It looks like Bautista is trading Marvel for the desert. Deadline exclusively reports the wrestler-turned-actor has signed on to Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve’s upcoming Dune adaptation. When this project was first announced, to say I was excited would be an understatement. I had loved the SyFy channel adaptions of the story (to this day I think Alec Newman doesn’t get enough credit in Hollywood), and I have been enjoying binge-reading all the Dune books on my shelf, having bought each one as they came out. Needless to say, when the movie finally got some forward momentum, I immediately moved back to Arrakis and have yet to leave. With the likes of Timothée Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson already on board, throwing Bautista into the mix only adds to the intrigue. While his role is under wraps, I can’t help but want to see him as Baron Harkonnen. Yes, I know that might be blasphemous to some, and I’m sure most people would say he’d make a better Mentat, but I think the actor has enough experience now to play the main villain.
After Blade Runner 2049 underperformed at the box office, I was worried this film was going to return to the dreaded development hell, so I was pleased to see progress being made over the last several months. If there’s any book that deserves to make it to the big screen (albeit for the second time), it’s Dune. I’m glad Hollywood is no longer sitting on what is destined to be a significant money maker for the studios; I just hope they talk to Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert, associate producers of the film and, more importantly, authors of the continuation novels. I’m sure they have some insight that will be useful to the producers.
Does Bautista joining Dune excite you, or are you still skeptical? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to Geeks + Gamers for all your Dune news!!!!