to the usual Twitter backlash, with one particularly fervent poster suggesting that he deserves to die for e...

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Did Jason Momoa Testify at Depp-Heard Trial?

If the news media were hoping to hold onto a shred of their credibility, The Los Angeles Times has now made that all but impossible. In yet another piece attempting to cast Depp’s victory as a tragic blow against all women since Joan of Arc, The L.A. Times included a paragraph detailing video test...

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